Name │ Version │ Required │ State │ Repository │ Description ──────────────────────────────────────────────────┼──────────────────┼──────────┼─────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────────────────────── framework-security │ 4.3.7 │ │ Uninstalled │ standard-4.3.7 │ OSGi Security for Karaf service-security │ 4.3.7 │ │ Uninstalled │ standard-4.3.7 │ Services Security for Karaf aries-proxy │ 4.3.7 │ │ Uninstalled │ standard-4.3.7 │ Aries Proxy aries-blueprint │ 4.3.7 │ │ Uninstalled │ standard-4.3.7 │ Aries Blueprint feature │ 4.3.7 │ x │ Started │ standard-4.3.7 │ Features Support shell │ 4.3.7 │ x │ Started │ standard-4.3.7 │ Karaf Shell shell-compat │ 4.3.7 │ │ Uninstalled │ standard-4.3.7 │ Karaf Shell Compatibility deployer │ 4.3.7 │ x │ Started │ standard-4.3.7 │ Karaf Deployer wrapper │ 4.3.7 │ │ Started │ standard-4.3.7 │ Provide OS integration service-wrapper │ 4.3.7 │ │ Started │ standard-4.3.7 │ Provide OS integration (alias to wrapper feature) obr │ 4.3.7 │ │ Uninstalled │ standard-4.3.7 │ Provide OSGi Bundle Repository (OBR) support bundle │ 4.3.7 │ x │ Started │ standard-4.3.7 │ Provide Bundle support config │ 4.3.7 │ x │ Started │ standard-4.3.7 │ Provide OSGi ConfigAdmin support diagnostic │ 4.3.7 │ x │ Started │ standard-4.3.7 │ Provide Diagnostic support instance │ 4.3.7 │ x │ Started │ standard-4.3.7 │ Provide Instance support jaas-deployer │ 4.3.7 │ │ Uninstalled │ standard-4.3.7 │ Allow support of blueprint JAAS configuration in jaas │ 4.3.7 │ x │ Started │ standard-4.3.7 │ Provide JAAS support log │ 4.3.7 │ x │ Started │ standard-4.3.7 │ Provide Log support package │ 4.3.7 │ x │ Started │ standard-4.3.7 │ Package commands and mbeans service │ 4.3.7 │ x │ Started │ standard-4.3.7 │ Provide Service support system │ 4.3.7 │ x │ Started │ standard-4.3.7 │ Provide System support felix-httplite │ 0.1.6 │ │ Uninstalled │ standard-4.3.7 │ Felix Httplite HTTP Service felix-http │ 4.2.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ standard-4.3.7 │ Felix HTTP Service pax-web-http │ 7.3.25 │ │ Started │ standard-4.3.7 │ Pax Web OSGi HTTP Service http │ 7.3.25 │ │ Uninstalled │ standard-4.3.7 │ Transition feature for backward compatibility pax-web-http-whiteboard │ 7.3.25 │ │ Started │ standard-4.3.7 │ Pax Web OSGi HTTP Whiteboard support http-whiteboard │ 7.3.25 │ │ Started │ standard-4.3.7 │ Transition feature for backward compatibility pax-web-war │ 4.3.7 │ │ Uninstalled │ standard-4.3.7 │ Turn Karaf as a full WebContainer war │ 4.3.7 │ │ Uninstalled │ standard-4.3.7 │ Transition feature for backward compatibility jetty │ 9.4.46.v20220331 │ │ Uninstalled │ standard-4.3.7 │ Transition feature for backward compatibility kar │ 4.3.7 │ x │ Started │ standard-4.3.7 │ Provide KAR (KARaf archive) support webconsole │ 4.3.7 │ │ Uninstalled │ standard-4.3.7 │ Base support of the Karaf WebConsole ssh │ 4.3.7 │ x │ Started │ standard-4.3.7 │ Provide a SSHd server on Karaf management │ 4.3.7 │ │ Uninstalled │ standard-4.3.7 │ Provide a JMX MBeanServer and a set of MBeans in scheduler │ 4.3.7 │ │ Uninstalled │ standard-4.3.7 │ Provide a scheduler service in Karaf to fire even eventadmin │ 4.3.7 │ x │ Started │ standard-4.3.7 │ OSGi Event Admin service specification for event- jasypt-encryption │ 4.3.7 │ │ Uninstalled │ standard-4.3.7 │ Advanced encryption support for Karaf security spring-security-crypto-encryption │ 4.3.7 │ │ Uninstalled │ standard-4.3.7 │ Advanced encryption support for Karaf security scr │ 4.3.7 │ │ Started │ standard-4.3.7 │ Declarative Service support blueprint-web │ 4.3.7 │ │ Uninstalled │ standard-4.3.7 │ Provides an OSGI-aware Servlet ContextListener fo pax-url-wrap │ 2.6.10 │ │ Uninstalled │ standard-4.3.7 │ Wrap URL handler wrap │ 2.6.10 │ │ Uninstalled │ standard-4.3.7 │ Transition feature to pax-url-wrap pax-url-classpath │ 2.6.10 │ │ Uninstalled │ standard-4.3.7 │ Classpath URL handler profile │ 4.3.7 │ │ Uninstalled │ standard-4.3.7 │ Profiles support jolokia │ 1.7.1 │ │ Uninstalled │ standard-4.3.7 │ Jolokia monitoring support maven │ 4.3.7 │ │ Uninstalled │ standard-4.3.7 │ Commands for Maven configuration of services from audit-log │ 4.3.7 │ │ Uninstalled │ standard-4.3.7 │ Security audit logging documentation │ 4.3.7 │ │ Uninstalled │ standard-4.3.7 │ Documentation of Karaf project in HTML standard │ 4.3.7 │ │ Uninstalled │ standard-4.3.7 │ Wrap feature describing all features part of a st minimal │ 4.3.7 │ │ Uninstalled │ standard-4.3.7 │ Wrap feature describing all features part of a mi x-openhab-binding-ebus │ 3.3.16 │ x │ Started │ org.openhab.binding.ebus-3.3.16 │ eBUS Binding org.openhab.binding.ebus │ 3.3.16 │ │ Uninstalled │ org.openhab.binding.ebus-3.3.16 │ openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: eBUS Binding pax-web-core │ 7.3.25 │ │ Started │ org.ops4j.pax.web-7.3.25 │ Provide Core pax-web bundles pax-jetty │ 9.4.46.v20220331 │ │ Started │ org.ops4j.pax.web-7.3.25 │ Provide Jetty engine support pax-jetty-http2 │ 7.3.25 │ │ Uninstalled │ org.ops4j.pax.web-7.3.25 │ Optional additional feature to run Jetty with SPDY pax-http-jetty │ 7.3.25 │ │ Started │ org.ops4j.pax.web-7.3.25 │ pax-http │ 7.3.25 │ │ Started │ org.ops4j.pax.web-7.3.25 │ Implementation of the OSGI HTTP Service pax-http-whiteboard │ 7.3.25 │ │ Started │ org.ops4j.pax.web-7.3.25 │ Provide HTTP Whiteboard pattern support pax-war │ 7.3.25 │ │ Uninstalled │ org.ops4j.pax.web-7.3.25 │ Provide support of a full WebContainer pax-http-tomcat │ 7.3.25 │ │ Uninstalled │ org.ops4j.pax.web-7.3.25 │ Provide Tomcat support pax-war-tomcat │ 7.3.25 │ │ Uninstalled │ org.ops4j.pax.web-7.3.25 │ pax-jsf-support │ 7.3.25 │ │ Uninstalled │ org.ops4j.pax.web-7.3.25 │ pax-jsf-resources-support │ 7.3.25 │ │ Uninstalled │ org.ops4j.pax.web-7.3.25 │ Provide sharing of resources according to Servlet undertow │ 2.0.33.Final │ │ Uninstalled │ org.ops4j.pax.web-7.3.25 │ pax-http-undertow │ 7.3.25 │ │ Uninstalled │ org.ops4j.pax.web-7.3.25 │ openhab-runtime-ui │ 3.3.0 │ x │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ openHAB UI openhab-package-standard │ 3.3.0 │ x │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ openHAB Standard Package openhab-core-base │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ openHAB Core openhab-core-addon-marketplace │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ openhab-core-auth-jaas │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ openhab-core-auth-oauth2client │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ openhab-core-automation-module-script │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ openhab-core-automation-module-script-rulesupport │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ openhab-core-automation-module-media │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ openhab-core-automation-rest │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ openhab-core-io-bin2json │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ distro-3.3.0 │ Binary to JSON converter openhab-core-io-console-karaf │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ Karaf Console support for SmartHome stuff openhab-core-io-http-auth │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ openhab-core-io-rest-auth │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ openhab-core-io-rest-log │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ distro-3.3.0 │ openhab-core-io-rest-sitemap │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ openhab-core-io-rest-swagger │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ openhab-core-io-rest-audio │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ openhab-core-io-rest-transform │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ openhab-core-io-rest-voice │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ openhab-core-io-rest-mdns │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ openhab-core-io-transport-coap │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ distro-3.3.0 │ openhab-core-io-transport-http │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ distro-3.3.0 │ openhab-core-io-transport-mdns │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ openhab-core-io-transport-modbus │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ distro-3.3.0 │ openhab-core-io-transport-mqtt │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ distro-3.3.0 │ openhab-core-io-transport-serial-javacomm │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ distro-3.3.0 │ openhab-core-io-transport-upnp │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ openhab-core-model-item │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ openhab-core-model-item-ide │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ openhab-core-model-persistence │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ openhab-core-model-persistence-ide │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ openhab-core-model-rule │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ openhab-core-model-rule-ide │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ openhab-core-model-script │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ openhab-core-model-script-ide │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ openhab-core-model-sitemap │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ openhab-core-model-sitemap-ide │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ openhab-core-model-thing │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ openhab-core-model-thing-ide │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ openhab-core-model-lsp │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ openhab-core-storage-json │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ openhab-core-ui │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ openhab-core-ui-icon │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ openhab-runtime-base │ 3.3.0 │ x │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ openHAB Runtime Base openhab-runtime-certificate │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ SSL Certificate Generator openhab-runtime-jna │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ distro-3.3.0 │ Java Native Access (JNA) openhab-transport-coap │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ distro-3.3.0 │ CoAP Transport openhab-transport-http │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ HTTP Transport openhab-transport-mdns │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ mDNS Transport openhab-transport-modbus │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ distro-3.3.0 │ Modbus Transport openhab-transport-mqtt │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ distro-3.3.0 │ MQTT Transport openhab-transport-serial │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ Serial Transport openhab-transport-upnp │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ UPnP Transport │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ openHAB Core Target Platform Base │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ distro-3.3.0 │ Californium CoAP library │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ The Apache Commons Net library │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ Gson │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ distro-3.3.0 │ MQTT Client │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ distro-3.3.0 │ │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ FasterXML Jackson bundles │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ Aries JAX-RS Whiteboard │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ Apache CXF │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ distro-3.3.0 │ Java Binary Block Parser library │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ distro-3.3.0 │ Netty bundles │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ JAXB bundles │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ JAX-WS (SOAP) bundles │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ Jollyday library │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ An implementation of multi-cast DNS in Java. │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ jose4j JWT library │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ UPnP/DLNA library for Java │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ Eclipse LSP4J │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ distro-3.3.0 │ │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ Xtext - Language Engineering Made Easy │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ Xtext - IDE Support │ 3.3.0 │ │ Started │ distro-3.3.0 │ JAX-RS Whiteboard Swagger Support distro │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ distro-3.3.0 │ openHAB Distro Feature openhab-binding-zwave │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Z-Wave