ZWave serial port error when using symlink since 2.5.1

Please open an issue in the docs repository @openls.

Maybe there is a reason for leaving this article out of navigation.
If not we can add it pretty easily again. :slight_smile:

@Confectrician Actually I was going to open another PR with the additional info and link to the Docker docs in serial.html once my other PR is accepted. I could also edit docs-sidebar.js to include the page but if you think it is not a good idea i will leave that out.

About my first PR. The pipeline failed after I pushed some more changes but I think the error has nothing to do with my changes.

docker: Error response from daemon: error parsing HTTP 429 response body: invalid character 'T' looking for beginning of value: "Too Many Requests (HAP429).\n".

Is there a quick way for me to trigger the pipeline again?

The sidebar is has to be edited int two repositories and the build errors sometimes due to several possible reasons.

That’s why I usually suggest issues for this cases. :slight_smile:
I can then check/fix the error immediately and rerun the builds.

Thanks and here you go:

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