ZWave - Qubino ZMNHAD Flush 1 relay - no channel for temperatur sensor with OH2

After Migrationg from openHAB 1.8 to OH2 many things are working, but unfortunately not all. One of those is the ZWave Qubino ZMNHAD Flush 1 relay with additional temperature sensor. Im am not able to receive the current temperature, because I cannot find a channel for this. I only have channels for “binary sensor”, “binary sensor 2” and "binary sensor 3).
The switch of this thing is working, as well the electric meters.

My current configuration looks like this:

Number  Switch_GT_Pool_Temp	"GT Pool Wassertemp. [%.1f°C]"		<pool_temp>		(gSP, gChartTempOut){channel="zwave:device:2e1cf86f:node34:sensor_binary"}

under openHAB 1.8 it was like this:

Number  Switch_GT_Pool_Temp	"GT Pool Wassertemp. [%.1f°C]"		<pool_temp>		(gSP, gChartTempOut){zwave="34:command=sensor_multilevel,sensor_type=1"}

Can anybody help me to configure an item on this thing for getting the current temperature?

@chris: can you help me? Do I have to wait for a new version of this thing in the zwave binding database, or can I configure this somehow with the existing channels?

If the channel isn’t in the database, then yes, it would need to be added, and then exported to the updated binding. You can’t configure it like OH1.

Hi Guys :slight_smile:
I have the exact same problem just migrated from OH1.9 to 2.1 and non of my temp sensors are working on:
ZMNHAD Flush 1
ZMNHCD Flush Shutter

Worked fine in OH1.x I have the temp. chanel setup but the devices are not reporting.
How can I help to fix this ? @chris