OH 4.3 (huzzah)
Pi4 Bookworm
I have an Aeotec ZWA045-A TriSensor 8 (thank you Santa) that is not recognized by the zwave binding
Z-Wave Node 030 (0371:0102:002D:2.7)
unknown device
I’m not sure if I have a device with a new set of references. There is a device in the Open Smart House database although it is not a -A and the type is 0002:002D where mine looks like 0102:002D. Also, the device in the database appears to be marked OH-SNAPSHOT with a last approval date 2024-09-21 although I don’t know the import of that.
There is a definition in the zwave jar file
22706 2024-12-15 16:40 OH-INF/thing/aeotec/zwa045_0_0.xml
The xml file produced for my device is
<associationGroups class="concurrent-hash-map">
<endpoints class="concurrent-hash-map">
<supportedCommandClasses class="concurrent-hash-map">
<outer-class reference="../../../.."/>
<outer-class reference="../../../.."/>
<outer-class reference="../../../.."/>
<lastReceived>2024-12-30 08:56:58.730 UTC</lastReceived>
The instructions say to raise an issue, so here I am. If I had the slightest idea what bits to twiddle, I would experiment, but, alas…