ZWave binding updates

@chris Is using daily zwave heal safe/working as expected in 2.5.8 ?

You will be fine with changed. You’re also probably only concerned with when the Thing goes to OFFLINE, which would simplify things.

The core.rules.rule decorator creates the log attribute for you.

It would be found and executed anywhere under /automation/jsr223/. The directory you stated uses the directory structure that I have recommended for use with the helper libraries.

    zwave_thing_alert.log.warn("things.get(event.thingUID).properties: {}".format(things.get(event.thingUID).properties))

This returns a java.util.Collections.unmodifiableMap(), not a dict. So, you’ll need to use the Map methods.

    zwave_thing_alert.log.warn("things.get(event.thingUID).properties.get(\"modelId\"): {}".format(things.get(event.thingUID).properties.get("modelId")))

You are using Jython, so you can use and access Java classes, interfaces, etc. One of the methods for Map is get, which makes it very easy to think you are dealing with a dict. To be sure of what type of object you are dealing with, just use type

    zwave_thing_alert.log.warn("type(things.get(event.thingUID).properties): {}".format(type(things.get(event.thingUID).properties)))
2020-08-24 17:44:00.878 [WARN ] [jython.Alert: Z-Wave Thing] - type(things.get(event.thingUID).properties): <type 'java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableMap'>
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The last answer in this thread was a long time ago, but I think my question still fits best here.
I have been using openHAB with pleasure for a few years and have built up an extensive Z-Wave network, among other things.
With reference to the headline, however, I have the following question: Is there still (or will be) any kind of development for Z-Wave binding or is this binding slowly dying in openHAB ?
Unfortunately, I have not been able to find any news for some time.
So, what is the future of Z-Wave in openHAB ?

Best regards …

@chris : a month has now passed without a reply - so just mention you. I guess you don’t read here anymore. Please, would you mind giving a short answer to my question, so that people know how zwave is developing - or could develop within openhab ?
Thank you :slight_smile:


I can’t answer for @chris , but personally i would not classify the binding as dying at all, you can see it gets regular updates for devices:
That being said, the binding itself is in a mature state, which means less core changes are needed for day to day operations, in addition the z-wave specification has not changed for some time (most vendors are focusing on matter) , so again , less changes are needed for it.

IDK… PR from Bob to add 700 series controller been sitting there since Feb

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