2.5 Milestone 5 Issues

Running openHABian on an RPi3.

I ran across something interesting when I upgraded 2.5-M4 to 2.5-M5 through openhabian-config. All my zwave devices stopped working. After looking at the logs it appeared that the Controller ( Aeotec Z-Stick Gen5) kept going offline and then coming back online and repeat over and over. I looked through the zwave logs and nothing jumped out at me. I was not sure what to do so I set that problem aside.

I was getting another error in the logs:
Failed installing 'openhab-misc-restdocs'

I set off to solve that problem and it seems to be a relatively simple fix. The “restdocs” was moved from “misc” to “ui” in the addons.config. Since I setup those addons via PaperUI, I check out the “userdata/config/org/openhab/addons.confg” file. This is what the “misc” line looked like:


I had a leading comma plus the restdocs now in the wrong place. I removed the comma and the restdocs and then restarted openHAB.

To my surprise, all the zwave issues disappeared. No more Zwave controller bouncing online/offline. All zwave activities back to normal.

I did some more testing just see if I want would happen.

Leading comma with no restdocs

No zwave controller bouncing, but the zwave network does not appear to respond to commands. The logs indicate that the Lights were changed to ON but the lights never turn on.

No leading comma with restdocs
misc="openhabcloud, restdocs"

Z-wave controller constantly bouncing.

I can only assume the leading comma got in the file do to adding/removing something from the PaperUI. Not sure when that actually happened.

As for the no longer valid “restdocs” in the “misc” category… not sure where to file and issue… is it a zwave issue? or somewhere else?