uid: OH3LivioShellyWidget tags: [] props: parameters: - context: input description: "type of Shelly (possible values: 1, 25, HT, EM, FL)" label: Type name: typeDisp required: false type: TEXT - description: Title label: Title name: title required: false type: TEXT - description: Name label: Nome name: nome required: false type: TEXT - context: item description: Command Item For Switch (Only For Type 1, 25, EM) label: Command Item name: commandItem required: false type: TEXT - label: Icon For Switch Item name: iconItem required: false type: TEXT - description: Show Dynamic Items (visibili solamente se diversi dal loro valore di defualt) label: Show Dynamics Items name: showInfoItems required: false type: BOOLEAN - context: item description: Item Power (Visibile se > 0, utilizzato anche come parametro da passare al widget/o pagina personalizzata da richiamare quando si schiaccia su info) (Only For Type 25) label: Item For Power name: powerItem required: false type: TEXT - context: item description: Item Online (Visibile se false, utilizzato anche come parametro da passare al widget/o pagina personalizzata da richiamare quando si schiaccia su info) (For All Type) label: Item Online name: onlineItem required: false type: TEXT - context: item description: Item New Firmware Availabilty (Visibile se true, utilizzato anche come parametro da passare al widget/o pagina personalizzata da richiamare quando si schiaccia su info) (For All Type) label: Item For New Firmware name: fwupdateItem required: false type: TEXT - context: item description: Item Temeperature (Visibile se > della soglia impostata nel parametro successivo se il tipo non � HT o FL, utilizzato anche come parametro da passare al widget/o pagina personalizzata da richiamare quando si schiaccia su info) (Only For Type 25, HT, FL) label: Item For Temperature name: temperatureItem required: false type: TEXT - label: Icon For Temperature Item name: icontemperatureItem required: false type: TEXT - description: Temeperature Threeshold for Showing Dynamic Temperature Items (Only For Type 25) label: Set Temperature name: temperatureSet required: false type: INTEGER - context: item description: Humidity Item (Utilizzato anche come parametro da passare al widget/o pagina personalizzata da richiamare quando si schiaccia su info) (Only For Type HT) label: Humidity Item name: humidityItem required: false type: TEXT - label: Icon For Humidity Item name: iconhumidityItem required: false type: TEXT - context: item description: Item For Over Temeperature (Utilizzato anche come parametro da passare al widget/o pagina personalizzata da richiamare quando si schiaccia su info) (Only For Type 25) label: Item For Over Temperature name: overtemperatureItem required: false type: TEXT - description: Show info label: Show Info name: showInfo required: false type: BOOLEAN - context: item description: Item Energy (Utilizzato come parametro da passare al widget/o pagina personalizzata da richiamare quando si schiaccia su info) (Only For Type 25) label: Item Energy name: energyItem required: false type: TEXT - context: item description: Item IP (Utilizzato come parametro da passare al widget/o pagina personalizzata da richiamare quando si schiaccia su info) (For All Type) label: Item IP name: ipItem required: false type: TEXT - context: item description: Item FW Version (Utilizzato come parametro da passare al widget/o pagina personalizzata da richiamare quando si schiaccia su info) (For All Type) label: Item FW Version name: fwversionItem required: false type: TEXT - context: item description: Item Battery (Utilizzato come parametro da passare al widget/o pagina personalizzata da richiamare quando si schiaccia su info) (Only For Type HT,FL) label: Item Battery name: batteryItem required: false type: TEXT - context: item description: Item Last Update Temp (Utilizzato come parametro da passare al widget/o pagina personalizzata da richiamare quando si schiaccia su info) (Only For Type HT,FL) label: Item Last Update Temp name: lastupdatetempItem required: false type: TEXT - context: item description: Item Last Update Hum (Utilizzato come parametro da passare al widget/o pagina personalizzata da richiamare quando si schiaccia su info) (Only For Type HT) label: Item Last Update Hum name: lastupdatehumItem required: false type: TEXT - context: item description: Item Last Update (Utilizzato come parametro da passare al widget/o pagina personalizzata da richiamare quando si schiaccia su info) (Only For Type HT,FL) label: Item Last Update name: lastupdateItem required: false type: TEXT - context: page + widget description: Page or Widget to Show label: Page or Widget to Show name: pagetoShow required: false type: TEXT - context: action description: "action to perform (values: popover, popup)" label: action name: actionToDo required: false type: TEXT parameterGroups: [] timestamp: Nov 22, 2020, 7:04:16 PM component: f7-block config: style: position: relative -ms-user-select: None -moz-user-select: None -webkit-user-select: None user-select: None class: - no-padding - no-margin slots: default: - component: oh-list-card config: title: =props.title accordionList: false slots: default: - component: oh-toggle-item config: title: = [props.nome] item: =[props.commandItem] icon: =props.iconItem iconColor: '=(items[props.commandItem].state === "-" || items[props.commandItem].state === "NULL" ) ? "orange" : (items[props.commandItem].state === "OFF") ? "green" : (items[props.commandItem].state === "ON") ? "red" : "black"' visible: = (props.typeDisp.toString() === "1" || props.typeDisp.toString() === "25") - component: oh-label-item config: title: = [props.nome] item: =[props.temperatureItem] icon: =props.icontemperatureItem iconColor: '=(items[props.temperatureItem].state > 0 && items[props.temperatureItem].state <= 10 ) ? "purple" : (items[props.temperatureItem].state > 10 && items[props.temperatureItem].state <= 13 ) ? "lightblue" : (items[props.temperatureItem].state > 13 && items[props.temperatureItem].state <=17 ) ? "yellow" : (items[props.temperatureItem].state > 17 && items[props.temperatureItem].state <=20 ) ? "orange" : (items[props.temperatureItem].state > 20 && items[props.temperatureItem].state <=25 ) ? "red" : (items[props.temperatureItem].state > 25 && items[props.temperatureItem].state <=60 ) ? "purple" : "black"' visible: = (props.typeDisp.toString() === 'HT' || props.typeDisp.toString() === 'FL') - component: oh-label-item config: title: Umidità item: =[props.humidityItem] icon: =props.iconhumidityItem iconColor: '=(items[props.humidityItem].state >= 0 && items[props.humidityItem].state <= 35) ? "purple" : (items[props.humidityItem].state > 35 && items[props.humidityItem].state <= 40) ? "red" : (items[props.humidityItem].state > 40 && items[props.humidityItem].state <= 50) ? "orange" : (items[props.humidityItem].state > 50 && items[props.humidityItem].state <= 60) ? "yellow" : (items[props.humidityItem].state > 60 && items[props.humidityItem].state <= 70) ? "green" : (items[props.humidityItem].state > 70 && items[props.humidityItem].state <= 80) ? "lightblue" : (items[props.humidityItem].state > 80) ? "blue" : "black"' visible: = (props.typeDisp.toString() === 'HT' || props.typeDisp.toString() === 'FL') - component: oh-label-item config: title: Ultimo Collegamento item: =[props.lastupdateItem] icon: f7:clock iconColor: '=(items[props.lastupdateItem].state === "NULL" || items[props.lastupdateItem].state === "-" ) ? "orange" : "blue"' visible: = (props.typeDisp.toString() === 'HT' || props.typeDisp.toString() === 'FL') - component: oh-label-item config: item: =[props.powerItem] class: '=props.showInfoItems ? props.showInfoItems : "display-none"' icon: f7:bolt_fill iconColor: '=(items[props.powerItem].state === "0.00") ? "green" : "red"' visible: =items[props.powerItem].state > 0 title: Consumo - component: oh-label-item config: item: =[props.onlineItem] class: '=props.showInfoItems ? props.showInfoItems : "display-none"' icon: f7:wifi iconColor: '=(items[props.onlineItem].state === "true") ? "green" : "red"' visible: =items[props.onlineItem].state==="false" && props.typeDisp.toString() != "HT" && props.typeDisp.toString() != "FL" title: Online - component: oh-label-item config: item: =[props.fwupdateItem] class: '=props.showInfoItems ? props.showInfoItems : "display-none"' icon: f7:info_circle_fill iconColor: '=(items[props.fwupdateItem].state === "NULL" || items[props.fwupdateItem].state === "-" ) ? "red" : (items[props.fwupdateItem].state === "false") ? "blue" : "orange"' visible: =items[props.fwupdateItem].state==='true' title: Nuovo Firmware Disponibile - component: oh-label-item config: item: =[props.temperatureItem] class: '=props.showInfoItems ? props.showInfoItems : "display-none"' icon: f7:thermometer iconColor: '=(items[props.temperatureItem].state > 80) ? "purple" : (items[props.temperatureItem].state > 70 && items[props.temperatureItem].state <= 80) ? "red" : (items[props.temperatureItem].state > 60 && items[props.temperatureItem].state <= 70) ? "orange" : (items[props.temperatureItem].state > 40 && items[props.temperatureItem].state <= 60) ? "yellow" : "blue"' visible: = (props.typeDisp.toString() === '25' && items[props.temperatureItem].state >= [props.temperatureSet]) title: Temeperatura - component: oh-label-item config: item: =[props.overtemperatureItem] class: '=props.showInfoItems ? props.showInfoItems : "display-none"' icon: f7:thermometer iconColor: '=(items[props.overtemperatureItem].state === 1) ? "red" : "blue"' visible: = items[props.overtemperatureItem].state === 1 title: Surriscaldamento - component: oh-list-item config: title: Info class: '=props.showInfo ? props.showInfo : "display-none"' icon: f7:info_circle iconColor: '=(items[props.commandItem].state === "-" || items[props.commandItem.state] === "NULL" ) ? "orange" : (items[props.commandItem].state === "OFF") ? "blue" : (items[props.commandItem].state === "ON") ? "yellow" : "black"' item: =[props.commandItem] after: '= (props.typeDisp.toString() === "25") ? items[props.powerItem].state + " Watt" : (props.typeDisp.toString() === "HT" || props.typeDisp.toString() === "FL") ? items[props.batteryItem].state + " %" : (props.typeDisp.toString() === "1") ? items[props.commandItem].state : ""' action: =props.actionToDo actionModal: =props.pagetoShow actionModalConfig: typeDisp: =[props.typeDisp] powerItem: =[props.powerItem] energyItem: =[props.energyItem] onlineItem: =[props.onlineItem] temperatureItem: =[props.temperatureItem] humidityItem: =[props.humidityItem] overtemperatureItem: =[props.overtemperatureItem] ipItem: =[props.ipItem] fwversionItem: =[props.fwversionItem] fwupdateItem: =[props.fwupdateItem] batteryItem: =[props.batteryItem] lastupdateItem: =[props.lastupdateItem] lastupdatetempItem: =[props.lastupdatetempItem] lastupdatehumItem: =[props.lastupdatehumItem]