Zwave binding - alarm_general

Ok thanks !

Here are the two files in the PR #1850 (needed to change the java file to text for uploading). Again could be changes or issues, but we’ll see.
channels.xml (55.4 KB) (29.8 KB)

Separately I also proposed documentation for the ZWave DB blog (again this is a draft). There are channels that do not seem to be triggered by any events (alarm_general is one of them).
alarm-channel-mapping.pdf (508.0 KB)

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I can see its already been merged - good stuff!

Regarding the addition to the docs, it makes perfect sense, and at least I, can easily follow what it says. There is one aspect I would add, which is the fact that older devices that use older versions of the alarm command class still do make use of the alarm_general channel to trigger an event.

This might be a silly question, but when you test this out, what is the procedure?

Clone the binding from github, do the changes, compile it with VSC, and run the jar in OH to see if it works?

I have had many, many struggles with github and am learning java by copying similar looking code and a lot of google, but looking back here is an outline. Sign up for github; fork the zwave binding; get github desktop (windows for me)- clone locally: Use VSC for editing (aside: VSC catches Java errors, even across classes): Download Maven: From the directory with the POM (run mvn clean install) (maven also catches errors). “Magic happens” If all goes well the new jar is in the target directory.

For this testing I also needed to edit the resources/OH-INF/thing/zooz/ZSE44_0_0.xml to match the new channels created in the java files. They need to be added to the DB.

I could never determine this. I searched most likely classes for any reference to “alarm_general” Where did you find it?

In the same boat - but I’ve got Github desktop working and setup VSC as well as maven, and compiled a jar.
I did run into 2 issues though, as there are a few changes I’d like to make to the AlarmConverter.
When I clone the repo and edit it with VSC there are some files that I’ve never touched that are also changed, and if I try and .gitignore them, they are still pushed to my cloud repo, and if I then try and make a PR github wants those files merged as well. When you clone the repo locally, do you also have a few other files that are changed, .project, .classpath, and a long filename that ends with .md - with content of some dimmers and switches.

The second issue is when trying to make a PR, I need to sign off, but to edit the file I wanted, I did it straight in github, to get around only editing the single AlarmConverter file I wanted to change.
After not signing off, I tried editing the comment and type in manually " Signed-off-by: " but it still does not pass the check. Are the names and mails cross-referenced anywhere, eg. with what is in the github profile (as my name is empty, and the email i used is not in the profile)?

I didn’t find it in the binding code, but I did see that at least 1 of my devices uses an alarm_general which I know works. I’m “out of office” for some weeks, but can check up on that once I get back, if need be.


The alarm is on all the time, but this is not surprising since the sensor is not in alarm mode:


Yes. There is probably a smarter way. Everytime I edit in VSC I get the .classpath and .project files. After I close VSC I delete them before I commit or compile. The .md file file started appearing a couple of weeks ago. I think there was a database update and a file renaming, and github in its wisdom can’t seem to get forget both. I have tried everything I can think. For the latest PR that was merged I simply unchecked it and it worked. On my other PR for the 700 controller it tagged along. I’ve been thinking about redoing that with the unchecking idea.

I’ve had trouble with this too. It has to look exactly like this

if the email turns to a hyper link it won’t work.

Thanks @anon71759204 ! I see that device is Alarm V1 I’ll make an adjustment to the proposed blog document.

Glad to know its normal with the other edits.

I’m still having issues trying to create a PR that is not blocked - do you write your sign-offs manually in the PR, and do you have your name and email match what is on the account?

I’m still doing manual or cut and paste. I don’t know if this will help
signoff 2

And is the information you provide matched against what is in your github acount, name and email?




Thanks for your insight - after about 4 hours and 10+ attempts I think I have this figured out :grin:

So if using the built in editor on the github website, I can make simple changes to the files. Then when making the COMMIT you sign off like you said. (I was trying every possible combination, but in the comments of the PR… :rofl:)
If you have no name in your github profile, and you have your email set to private in the settings, then the author is your github account name, and your email is an autogenerated one, which is stated in your github account. If you have set a name in your profile that is your author name, and if you have not set your email as private, then whichever mail you have set up in github is what you write.
In the OH docs they do state that your real name has to be used, and also the autogenerated github mails also can not be used, however whether this is actually enforced by the repo owners of the bindings I do not know.
So for now I have set my name and email, and can always return it to being anonymous if I chose so.
Mystery solved.

@apella12 @anon71759204 @chris
Thanks alot gentlemen for your help in getting me going with contributing to the zwave part of OH, appreciate your time and effort, now and with all you’ve done in making everything work!


I had a very quick look a few minutes ago on my phone and I think it’s ok, but want to check a few things before merging. I’m currently on a flight that’s about to land at LAX so will look at this in a day or two…

No worries mate, all good things come to those who wait.

With the help of the 2 others I’ve compiled this in a new jar and running it locally.

Enjoy the flight, and L.A!! :star_struck:

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