Binding openhab-automation-groovyscripting │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Groovy Scripting openhab-automation-jrubyscripting │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ JRuby Scripting openhab-automation-jsscripting │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ JSScripting openhab-automation-jythonscripting │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Jython Scripting openhab-automation-pidcontroller │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ PID Controller openhab-automation-pwm │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ PWM Automation openhab-binding-adorne │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Adorne Binding openhab-binding-ahawastecollection │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ aha Waste Collection Binding openhab-binding-airq │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ air-Q Binding openhab-binding-airquality │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Air Quality Binding openhab-binding-airvisualnode │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ AirVisual Node Binding openhab-binding-alarmdecoder │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Alarm Decoder Binding openhab-binding-allplay │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ AllPlay Binding openhab-binding-amazondashbutton │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Amazon Dash Button Binding openhab-binding-amazonechocontrol │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Amazon Echo Control Binding openhab-binding-ambientweather │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Ambient Weather Binding openhab-binding-amplipi │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ AmpliPi Binding openhab-binding-androiddebugbridge │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Android Debug Bridge Binding openhab-binding-anel │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Anel Binding openhab-binding-astro │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Astro Binding openhab-binding-atlona │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Atlona PRO3 Switch Binding openhab-binding-autelis │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Autelis Binding openhab-binding-automower │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Automower Binding openhab-binding-avmfritz │ 3.3.0 │ x │ Started │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ AVM FRITZ!Box Binding openhab-binding-awattar │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ aWATTar Binding openhab-binding-benqprojector │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ BenQ Projector Binding openhab-binding-bigassfan │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Big Ass Fan Binding openhab-binding-boschindego │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Bosch Indego Binding openhab-binding-boschshc │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Bosch Smart Home Binding openhab-binding-bosesoundtouch │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Bose SoundTouch Binding openhab-binding-broadlinkthermostat │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Broadlink Thermostat Binding openhab-binding-bsblan │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ BSB-LAN Binding openhab-binding-bticinosmarther │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ BTicino Smarther Binding openhab-binding-buienradar │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Buienradar Binding openhab-binding-caddx │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Caddx Binding openhab-binding-cbus │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ CBus Binding openhab-binding-chromecast │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Chromecast Binding openhab-binding-cm11a │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ cm11a Binding openhab-binding-comfoair │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ ComfoAir Binding openhab-binding-coolmasternet │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ CoolMasterNet Binding openhab-binding-coronastats │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ CoronaStats Binding openhab-binding-daikin │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Daikin Binding openhab-binding-dali │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ DALI Binding openhab-binding-danfossairunit │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ DanfossAirUnit Binding openhab-binding-darksky │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Dark Sky Binding openhab-binding-dbquery │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ DBQuery Binding openhab-binding-deconz │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Dresden Elektronik deCONZ Binding openhab-binding-denonmarantz │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Denon / Marantz Binding openhab-binding-deutschebahn │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ DeutscheBahn Binding openhab-binding-digiplex │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Digiplex/EVO Alarm System Binding openhab-binding-digitalstrom │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ digitalSTROM Binding openhab-binding-dlinksmarthome │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ D-Link Smart Home Binding openhab-binding-dmx │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ DMX Binding openhab-binding-dominoswiss │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ dominoswiss Binding openhab-binding-doorbird │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Doorbird Binding openhab-binding-draytonwiser │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ DraytonWiser Binding openhab-binding-dscalarm │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ DSCAlarm Binding openhab-binding-dsmr │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ DSMR Binding openhab-binding-dwdpollenflug │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ DWD Pollenflug Binding openhab-binding-dwdunwetter │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ DWD Unwetter Binding openhab-binding-ecobee │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Ecobee Binding openhab-binding-ecotouch │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ EcoTouch Binding openhab-binding-ekey │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Ekey Binding openhab-binding-electroluxair │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ ElectroluxAir Binding openhab-binding-elerotransmitterstick │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Elero TransmitterStick Binding openhab-binding-elroconnects │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ ELRO Connects Binding openhab-binding-energenie │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Energenie Binding openhab-binding-enigma2 │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Enigma2 Binding openhab-binding-enocean │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ EnOcean Binding openhab-binding-enphase │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Enphase Binding openhab-binding-enturno │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Enturno Binding openhab-binding-epsonprojector │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Epson Projector Binding openhab-binding-etherrain │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Etherrain Binding openhab-binding-evcc │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ evcc Binding openhab-binding-evohome │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Evohome Binding openhab-binding-exec │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Exec Binding openhab-binding-feed │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Feed Binding openhab-binding-feican │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Feican Binding openhab-binding-fineoffsetweatherstation │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ FineOffsetWeatherStation Binding openhab-binding-flicbutton │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ FlicButton Binding openhab-binding-fmiweather │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ FMI Weather Binding openhab-binding-folderwatcher │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ FolderWatcher Binding openhab-binding-folding │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Folding Binding openhab-binding-foobot │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Foobot Binding openhab-binding-freebox │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Freebox Binding openhab-binding-fronius │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Fronius Binding openhab-binding-fsinternetradio │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Frontier Silicon Internet Radio Binding openhab-binding-ftpupload │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ FTP Upload Binding openhab-binding-gardena │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Gardena Binding openhab-binding-gce │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ GCE Binding openhab-binding-generacmobilelink │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Generac MobileLink Binding openhab-binding-globalcache │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ GlobalCache Binding openhab-binding-goecharger │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Go-eCharger Binding openhab-binding-gpio │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ GPIO Binding openhab-binding-gpstracker │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ GPSTracker Binding openhab-binding-gree │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Gree Binding openhab-binding-groheondus │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ GROHE ONDUS Binding openhab-binding-groupepsa │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Groupe PSA Binding openhab-binding-guntamatic │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Guntamatic Binding openhab-binding-haassohnpelletstove │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Haas + Sohn Pelletstove Binding openhab-binding-harmonyhub │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Harmony Hub Binding openhab-binding-haywardomnilogic │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Hayward OmniLogic Binding openhab-binding-hccrubbishcollection │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ HCC Rubbish Collection Binding openhab-binding-hdanywhere │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ HDAnywhere Binding openhab-binding-hdpowerview │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ HD PowerView Binding openhab-binding-helios │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Helios Binding openhab-binding-heliosventilation │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ HeliosVentilation Binding openhab-binding-heos │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ HEOS Binding openhab-binding-herzborg │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Herzborg Binding openhab-binding-homeconnect │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ HomeConnect Binding openhab-binding-homematic │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Homematic Binding openhab-binding-homewizard │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ HomeWizard Binding openhab-binding-hpprinter │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ HP Printer Binding openhab-binding-http │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ HTTP Binding openhab-binding-hue │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Hue Binding openhab-binding-hydrawise │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Hydrawise Binding openhab-binding-hyperion │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Hyperion Binding openhab-binding-iammeter │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Iammeter Binding openhab-binding-iaqualink │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ iAqualink Binding openhab-binding-icalendar │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ iCalendar Binding openhab-binding-icloud │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ iCloud Binding openhab-binding-ihc │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ IHC / ELKO Binding openhab-binding-innogysmarthome │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ innogy Smarthome Binding openhab-binding-insteon │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Insteon Binding openhab-binding-intesis │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Intesis Binding openhab-binding-ipcamera │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ ipcamera Binding openhab-binding-ipobserver │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ IpObserver Binding openhab-binding-ipp │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ IPP Binding openhab-binding-irobot │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ iRobot Binding openhab-binding-irtrans │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ IRTrans Binding openhab-binding-ism8 │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ ism8 Binding openhab-binding-jablotron │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Jablotron Alarm Binding openhab-binding-jeelink │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Jeelink Binding openhab-binding-jellyfin │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Jellyfin Binding openhab-binding-kaleidescape │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Kaleidescape Binding openhab-binding-keba │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Keba Binding openhab-binding-km200 │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ KM200 Binding openhab-binding-knx │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ KNX Binding openhab-binding-kodi │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Kodi Binding openhab-binding-konnected │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Konnected Binding openhab-binding-kostalinverter │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Kostal Inverter Binding openhab-binding-kvv │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ KVV Binding openhab-binding-lametrictime │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ LaMetric Time Binding openhab-binding-lcn │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ LCN Binding openhab-binding-leapmotion │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ LeapMotion Binding openhab-binding-lghombot │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ LG HomBot Binding openhab-binding-lgtvserial │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ LG TV Serial Binding openhab-binding-lgwebos │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ LG webOS Binding openhab-binding-lifx │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ LIFX Binding openhab-binding-linky │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Linky Binding openhab-binding-linuxinput │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Linux Input Binding openhab-binding-lirc │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ LIRC Binding openhab-binding-livisismarthome │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ LIVISI SmartHome Binding openhab-binding-logreader │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Log Reader Binding openhab-binding-loxone │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Loxone Binding openhab-binding-luftdateninfo │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ LuftdatenInfo Binding openhab-binding-lutron │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Lutron Binding openhab-binding-luxom │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Luxom Binding openhab-binding-luxtronikheatpump │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ LuxtronikHeatpump Binding openhab-binding-magentatv │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ MagentaTV Binding openhab-binding-mail │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Mail Binding openhab-binding-max │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ MAX! Binding openhab-binding-mcp23017 │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ MCP23017 Binding openhab-binding-mecmeter │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ mecMeter Binding openhab-binding-melcloud │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ MELCloud Binding openhab-binding-meteoalerte │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Meteo Alerte Binding openhab-binding-meteoblue │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ meteoblue Binding openhab-binding-meteostick │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Meteostick Binding openhab-binding-miele │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Miele@home Binding openhab-binding-mielecloud │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Miele Cloud Binding openhab-binding-mihome │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Xiaomi Mi Smart Home Binding openhab-binding-miio │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Xiaomi Wifi devices (Mi IO) Binding openhab-binding-mikrotik │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Mikrotik Binding openhab-binding-milight │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Milight Binding openhab-binding-millheat │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Millheat Binding openhab-binding-minecraft │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Minecraft Binding openhab-binding-monopriceaudio │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Monoprice Whole House Audio Binding openhab-binding-mpd │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ MPD Binding openhab-binding-mybmw │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ MyBMW Binding openhab-binding-mycroft │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ mycroft Binding openhab-binding-myq │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ MyQ Binding openhab-binding-mystrom │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ mystrom Binding openhab-binding-nanoleaf │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Nanoleaf Binding openhab-binding-neato │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Neato Binding openhab-binding-neeo │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ NEEO Binding openhab-binding-neohub │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ NeoHub Binding openhab-binding-nest │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Nest Binding openhab-binding-netatmo │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Netatmo Binding openhab-binding-network │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Network Binding openhab-binding-networkupstools │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Network UPS Tools Binding openhab-binding-nibeheatpump │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Nibe Heat Pump Binding openhab-binding-nibeuplink │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ NibeUplink Binding openhab-binding-nikobus │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Nikobus Binding openhab-binding-nikohomecontrol │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Niko Home Control Binding