ZWave: COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_BINARY for endpoint 2 not found


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2,5 will be released at the end of this year. If you mean you are on 2.4 then the changes I mentioned are needed. You likely need to manually delete the bindings from yer addon folder first though and install the zwave binding after upgrading,

Yep, thx @Bruce_Osborn, that’s what I am gonna do now: deleting the binding via UI (paper ui or habmin) and then manually add it to the add-ons folder.

Then deleting the switches, search via inbox, adding them and pray it works and does not make my world worse :wink:

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Praying didn’t help unfortunately as I get an unresolved dependency

org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Could not resolve module: org.openhab.binding.zwave [253]
Unresolved requirement: Import-Package: com.thoughtworks.xstream; version="[1.4.0,2.0.0)"

What is the best way to resolve that?

That is why I use Scott’s script. I believe the README has manual installation instructions.

Ok, thanks,

for those like me who will be struggling a bit with the script from Zigbee and Z-Wave manual install script, here are the “solution”.

  • Even though you can copy it to the samba shared folder, if you then ssh into the server, do not go to /srv/openhab2-addons/ but be sure that you go to /usr/share/openhab2/addons

  • There seem to be some minor bash incompatibilities that lead to missing string functions like “lower” and “title”. So instead of using what has been documented in the Readme, use the following instead

    bash ./ --ACTION zwave --ZWAVE_VERSION Development

@Bruce_Osborne I am on now
@sihui I will now go on with the research and keep you two posted.

A big thanks / hug so far for the support!

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I just use bash ./ and answer the menu questions. I have opened an issue because the script fails to uninstall the binding from 2.5M4.

No luck today even with the latest binding!

Same result:
2019-11-03 12:51:13.332 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - NODE 40: Command received zwave:device:77371ce0:node40:switch_binary2 --> ON [OnOffType]
2019-11-03 12:51:13.348 [DEBUG] [converter.ZWaveBinarySwitchConverter] - NODE 40: Command class class COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_BINARY for endpoint 2 not found
2019-11-03 12:51:13.360 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - NODE 40: No messages returned from converter

I then manually clicked the switch on the wall and filled the logs to @chris 's log viewer which outputs the following:

Looks to me like a security thing? What do you think?

Is too old from you perspective?
@Bruce_Osborne Should I try your approach to at least get to M3?

That binding version is almost a year old, why did you not upgrade to the latest?

Because you forced me :grinning: I missed my daily nap and upgraded to Snapshot #1738.
Deleted all things and re-added them: everything is working fine.

I have never included any devices securely so cannot comment on that.
With the latest binding from today the FGS223 are working fine, though.

Ahh, now I get it: you deleted the controller, correct?
You need to have the old network security key from your controller:


If you did not save that in a backup you are out of luck and need to reinclude all of your securely included devices.

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The version you told me has dependency issues which is why I
used the script that @Bruce_Osborne gave me and it installed that version. :frowning:

The script installs the latest version from today, so you did something wrong.

Where would that backup be?

I don’t know where you keep your backups :grinning:

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Unfortunately it has gotten worse now :cry:

I tried to install the development version.

I have only installed the snapshot binding.
I believe the development option is only used when working with Chris to troubleshoot an issue where he makes a binding outside the normal build system. Since there currently is no such version, the script times out.
If you do not show a zwave binding installed you may need to choose the Snapshot binding again.

How is that a year old? 2.5 did not exist a year ago and the version starts with 2019. Here is the version in installed yesterday, IIRC.
235 x Active x 80 x x openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: ZWave Binding

With the script and the menu driven way I got the (was

So, I should be good now at least at that point.

@sihui If I found the backup where would I find the secret in that backup? Any idea?
20190120 means 20th of January 2019. For me that is almost a year :grinning:

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