"zigbee:coordinator_ember:013827EC": { "class": "org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing.internal.BridgeImpl", "value": { "label": "BV 2010/10 (ZigBee USB dongle)", "channels": [ { "acceptedItemType": "Number", "kind": "STATE", "uid": { "segments": [ "zigbee", "coordinator_ember", "013827EC", "rx_dat" ] }, "channelTypeUID": { "segments": [ "zigbee", "ember_ash_rx_dat" ] }, "label": "Data frames received", "description": "Provides a count of DATA frames received by the host.", "configuration": { "properties": {} }, "properties": {}, "defaultTags": [] }, { "acceptedItemType": "Number", "kind": "STATE", "uid": { "segments": [ "zigbee", "coordinator_ember", "013827EC", "tx_dat" ] }, "channelTypeUID": { "segments": [ "zigbee", "ember_ash_tx_dat" ] }, "label": "Data frames sent", "description": "Provides a count of DATA frames sent by the host.", "configuration": { "properties": {} }, "properties": {}, "defaultTags": [] }, { "acceptedItemType": "Number", "kind": "STATE", "uid": { "segments": [ "zigbee", "coordinator_ember", "013827EC", "rx_nak" ] }, "channelTypeUID": { "segments": [ "zigbee", "ember_ash_rx_nak" ] }, "label": "NAK frames received", "description": "Provides a count of DATA frames with an error or that were discarded by the NCP due to lack of memory.", "configuration": { "properties": {} }, "properties": {}, "defaultTags": [] }, { "acceptedItemType": "Number", "kind": "STATE", "uid": { "segments": [ "zigbee", "coordinator_ember", "013827EC", "tx_nak" ] }, "channelTypeUID": { "segments": [ "zigbee", "ember_ash_tx_nak" ] }, "label": "NAK frames sent", "description": "Provides a count of DATA frames with an error or that were discarded by the host due to failed CRC.", "configuration": { "properties": {} }, "properties": {}, "defaultTags": [] }, { "acceptedItemType": "Number", "kind": "STATE", "uid": { "segments": [ "zigbee", "coordinator_ember", "013827EC", "rx_ack" ] }, "channelTypeUID": { "segments": [ "zigbee", "ember_ash_rx_ack" ] }, "label": "ACK frames received", "description": "Provides a count of DATA frames received successfully by the NCP.", "configuration": { "properties": {} }, "properties": {}, "defaultTags": [] }, { "acceptedItemType": "Number", "kind": "STATE", "uid": { "segments": [ "zigbee", "coordinator_ember", "013827EC", "tx_ack" ] }, "channelTypeUID": { "segments": [ "zigbee", "ember_ash_tx_ack" ] }, "label": "ACK frames sent", "description": "Provides a count of DATA frames received successfully by the host.", "configuration": { "properties": {} }, "properties": {}, "defaultTags": [] } ], "configuration": { "properties": { "zigbee_port": "/dev/ttyUSB0", "zigbee_initialise": false, "zigbee_channel": 11, "zigbee_concentrator": 0, "zigbee_trustcentremode": "TC_JOIN_INSECURE", "zigbee_extendedpanid": "88739243C200D30C", "zigbee_baud": 57600, "zigbee_flowcontrol": 2, "zigbee_panid": 56992, "zigbee_powermode": 1, "zigbee_txpower": 8, "zigbee_networksize": 25, "zigbee_linkkey": "5A6967426565416C6C69616E63653039", "zigbee_childtimeout": 86400, "zigbee_networkkey": "F4AD3894E6CB4FE69228C60CDB891CBC", "zigbee_meshupdateperiod": 86400 } }, "properties": { "usb_product_id": "35636.0", "usb_vendor_id": "4292.0" }, "uid": { "segments": [ "zigbee", "coordinator_ember", "013827EC" ] }, "thingTypeUID": { "segments": [ "zigbee", "coordinator_ember" ] } } }