uid: DenomAmpRemote tags: [] props: parameters: - context: item description: The item to send the command to label: Item name: item required: false type: TEXT groupName: items - description: Command to power off label: Power OFF name: poweroff required: false type: TEXT groupName: commands - description: Command to power on label: Power ON name: poweron required: false type: TEXT groupName: commands - description: Command to power off Zone 1 label: Power OFF Zone 1 name: poweroffzone1 required: false type: TEXT groupName: commands - description: Command to power on Zone 1 label: Power ON Zone 1 name: poweronzone1 required: false type: TEXT groupName: commands - description: Command to power off Zone 2 label: Power OFF Zone 2 name: poweroffzone2 required: false type: TEXT groupName: commands - description: Command to power on Zone 2 label: Power ON Zone 2 name: poweronzone2 required: false type: TEXT groupName: commands - description: Command to switch one radio channel up label: Radio Channel Up name: channelup required: false type: TEXT groupName: commands - description: Command to switch one radio channel down label: Radio Channel Down name: channeldown required: false type: TEXT groupName: commands - description: Command to tune radio up label: Radio Tune Up name: tuneup required: false type: TEXT groupName: commands - description: Command to tune radio down label: Radio Tune Down name: tunedown required: false type: TEXT groupName: commands - description: Command to increase volume label: Volume Up name: volumeup required: false type: TEXT groupName: commands - description: Command to decrease volume label: Volume Down name: volumedown required: false type: TEXT groupName: commands - description: Command to switch to source Phono label: Source Phone name: sourcephono required: false type: TEXT groupName: commands - description: Command to switch to source CD label: Source CD name: sourcecd required: false type: TEXT groupName: commands - description: Command to switch to source Tuner label: Source Tuner name: sourcetuner required: false type: TEXT groupName: commands - description: Command to switch to source DVD label: Source DVD name: sourcedvd required: false type: TEXT groupName: commands - description: Command to switch to source VDP label: Source VDP name: sourcevdp required: false type: TEXT groupName: commands - description: Command to switch to source V.AUX label: Source V.AUX name: sourcevaux required: false type: TEXT groupName: commands - description: Command to switch to source VCR-1 label: Source VCR-1 name: sourcevcr1 required: false type: TEXT groupName: commands - description: Command to switch to source VCR-2 label: Source VCR-2 name: sourcevcr2 required: false type: TEXT groupName: commands - description: Command to switch to source TV label: Source TV name: sourcetv required: false type: TEXT groupName: commands - description: Command to switch to source DBS label: Source DBS name: sourcedbs required: false type: TEXT groupName: commands - description: Command to switch to source CDR/Tape label: Source CDR/Tape name: sourcecdrtape required: false type: TEXT groupName: commands - description: Command to switch to mode Standard label: Mode Standard name: modestandard required: false type: TEXT groupName: commands - description: Command to switch to mode Cinema label: Mode Cinema name: modecinema required: false type: TEXT groupName: commands - description: Command to switch to mode Music label: Mode Music name: modemusic required: false type: TEXT groupName: commands - description: Command to switch to mode DSP label: Mode DSP name: modedsp required: false type: TEXT groupName: commands - description: Command to switch to mode Pure Direct label: Mode Pure Direct name: modepuredirect required: false type: TEXT groupName: commands - description: Command to switch to mode Direct label: Mode Direct name: modedirect required: false type: TEXT groupName: commands - description: Command to switch to mode Stereo label: Mode Stereo name: modestereo required: false type: TEXT groupName: commands - description: Command to switch to mode 5CH Stereo label: Mode 5CH Stereo name: mode5chstereo required: false type: TEXT groupName: commands - description: Command to send OK/Enter label: OK/Enter name: ok required: false type: TEXT groupName: commands - description: Command to send Up label: Arrow Up name: up required: false type: TEXT groupName: commands - description: Command to send Left label: Arrow Left name: left required: false type: TEXT groupName: commands - description: Command to send Right label: Arrow Right name: right required: false type: TEXT groupName: commands - description: Command to send Down label: Arrow Down name: down required: false type: TEXT groupName: commands - description: Command to send Display label: Display name: display required: false type: TEXT groupName: commands - description: Command to send Setup label: Setup name: setup required: false type: TEXT groupName: commands - description: Command to send Surround Parameters label: Surround Parameters name: surroundparameters required: false type: TEXT groupName: commands - description: Command to mute volume label: Volume Mute name: volumemute required: false type: TEXT groupName: commands parameterGroups: - name: items label: Items to use - name: commands label: Commands to send timestamp: Jul 7, 2021, 8:31:56 AM component: f7-card config: style: box-shadow: 2px 3px rgb(150,150,150) background-color: rgb(50, 50, 50) border-radius: 30px width: 250px height: 800px slots: default: - component: oh-button config: bgColor: red color: white style: font-size: 15px font-weight: bold position: absolute left: 25px top: 20px width: 60px height: 40px border-radius: 12px display: flex text: OFF action: command actionCommand: =props.poweroff actionItem: =props.item - component: oh-button config: bgColor: red color: white style: font-size: 15px font-weight: bold position: absolute left: 165px top: 20px width: 60px height: 40px border-radius: 12px display: flex text: ON action: command actionCommand: =props.poweron actionItem: =props.item - component: f7-badge config: bgColor: gray style: position: absolute left: 20px top: 65px width: 100px height: 60px border: gray solid 1px z-index: 0 - component: oh-link config: color: white style: font-size: 10px font-weight: bold position: absolute left: 20px top: 52px width: 100px height: 40px display: flex z-index: 1 text: Zone 2 - component: oh-button config: color: white bgColor: red style: font-size: 15px font-weight: bold position: absolute left: 25px top: 80px width: 40px height: 40px border-radius: 12px display: flex z-index: 1 text: OFF action: command actionCommand: =props.poweroffzone2 actionItem: =props.item - component: oh-button config: color: white bgColor: red style: font-size: 15px font-weight: bold position: absolute left: 75px top: 80px width: 40px height: 40px border-radius: 12px display: flex z-index: 1 text: ON action: command actionCommand: =props.poweronzone2 actionItem: =props.item - component: f7-badge config: bgColor: gray style: position: absolute left: 130px top: 65px width: 100px height: 60px border: gray solid 1px z-index: 0 - component: oh-link config: color: white style: font-size: 10px font-weight: bold position: absolute left: 130px top: 52px width: 100px height: 40px display: flex z-index: 1 text: Zone 1 (MAIN) - component: oh-button config: color: white bgColor: red style: font-size: 15px font-weight: bold position: absolute left: 135px top: 80px width: 40px height: 40px border-radius: 12px display: flex z-index: 1 text: OFF action: command actionCommand: =props.poweroffzone1 actionItem: =props.item - component: oh-button config: color: white bgColor: red style: font-size: 15px font-weight: bold position: absolute left: 185px top: 80px width: 40px height: 40px border-radius: 12px display: flex z-index: 1 text: ON action: command actionCommand: =props.poweronzone1 actionItem: =props.item - component: f7-badge config: bgColor: gray style: position: absolute left: 20px top: 130px width: 100px height: 105px border: gray solid 1px z-index: 0 - component: oh-link config: color: white style: font-size: 10px font-weight: bold position: absolute left: 20px top: 118px width: 100px height: 40px display: flex z-index: 1 text: Radio - component: oh-button config: color: white bgColor: black style: font-size: 15px font-weight: bold position: absolute left: 25px top: 145px width: 40px height: 40px border-radius: 12px display: flex z-index: 1 text: CH+ action: command actionCommand: =props.channelup actionItem: =props.item - component: oh-button config: color: white bgColor: black style: font-size: 15px font-weight: bold position: absolute left: 25px top: 190px width: 40px height: 40px border-radius: 12px display: flex z-index: 1 text: CH- action: command actionCommand: =props.channeldown actionItem: =props.item - component: oh-button config: color: white bgColor: black style: font-size: 15px font-weight: bold position: absolute left: 75px top: 145px width: 40px height: 40px border-radius: 12px display: flex z-index: 1 text: Tu+ action: command actionCommand: =props.tuneup actionItem: =props.item - component: oh-button config: color: white bgColor: black style: font-size: 15px font-weight: bold position: absolute left: 75px top: 190px width: 40px height: 40px border-radius: 12px display: flex z-index: 1 text: Tu- action: command actionCommand: =props.tunedown actionItem: =props.item - component: f7-badge config: bgColor: gray style: position: absolute left: 130px top: 130px width: 100px height: 105px border: gray solid 1px z-index: 0 - component: oh-link config: color: white style: font-size: 10px font-weight: bold position: absolute left: 130px top: 118px width: 100px height: 40px display: flex z-index: 1 text: Volume - component: oh-button config: color: white bgColor: black style: position: absolute left: 135px top: 145px width: 90px height: 40px border-radius: 12px display: flex z-index: 1 iconF7: speaker_3 iconSize: 30 action: command actionCommand: =props.volumeup actionItem: =props.item - component: oh-button config: color: white bgColor: black style: position: absolute left: 135px top: 190px width: 90px