Zwave with Razberry2 Unkown Device

Yes - that would be fine. Restart, wait a few minutes for things to settle (maybe longer if you’re on a slow machine), then wake the device a few times - let’s say 4 times, waking it every 10 seconds. This ought to ensure that we get enough transactions through to see what is happening.

Choose your favourite web hosting system, and post there :wink: (eg dropbox, github etc). Then just provide the link here.

If I grep the file and pipe the output to a new file is what would be the best pattern to ensure I get all the important details?

Please don’t filter the log - just provide it as it comes as you will likely miss some stuff. I use a log viewer to filter, and it does all the hard work.

OK I try and get the log tonight. My TV is also my pc so need to wait until family in bed.

I also have bindings for my Netatmo account that includes a home cam. The logging won’t contain sensitive details will it?

It shouldn’t contain other sensitive data - if you only enable debug for zwave, then there should be next to nothing logged for other bindings.

If you like, you can email me the log so long as it’s less than 10MB or so… (chris -at-

Thanks Chris I appreciate all your help.

Hi Chris,

I have emailed you the log file.

Many thanks


Got it…

Node 4 that we discussed above looks like it is known -:

I guess you did the wakeups on node 2, and this node also appears to have completed initialisation and is known -:

So… Let’s take a step back to this statement -:

Can you describe exactly what you mean - maybe provide a screenshot or something so that I can understand better what you’re seeing.

Hi Chris,

I’ve email a screen shot of my inbox.

Basically some Nodes have a description of the device in the name and some only say NODE 9 for example and all have ‘Unknown Device’ under each name

I’m not completely sure where PaperUI picks that up from, but it looks like most devices are ok. Do you have channels available for the devices? Also are the properties showing up when you click on the thing?

OK I feel stupid now.

As they were saying Unknown I didn’t want to add them as things.

I just added Node 2 and yes all is good and the properties are available - what a pilock I am.

Apologies for wasting your time Chris. I guess there is a small bug in the paperui

Sorry once again,


No problem - it should be fixed (not sure why I’ve not spotted it before).

I suspect that the bug is in ESH core - I’m just looking for it now…

Anyway, I’m glad things seem to be moving now :wink: .

Try to include battery devices after it turn on (after insertion the battery)

For reference the “Unknown” label in the inbox was due to the way the binding handles the thing-types. They are normally changed after the device is instantiated, and this means the “Unknown” label remains while the thing is in the inbox.

The following PR changes the way discovery works and should remove this “feature”.

@chris Was there a change that changed the way channel IDs are named? After rediscovering some devices, I see channel IDs like this.


BTW, I’m on the version you just posted at the top of the big zwave thread.

Edit: In fact, it rediscovered all of my nodes and added them all to the inbox. :open_mouth:

No, not directly - but the UID of the device may change and that is probably what you are seeing. In the past it was always device but it now uses the “proper” device UID if it’s known while the device is still in the inbox after discovery. This was done to get rid of the “Unknown device” label in the inbox even when the device is known.

Is it a problem, or are you just curious?

Well, it means that if I rediscover a node, I need to edit the channel ID in my items file.

As I mentioned above, it also populated my inbox with new entries for all of my nodes.

More than curious. It’s a bit of a disruptive change. :wink:

Hmmm - ok, I’m not sure how to work around that. We could leave it as it was, and live with all devices being marked as Unknown, which I don’t like now that I see it in PaperUI. This is a one off issue - if you rediscover the same device again, it should still have the same (ie new) UID.

Sorry - I missed your edit. Again, it’s the same point as above related to the UID change.

So, to be clear, I don’t necessarily have a problem with the change. I think it makes sense. It’s just that anyone who installs this version will be surprised.

If they rediscover a node, none of the items linked to channels on that node will update until they edit the channel ID in their items file. It took me a while to realize that the channel ID changed.

Their inbox also will fill up with new versions of all their existing nodes, and this will be confusing.