Zwave / Java Exception / Fibaro Smoke Sensor V2

34 = set to react to all alarms
35 = set to no reaction as this triggers the whole plug to turn on / off / cycle

I only wanted the LED ring to flash by parameter 63… however I will also try with parameter 35 to see if maybe parameter 63 only works when 35 is set aswell

That was the way I read the manual, but I might be wrong having read it again…

If that doesn’t work, I’ll try changing some parts of the message that is sent. I know that the current message works with another device…

Ok I tried with also Param 35 changed to react to alarms.
Neither the state of the plug nor the led ring reacts to the incoming value 1

I am not sure if the stuff I added to the DB is maybe the issue… I didnt get the syntax fully
when I set the item to Value 1 the SMOKE event is parsed? what is the :1 after SMOKE ?

The database looks fine, and the message the binding is sending looks fine, so it’s not that…

I’ll make a change to part of the message that might be an issue…