height: 40px border-radius: 12px display: flex z-index: 1 iconF7: speaker_1 iconSize: 30 action: command actionCommand: =props.volumedown actionItem: =props.item - component: oh-button config: color: black bgColor: yellow style: font-size: 13px font-weight: bold position: absolute left: 25px top: 245px width: 60px height: 40px border-radius: 12px display: flex flex-wrap: wrap white-space: normal line-height: 15px text: Phono action: command actionCommand: =props.sourcephono actionItem: =props.item - component: oh-button config: color: black bgColor: yellow style: font-size: 13px font-weight: bold position: absolute left: 95px top: 245px width: 60px height: 40px border-radius: 12px display: flex flex-wrap: wrap white-space: normal line-height: 15px text: CD action: command actionCommand: =props.sourcecd actionItem: =props.item - component: oh-button config: color: black bgColor: yellow style: font-size: 13px font-weight: bold position: absolute left: 165px top: 245px width: 60px height: 40px border-radius: 12px display: flex flex-wrap: wrap white-space: normal line-height: 15px text: Tuner action: command actionCommand: =props.sourcetuner actionItem: =props.item - component: oh-button config: color: black bgColor: yellow style: font-size: 13px font-weight: bold position: absolute left: 25px top: 295px width: 60px height: 40px border-radius: 12px display: flex flex-wrap: wrap white-space: normal line-height: 15px text: DVD action: command actionCommand: =props.sourcedvd actionItem: =props.item - component: oh-button config: color: black bgColor: yellow style: font-size: 13px font-weight: bold position: absolute left: 95px top: 295px width: 60px height: 40px border-radius: 12px display: flex flex-wrap: wrap white-space: normal line-height: 15px text: VDP action: command actionCommand: =props.sourcevdp actionItem: =props.item - component: oh-button config: color: black bgColor: yellow style: font-size: 13px font-weight: bold position: absolute left: 165px top: 295px width: 60px height: 40px border-radius: 12px display: flex flex-wrap: wrap white-space: normal line-height: 15px text: V.AUX action: command actionCommand: =props.sourcevaux actionItem: =props.item - component: oh-button config: color: black bgColor: yellow style: font-size: 13px font-weight: bold position: absolute left: 25px top: 345px width: 60px height: 40px border-radius: 12px display: flex flex-wrap: wrap white-space: normal line-height: 15px text: VCR-1 action: command actionCommand: =props.sourcevcr1 actionItem: =props.item - component: oh-button config: color: black bgColor: yellow style: font-size: 13px font-weight: bold position: absolute left: 95px top: 345px width: 60px height: 40px border-radius: 12px display: flex flex-wrap: wrap white-space: normal line-height: 15px text: VCR-2 action: command actionCommand: =props.sourcevcr2 actionItem: =props.item - component: oh-button config: color: black bgColor: yellow style: font-size: 13px font-weight: bold position: absolute left: 165px top: 345px width: 60px height: 40px border-radius: 12px display: flex flex-wrap: wrap white-space: normal line-height: 15px text: TV action: command actionCommand: =props.sourcetv actionItem: =props.item - component: oh-button config: color: black bgColor: yellow style: font-size: 13px font-weight: bold position: absolute left: 60px top: 395px width: 60px height: 40px border-radius: 12px display: flex flex-wrap: wrap white-space: normal line-height: 15px text: DBS action: command actionCommand: =props.sourcedbs actionItem: =props.item - component: oh-button config: color: black bgColor: yellow style: font-size: 13px font-weight: bold position: absolute left: 130px top: 395px width: 60px height: 40px border-radius: 12px display: flex flex-wrap: wrap white-space: normal line-height: 15px text: CDR / Tape action: command actionCommand: =props.sourcecdrtape actionItem: =props.item - component: oh-button config: color: white bgColor: blue style: font-size: 10px font-weight: bold position: absolute left: 10px top: 450px width: 50px height: 40px border-radius: 12px display: flex flex-wrap: wrap white-space: normal line-height: 15px text: STD action: command actionCommand: =props.modestandard actionItem: =props.item - component: oh-button config: color: white bgColor: blue style: font-size: 10px font-weight: bold position: absolute left: 70px top: 450px width: 50px height: 40px border-radius: 12px display: flex flex-wrap: wrap white-space: normal line-height: 15px text: Cinema action: command actionCommand: =props.modecinema actionItem: =props.item - component: oh-button config: color: white bgColor: blue style: font-size: 10px font-weight: bold position: absolute left: 130px top: 450px width: 50px height: 40px border-radius: 12px display: flex flex-wrap: wrap white-space: normal line-height: 15px text: Music action: command actionCommand: =props.modemusic actionItem: =props.item - component: oh-button config: color: white bgColor: blue style: font-size: 10px font-weight: bold position: absolute left: 190px top: 450px width: 50px height: 40px border-radius: 12px display: flex flex-wrap: wrap white-space: normal line-height: 15px text: DSP action: command actionCommand: =props.modedsp actionItem: =props.item - component: oh-button config: color: white bgColor: blue style: font-size: 10px font-weight: bold position: absolute left: 10px top: 500px width: 50px height: 40px border-radius: 12px display: flex flex-wrap: wrap white-space: normal line-height: 15px text: Pure Direct action: command actionCommand: =props.modepuredirect actionItem: =props.item - component: oh-button config: color: white bgColor: blue style: font-size: 10px font-weight: bold position: absolute left: 70px top: 500px width: 50px height: 40px border-radius: 12px display: flex flex-wrap: wrap white-space: normal line-height: 15px text: Direct action: command actionCommand: =props.modedirect actionItem: =props.item - component: oh-button config: color: white bgColor: blue style: font-size: 10px font-weight: bold position: absolute left: 130px top: 500px width: 50px height: 40px border-radius: 12px display: flex flex-wrap: wrap white-space: normal line-height: 15px text: Stereo action: command actionCommand: =props.modestereo actionItem: =props.item - component: oh-button config: color: white bgColor: blue style: font-size: 10px font-weight: bold position: absolute left: 190px top: 500px width: 50px height: 40px border-radius: 12px display: flex flex-wrap: wrap white-space: normal line-height: 15px text: 5CH Stereo action: command actionCommand: =props.mode5chstereo actionItem: =props.item - component: f7-badge config: bgColor: gray style: position: absolute left: 45px top: 570px width: 160px height: 160px transform: rotate(45deg) border-radius: 30% z-index: 0 - component: oh-button config: color: black bgColor: gray style: font-size: 25px font-weight: bold position: absolute left: 85px top: 610px width: 80px height: 80px border-radius: 50% border: black solid 1px display: flex z-index: 1 text: OK action: command actionCommand: =props.ok actionItem: =props.item - component: oh-button config: color: gray bgColor: gray style: position: absolute left: 25px top: 565px width: 50px height: 40px border-radius: 20% z-index: 0 transform: skew(-45deg) action: command actionCommand: =props.display actionItem: =props.item - component: oh-link config: color: black style: position: absolute left: 38px top: 572px display: flex z-index: 1 iconF7: info_circle iconSize: 25 action: command actionCommand: =props.display actionItem: =props.item - component: oh-button config: color: black bgColor: gray style: position: absolute left: 105px top: 565px width: 40px height: 40px display: flex z-index: 1 iconF7: arrowtriangle_up iconSize: 35 action: command actionCommand: =props.up actionItem: =props.item - component: oh-button config: color: gray bgColor: gray style: position: absolute left: 175px top: 565px width: 50px height: 40px border-radius: 20% z-index: 0 transform: skew(45deg) action: command actionCommand: =props.surroundparameters actionItem: =props.item - component: oh-link config: color: black style: position: absolute left: 187px top: 572px display: flex z-index: 1 iconF7: slider_horizontal_3 iconSize: 25 action: command actionCommand: =props.surroundparameters actionItem: =props.item - component: oh-button config: color: black bgColor: gray style: position: absolute left: 40px top: 630px width: 40px height: 40px display: flex z-index: 1 iconF7: arrowtriangle_left iconSize: 35 action: command actionCommand: =props.left actionItem: =props.item - component: oh-button config: color: black bgColor: gray style: position: absolute left: 170px top: 630px width: 40px height: 40px display: flex z-index: 1 iconF7: arrowtriangle_right iconSize: 35 action: command actionCommand: =props.right actionItem: =props.item - component: oh-button config: color: gray bgColor: gray style: position: absolute left: 25px top: 695px width: 50px height: 40px border-radius: 20% z-index: 0 transform: skew(45deg) action: command actionCommand: =props.setup actionItem: =props.item - component: oh-link config: color: black style: position: absolute left: 40px top: 702px display: flex z-index: 1 iconF7: menu iconSize: 25 action: command actionCommand: =props.setup actionItem: =props.item - component: oh-button config: color: black bgColor: gray style: position: absolute left: 105px top: 695px width: 40px height: 40px display: flex z-index: 1 iconF7: arrowtriangle_down iconSize: 35 action: command actionCommand: =props.down actionItem: =props.item - component: oh-button config: color: gray bgColor: gray style: position: absolute left: 175px top: 695px width: 50px height: 40px border-radius: 20% z-index: 0 transform: skew(-45deg) action: command actionCommand: =props.volumemute actionItem: =props.item - component: oh-link config: color: black style: font-size: 20px position: absolute left: 185px top: 700px display: flex z-index: 1 iconF7: speaker_slash iconSize: 30 action: command actionCommand: =props.volumemute actionItem: =props.item - component: oh-link config: color: gray style: font-size: 25px position: absolute left: 0 top: 750px width: 250px height: 40px display: flex text: Denon