Zwave parameter configuration in OH2

I don’t know but I suspect the differences are too many to simply list. I believe chris has completely rewritten the binding for OH 2. The new binding supports auto-discovery of Things and Channels, it is required to use Habmin 2 (which is really awesome). The device DB and bug fixes are still making their way into the 1.9 binding but all new development is focused on the OH 2 binding, so you will want to transition to it when you can.

Maybe Chris can answer.
It’s just to evaluate if it is worth to move to version 2 and loose the RGBW Predefined Program Feature (that I use), or if there is no such a difference that can justify it.


For me, I’d say the ability to use the latest Habmin is worth the upgrade by itself.

Yes - there are a lot of changes. Most notably are newer command classes (like the color and notification command class) are supported in OH2.

While HABmin does support some features especially for ZWave, for routine configuration, you can use PaperUI.

I’m not sure if I can answer since other than the scene support that you mention, I don’t know what else you use ;). As above, most development on newer classes, and updating even the older ones given we now have proper documentation is being done in OH2, so I suspect as time goes on you’ll likely find things aren’t supported in OH1 any more.

The config channels though has been on my todo list for a long time so I might try and implement this soon - just to tick it off -:

Thanks Chris for the clarification.
I subscribed to the Issue…

Actually I want to use only .txt files for my configuration, so I can easily backup and recreate a new environment easily. So I assume that I will not use PaperUI nor HABmin2. Is it correct?

Yes. Certainly configuration of devices will not work - you’ll need to use another software package for this (eg Open ZWave, or even using OH1 and HABmin1). I think that also features like the network neighbour diagram will also not work as properties will also not be stored, so it’s quite limiting.

Really, I wouldn’t recommend it, although I understand why you want to use text files. I wrote a text (json) database that allows the UI to work, but all the data is stored in a text file which can be backed up and edited - unfortunately this isn’t available although I did see something from Kai a couple of days ago that indicated he might be looking to make it available in OH2 one day.

I have come up with a solution in OH2 using the REST API :relaxed::


Number		node5_emb_scene


rule "Embedded RGBW modes" when
	Item node5_emb_scene changed
	if (node5_emb_scene.state == 6) { 
		sendHttpPutRequest("http://[OpenHAB IP]/rest/things/zwave:device:1565731f053:node5/config", "application/json", "{'config_72_1':6}")
	} else if (node5_emb_scene.state == 7) { 
		sendHttpPutRequest("http://[OpenHAB IP]/rest/things/zwave:device:1565731f053:node5/config", "application/json", "{'config_72_1':7}")
	} else if (node5_emb_scene.state == 8) { 
		sendHttpPutRequest("http://[OpenHAB IP]/rest/things/zwave:device:1565731f053:node5/config", "application/json", "{'config_72_1':8}")
	} else if (node5_emb_scene.state == 9) { 
		sendHttpPutRequest("http://[OpenHAB IP]/rest/things/zwave:device:1565731f053:node5/config", "application/json", "{'config_72_1':9}")
	} else if (node5_emb_scene.state == 10) {
		sendHttpPutRequest("http://[OpenHAB IP]/rest/things/zwave:device:1565731f053:node5/config", "application/json", "{'config_72_1':10}")

Rotini sitemap
(You will figure it out if you are using OpenHAB sitemap)

Frame label="Kontor scener {widget:scene}" {
	Selection item=node5_emb_scene mappings=[
		"6"="Fireplace {icon:fire}",
		"7"="Storm {icon:energy}",
		"8"="Rainbow {icon:umbrella}",
		"9"="Aurora {icon:wifi}",
		"10"="Police {icon:led}"

It works!

Thanks a lot for the tip!
Should be put in the wiki!

Interesting idea :slight_smile: .

Just in case it wasn’t obvious, the configuration converter was added last weekend - any feedback is welcome (oh, and the color channel was also added to the Fibaro RGB as well as I noticed that was missing).

Hi Chris,
Very good news.

Will test tonight.

Let me know how it goes. I’ve recently got one of these devices and realised the color class wasn’t in the database so I can confirm this works but haven’t checked the scene activation yet (and probably won’t for another week as I’m travelling again this week :frowning: ).

Hi Chris,

I’ve just tested the scene activation and it is working :smiley: Thanks for adding it. I also use the min / max brightness on the Fibaro FGD211 dimmers to stop my kids turning the hall lights on too brightly at night. I’ve added that manually to the binding and recompiled which works as well. Is there a way I can feed back this and some other changes to items that I have made?

Thanks for you hard work on this fantastic project.

Via the Rest api or did you do that?

I used the new configuration parameter in the updated Zwave binding. so in items:

Number	Light_EnSuite_Floor_Program	"Program"										<colorwheel>			(gMasterEnSuite)		{channel="zwave:device:1578870b:node12:scene_number" }

and in the sitemap:

Selection item=Light_EnSuite_Floor_Program label="Programs" mappings=[1=Off, 6=Fireplace, 7=Storm, 8=Rainbow, 9=Aurora, 10=LPD]

I See its Start Animation in the DB… Was looking for Scene there :slight_smile:

Cool…will try that

I guess there’s a few options -:

  1. you can add it directly to the online database and request for it to be published
  2. we can discuss it here on the forum, and then someone adds it to the database

My only concern is to avoid having every configuration parameter added to the database as a channel - I think most configuration parameters shouldn’t be added as they are for management only.

Just a note on the REST version of doing this, I don’t expect that this will work if the things are defined in the text file…

I’d be happy to add directly to the database. I have created an account on your site, but don’t see a way to send updates. I agree that most options shouldn’t be added. I may be the only one who uses the Min / Max in that way, but I have also added scene activation for the FGD211 dimmers as I make use of that all over the place and I also changed the Nodon soft remote from central scene to scene activation. In central scene I only got notification about one of the buttons being clicked once, in scene activation I get extra values for double click, hold and release which I use as well.

this works so good :slight_smile:

this would be cool for many devices I think :slight_smile:
like directly setting the illuminsation color of the fibaro plug in a rule

so @chris: does every device support the Configuration command class?
I would try that for some devices …

I’m not sure you mean what you ask?

Not every device supports the config command class (that’s up to the device), but for any device that supports the configuration command class, then it’s possible to set up these channels.

As I stated somewhere, I’d like to avoid adding every configuration parameter as a channel, but for sure add parameters that are useful in rules…

lets say I wanted to add a useful config parameter
Is the channel always “scene_number” for this? like you did for the RGBW