Hi, I’m running the latest version of openhab with the zwave binding connected to the device /dev/ttyACM0 and I want to try in parallel also an instance of home assistant with zwave. Can two processes read and use concurrently/dev/ttyACM0 ?
Short answer: No!
The OS prevents 2 services accessing the same serial device.
A possible option (that I have not tried) is to use Zwave-js as the interface to the Zstick. ZUI sends messages to MQTT that can be used with OH and HA. Obviously only one should be sending commands at a time. My guide for OH with Zwave-js is here. Zwave-JS-UI in place of OH Zwave binding - Tutorials & Examples / openHAB Stories - openHAB Community. I’ve never used HA, but know that they use zwave-js for their zwave needs.
Can confirm, using zwavejs2mqtt lets both HA and OH see and use the same devices. As noted, weird things can happen if you try to control from both at the same time so it’s best to use one or the other as the main control interface so you don’t have anything like rules on both trying to act on the same device at the same time.