[SOLVED] ZWave Binding - Openhab 2.4

After upgrade OH from 2.3 to 2.4 ZWave Binding stopped to work.
OH see the USB stick (Z-Wave Serial Controller is ONLINE), but not the rollershutter (INITIALIZING).

These commands doesn’t helped me:

# sudo adduser openhab dialout
# sudo adduser openhab tty

# vi /etc/default/openhab2

What’s wrong?

Did you also remove all zwave things and re-add them its part of the upgrade path due to major changes that took place in the binding.

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Done. Restarted OH. Now works. Thanks!

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Do you have a pointer to this task? Remove them all? Delete the things files?, Delete in paperui, or delete jsondb entries?

This was part of the announcement by @chris

ZWave binding updates

I believe just removing them via PaperUI is all that is required, also worth knowing it is now possible to use the zwave 2.x binding and a things file for those that don’t want to set all of them back up via PaperUI. May not hurt to learn how to accomplish that since you have to remove them all anyway.

Deleted all zwave things and re-added via paperui