ZWave Manual Thing Configuration

You clearly still have to wait for the device to wakeup before the binding knows the state.

This is the way that ZWave works. The XML does not contain all information about a device - the binding must interrogate a device to discover various bits of information.

As above - the binding must discover the features of the device - this is how ZWave works. Sure - it might be possible to do something else - we could write the binding very differently for the case where things are defined in text files, but that’s a lot more work. The binding doesn’t actually know that you have defined your things in a text file, or the database - there is absolutely no visibility of this at the binding level, so it must be able to handle everything itself.

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Hi Chris,

I’m very happy that I found your answer(s) in this part of the forum! I started with several Z-Wave devices a long time ago with Veralite switched over to Fibaro HC2 and today I’m still a beginner in the openHAB field. My HC2 died two years ago after an Fibaro software upgrade. This happened right after the warranty had just ended! I’m now training myself with a zwave usb controller and my zwave device collection on openHAB and your Z-Wave Binding.

Is it possible that you put me on a list of subscribers in order to not miss anything you put on the openHAB forum? I already put myself on the watchlist for “ZWave Manual Thing Configuration”.

In the very first step I only want to read whatever you comment on the forum until I have learned to ask the right questions ;o))

Thank you!

Bochum / Germany

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I’m not sure if this is possible - at least I’m not sure if it’s possible to follow a particular user…

Maybe someone else will chime in if this is possible.

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I follow threads tagged with z-wave and zwave. You can also add ZigBee since he developed that binding too.

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What you could do is to have a look into the posts a user did by checking his/her last activity.
In case of Chris the link would be: .
This is not really a subscription as you do not get a notification.
Do find this kind of list you need to click on the users name in the head of the post; again on the users name in the pop up; then on activity and ALL.


You can then bookmark that link.

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@Kai Perhaps this plugin makes sense.

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Continuing the discussion from ZWave Manual Thing Configuration:

I like your idea and activity for the sake of a “Follow Plugin” :heart_eyes:

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