ZWave Controller Offline After Reboot

That is just a sequentiel build number. I am talking about the snapshot version number.

Ok, thanks a lot.
For that I would have to update my complete installation to 2.5. There are jsr223 changes from 2.4 -> 2.5 and currently I just donā€™t have the time for such an upgrade.
Basically it means that on 2.4 stable with a 2.5 zwave binding the workaround as shown above is still needed.

Yes, when I remember correctly that change was made to the core.

Which changes are you referring to? The helper libraries are backwards compatible with 2.4, except for a couple function name changes.

There has been a major rewrite of the javascript/python helper libraries. I am sitting on a couple of thousand lines of javascript code. Basically a much extended Hue binding implementation in javascript supporting RGBW colormixing (i.e. combining RGB and White led strips) to interface hue with the zwave light switch actors.
I have to upgrade the helper libraries from 2.4 to 2.5, change a ton of includes and by try-and-error have to derive the changes and adapt the code. With a family, a handicapped family-member and a demanding job I need to find some quality time for such an exercise. I expect roughly 16 hours for that exercise. Add to that that there might be other changes to other bindings from 2.4 to 2.5 which add to the resource usage.
I really like OpenHab. But it is currently a system for nerds with no other hobbies or worries - if you like to follow the development. This is due to the topic - home automation outside the knx universe has years to go before a standard will evolve. Understood. But there are times when I just want a working homeautomation and some rest without drama because dadā€™s working on the home-automation and the lights arenā€™t working.

Yesā€¦ I am very aware of it :wink:! Iā€™ve done everything I could to maintain backwards compatibility, which is why I was interested in hearing what your hesitation was in upgrading.

Since being added, the functionality of the JS libraries is still being brought up to the level of the Jython libraries, but they should still be backwards compatibleā€¦ so just new features added. Maybe you are referring to the changes that were made to the JS library names and directory structure when they were brought into the helper library repo.

As for breaking changes in automation between 2.4 and 2.5, nothing comes to mind other than the package name changes made in OH core for the ESH reintegration. There will be more of these in the OH3 release. You may need to account for these in your scripts, but the libraries are written in a way to work with either the old or new package names. The Jython libraries only had some name changes to a couple functions that occurred since 2.4.

That is harsh, quite offensive, and very inaccurateā€¦ so good luck to you!


Please accept my excuses for how the feedback resonated with you. I wanted to give an open and undisturbed feedback. Homeautomation is a nerd hobby if you arenā€™t rich and can afford to spend ā‚¬30k to ā‚¬50k for a typical installation - that is what companies in my area quote. And this is only for newly build homes and appartments. Consequently OpenHab is a nerd hobby as well. Same applies to Fibaro, Vera and the others if you get into scripting. Not to talk about hardware integration. I for myself took an educated decision to use OpenHab. And I really like it. But upgrading has been an issue in the past and installation is another topic. Security is non-existent in the whole home-automation universe. Even Philips doesnā€™t get it right - Hereā€™s my post on how to secure the Hue hub using nginx.
Would I recommend home automation currently to my family, friends or colleagues?. I am working in the insurance industry as an actuary in non IT environment. The answer is no since nobody would be willing to invest into the necessary learning curve.