Zwave Fibaro Smoke sensor / state change during regular wakeup

Sorry - I’ve no idea. I’d really need to see the debug log to see what the cause was…

Sounds just like my issue here: Contact items switching from CLOSED to OPEN on their own

Yes, this sounds similar.

I changed the state for one of the two sensors manually to OFF, and until now knockonwood the state stays OFF. When I come home this evening, I will have a look if there was a wakeup in the meantime.

It might be related - but I’m a fan of having a log, or some other information on which to draw a conclusion ;). It’s too easy to say something is the same just because it has similar symptoms…

@jaydee73 A log would be useful if you can get one (no hurry :wink: ).

I just checked and realized that currently it seems to be ok. Self-healing :smirk:. Like a car which starts working when being at the mechanic.
I check the behaviour tonight an send you the complete trace log when I can recreate the issue.

Sorry @mrohmann, but what are you talking about? Haven’t seen anything else in this thread from you. Is this related to the initial issue described in this thread?

sorry man, posted - or at least i intented to - the same issue 2 weeks ago and while searching for it i just thought that it would be this one. but i can confirm that i observed the same behavior as described here. as i have wrote before currently it’s working. sorry for confusing you

2 days ago.
see the last post on this thread…

Interesting! And is it working again? For me it seems to work now. One device woke up an hour ago and I haven’t got new alarm messages. But I will continue monitoring this closely.

@chris: Manuel posted a DEBUG log in the thread he linked above. Might you have a look what caused this? At least now we are two with exactly the same issue on the same device.

the log posted on the other thread looks to come from a slightly older binding. It is still processing event 254 which I added a check for last weekend…

Will do so. Responding here in case I observe the isssue again.

Hi @chris,

unfortunately, the issue still persists. I got the alarm triggered from both sensors last night. Again, it happened during the regular wakeup. The first one (node 8) triggered at 02:12 (2017/01/12) in the night, the other one (node 13) at 06:16 in the morning.

I am using this version of OH2:

2.0.0~20170108170225 (Jan 08, 2017)

Here is the full debug log: (481.6 KB)

If it’s the same issue and you fixed it (as you said) already last weekend, my OH2 version should already have this fix, shouldn’t it?

Thanks for help! And enjoy India! :slight_smile:

Thanks. I’ll take a look at the log - maybe it’s a different issue or maybe the fix didn’t work. The thing I fixed over the weekend was to ignore the 254 reports and I thought I saw a log to show that this had worked.

I might not get the chance to look at the log till tomorrow as we will be back late tonight, but let’s see.

Thanks Chris. Maybe your fix indeed isn’t included in my binding version. It’s from last sunday. And maybe because of the switch from cloudbees to bintray there was a slight delay.

I haven’t had the chance to look at the exact binding version on the Karaf console. And yesterday, the apt-get upgrade process didn’t work due to a small error. So I will try again and update this evening. After that, I will have another look if the issue still persists.

Even more strange, the following automatic wakeup of the two sensors (both of them are defined for a 6 hour wakeup cycle) went without a new alarm trigger.

Does this makes any sense?

I’ve had a deeper look at this and it seems I also need to ignore event 255 - I’ll add a fix tonight hopefully.

Ok. Then I will wait until this fix is merged and do the update afterwards.

Thanks Chris!

FTR… Build just kicked off…

Hi @chris,

unfortunately, the issue still persists. I updated yesterday and tonight both sensors again triggered alarms. This is the binding version I’m using:

197 | Active | 80 | | ZWave Binding

How can I make sure that your above mentioned PR is already integrated in this version?

Other than that, I didn’t delete the xml and thing and re-added it after the update. Is this necessary?

And I didn’t change my log level back to DEBUG. So no debug log atm.

Maybe you can answer my both questions. After that, I can try again, and this time with DEBUG on.

Sorry for the slow responses - the hotels the past couple of nights have had limited internet (next to none!)

You shouldn’t need to delete the xml - I’m not sure of the best way to ensure this is included - it should ignore the 255 responses but I’ve not added any logging or anything. Unfortunately I can’t check that cloudbees built correctly after the change at the moment. If you can grab a log I’ll take a look - I’m not sure it will be tonight though unless I can get my Mac onto the internet at this hotel…