openhab-binding-novafinedust │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ NovaFineDust Binding openhab-binding-ntp │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ NTP Binding openhab-binding-nuki │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Nuki Binding openhab-binding-nuvo │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Nuvo Whole House Audio Binding openhab-binding-nzwateralerts │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ NZ Water Alerts Binding openhab-binding-oceanic │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Oceanic Binding openhab-binding-ojelectronics │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ OJElectronics Binding openhab-binding-omnikinverter │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Omnik Inverter Binding openhab-binding-omnilink │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ OmniLink Binding openhab-binding-onebusaway │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ OneBusAway Binding openhab-binding-onewire │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ OneWire Binding openhab-binding-onewiregpio │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ OneWireGPIO Binding openhab-binding-onkyo │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Onkyo Binding openhab-binding-opengarage │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ OpenGarage Binding openhab-binding-opensprinkler │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ OpenSprinkler Binding openhab-binding-openthermgateway │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ OpenThermGateway Binding openhab-binding-openuv │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ OpenUV Binding openhab-binding-openweathermap │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ OpenWeatherMap Binding openhab-binding-openwebnet │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ OpenWebNet (BTicino/Legrand) Binding openhab-binding-oppo │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Oppo Blu-ray Player Binding openhab-binding-orbitbhyve │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Orbit B-hyve Binding openhab-binding-orvibo │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Orvibo Binding openhab-binding-paradoxalarm │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Paradox Alarm System Binding openhab-binding-pentair │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Pentair Binding openhab-binding-phc │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ PHC Binding openhab-binding-pilight │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Pilight Binding openhab-binding-pioneeravr │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ PioneerAVR Binding openhab-binding-pixometer │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ pixometer Binding openhab-binding-pjlinkdevice │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ PJLinkDevice Binding openhab-binding-playstation │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ PlayStation Binding openhab-binding-plclogo │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ PLCLogo Binding openhab-binding-plugwise │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Plugwise Binding openhab-binding-plugwiseha │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ PlugwiseHA Binding openhab-binding-powermax │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Powermax Binding openhab-binding-proteusecometer │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ ProteusEcoMeter Binding openhab-binding-prowl │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Prowl Binding openhab-binding-publictransportswitzerland │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Public Transport Switzerland Binding openhab-binding-pulseaudio │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Pulseaudio Binding openhab-binding-pushbullet │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Pushbullet Binding openhab-binding-pushover │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Pushover Binding openhab-binding-pushsafer │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Pushsafer Binding openhab-binding-qbus │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Qbus Binding openhab-binding-radiothermostat │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Radio Thermostat Binding openhab-binding-regoheatpump │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ RegoHeatPump Binding openhab-binding-remoteopenhab │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Remote openHAB Binding openhab-binding-renault │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Renault Binding openhab-binding-resol │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Resol Binding openhab-binding-revogi │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Revogi Binding openhab-binding-rfxcom │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ RFXCOM Binding openhab-binding-rme │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ RME Binding openhab-binding-robonect │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Robonect Binding openhab-binding-roku │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Roku Binding openhab-binding-rotel │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Rotel Binding openhab-binding-russound │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Russound Binding openhab-binding-sagercaster │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Sager Weathercaster Binding openhab-binding-samsungtv │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Samsung TV Binding openhab-binding-satel │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Satel Binding openhab-binding-semsportal │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ SEMSPortal Binding openhab-binding-senechome │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ SenecHome Binding openhab-binding-seneye │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Seneye Binding openhab-binding-sensebox │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Sensebox Binding openhab-binding-sensibo │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Sensibo Binding openhab-binding-serial │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Serial Binding openhab-binding-serialbutton │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Serial Button Binding openhab-binding-shelly │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Shelly Binding openhab-binding-siemensrds │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Siemens RDS Binding openhab-binding-silvercrestwifisocket │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Silvercrest Wifi Plug Binding openhab-binding-sinope │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Sinope Binding openhab-binding-sleepiq │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ SleepIQ Binding openhab-binding-smaenergymeter │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ SMA Energy Monitor Binding openhab-binding-smartmeter │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Smartmeter Binding openhab-binding-smartthings │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Samsung Smartthings Binding openhab-binding-smhi │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ SMHI Binding openhab-binding-sncf │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ SNCF Binding openhab-binding-snmp │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ SNMP Binding openhab-binding-solaredge │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ SolarEdge Binding openhab-binding-solarlog │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ SolarLog Binding openhab-binding-solarwatt │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Solarwatt Binding openhab-binding-somfymylink │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Somfy MyLink Binding openhab-binding-somfytahoma │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Somfy Tahoma Binding openhab-binding-sonnen │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Sonnen Binding openhab-binding-sonos │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Sonos Binding openhab-binding-sonyaudio │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Sony Audio Binding openhab-binding-sonyprojector │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Sony Projector Binding openhab-binding-souliss │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Souliss Binding openhab-binding-spotify │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Spotify Binding openhab-binding-squeezebox │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Squeezebox Binding openhab-binding-surepetcare │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ SurePetcare Binding openhab-binding-synopanalyzer │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Synop Analyzer Binding openhab-binding-systeminfo │ 3.3.0 │ x │ Started │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ System Info Binding openhab-binding-tacmi │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ TACmi Binding openhab-binding-tado │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Tado Binding openhab-binding-tankerkoenig │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Tankerkoenig Binding openhab-binding-tapocontrol │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ TapoControl Binding openhab-binding-telegram │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Telegram Binding openhab-binding-teleinfo │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Teleinfo Binding openhab-binding-tellstick │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Tellstick Binding openhab-binding-tesla │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Tesla Binding openhab-binding-tibber │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ tibber Binding openhab-binding-tivo │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ TiVo Binding openhab-binding-touchwand │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ TouchWand Binding openhab-binding-tplinksmarthome │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ TP-Link Smart Home Binding openhab-binding-tr064 │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ TR-064 Binding openhab-binding-tradfri │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ TRÅDFRI Binding openhab-binding-twitter │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Twitter Binding openhab-binding-unifi │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ UniFi Binding openhab-binding-unifiedremote │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ UnifiedRemote Binding openhab-binding-upb │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ UPB Binding openhab-binding-upnpcontrol │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ UPnP Control Binding openhab-binding-urtsi │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Somfy URTSI II Binding openhab-binding-valloxmv │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ ValloxMV Binding openhab-binding-vdr │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ VDR Binding openhab-binding-vektiva │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Vektiva Binding openhab-binding-velbus │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Velbus Binding openhab-binding-velux │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Velux Binding openhab-binding-venstarthermostat │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Venstar Thermostat Binding openhab-binding-ventaair │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ VentaAir Binding openhab-binding-verisure │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Verisure Binding openhab-binding-vesync │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ VeSync Binding openhab-binding-vigicrues │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ VigiCrues Binding openhab-binding-vitotronic │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Vitotronic Binding openhab-binding-volvooncall │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Volvo On Call Binding openhab-binding-warmup │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Warmup Binding openhab-binding-weathercompany │ 3.3.0 │ x │ Started │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Weather Company Binding openhab-binding-weatherunderground │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ WeatherUnderground Binding openhab-binding-webthing │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ WebThing Binding openhab-binding-wemo │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Wemo Binding openhab-binding-wifiled │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ WiFi LED Binding openhab-binding-windcentrale │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Windcentrale Binding openhab-binding-wlanthermo │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ WlanThermo Binding openhab-binding-wled │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ WLED Binding openhab-binding-wolfsmartset │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Wolf Smartset Binding openhab-binding-wundergroundupdatereceiver │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Wunderground Update Receiver Binding openhab-binding-xmltv │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ XMLTV Binding openhab-binding-xmppclient │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ XMPP Client Binding openhab-binding-yamahamusiccast │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Yamaha Musiccast Binding openhab-binding-yamahareceiver │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Yamaha Receiver Binding openhab-binding-yeelight │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Yeelight Binding openhab-binding-yioremote │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ YIOremote Binding openhab-binding-zoneminder │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ ZoneMinder Binding openhab-binding-zway │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Z-Way Binding openhab-misc-homekit │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ HomeKit Integration openhab-misc-hueemulation │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Hue Emulation openhab-misc-imperihome │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ ImperiHome Integration openhab-misc-metrics │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Metrics Service openhab-misc-neeo │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ NEEO Integration openhab-misc-openhabcloud │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ openHAB Cloud Connector openhab-persistence-dynamodb │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ DynamoDB Persistence openhab-persistence-influxdb │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ InfluxDB Persistence openhab-persistence-jdbc-derby │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ JDBC Persistence Apache Derby openhab-persistence-jdbc-h2 │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ JDBC Persistence H2 openhab-persistence-jdbc-hsqldb │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ JDBC Persistence HSQLDB openhab-persistence-jdbc-mariadb │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ JDBC Persistence MariaDB openhab-persistence-jdbc-mysql │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ JDBC Persistence MySQL openhab-persistence-jdbc-postgresql │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ JDBC Persistence PostgreSQL openhab-persistence-jdbc-sqlite │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ JDBC Persistence SQLite openhab-persistence-jpa │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ JPA Persistence openhab-persistence-mapdb │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ MapDB Persistence openhab-persistence-mongodb │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ MongoDB Persistence openhab-persistence-rrd4j │ 3.3.0 │ x │ Started │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ RRD4j Persistence openhab-transformation-bin2json │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Binary To JSON Transformation openhab-transformation-exec │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Exec Transformation openhab-transformation-javascript │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Javascript Transformation openhab-transformation-jinja │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Jinja Transformation openhab-transformation-jsonpath │ 3.3.0 │ x │ Started │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ JSONPath Transformation openhab-transformation-map │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Map Transformation openhab-transformation-regex │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ RegEx Transformation openhab-transformation-scale │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Scale Transformation openhab-transformation-xpath │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ XPath Transformation openhab-transformation-xslt │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ XSLT Transformation openhab-voice-actiontemplatehli │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Action Template Interpreter openhab-voice-googlestt │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Google Cloud Speech-To-Text openhab-voice-googletts │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Google Cloud Text-to-Speech openhab-voice-mactts │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ macOS Text-to-Speech openhab-voice-marytts │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Mary Text-to-Speech openhab-voice-picotts │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Pico Text-to-Speech openhab-voice-pollytts │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Polly Text-to-Speech openhab-voice-porcupineks │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Porcupine Keyword Spotter openhab-voice-rustpotterks │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Rustpotter Keyword Spotter openhab-voice-voicerss │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ VoiceRSS Text-to-Speech openhab-voice-voskstt │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Vosk Speech-To-Text openhab-voice-watsonstt │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ IBM Watson Speech-to-Text openhab-binding-bluetooth │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Bluetooth Binding openhab-binding-mqtt │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ MQTT Binding openhab-binding-modbus │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Modbus Binding openhab-binding-zigbee │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ openHAB ZigBee Binding openhab-ui-basic │ 3.3.0 │ x │ Started │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ Basic UI openhab-ui-cometvisu │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ CometVisu Backend openhab-ui-cometvisu-php │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ PHP support for CometVisu openhab-ui-habot │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ HABot openhab-ui-habpanel │ 3.3.0 │ x │ Started │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ HABPanel openhab-addons │ 3.3.0 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-3.3.0 │ openHAB Add-ons Aggregator