2.5 Milestone 5 Issues

New issue here.
Saving/Updating files (rules, items. sitemap…) doesn’t create a new log line in the openhab.log file

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I did fail to upgrade from M4 to M5. Running on MS2012R2 using “update.bat 2.5.0.M5”

PrintAndReturn : 2.5.0.M4 is not formatted correctly (d.d.d)

After changing my current version.properties from 2.5.0.M4 to 2.5.0 i was able to get the script running to completion.

I still do have to delete mqttembedded.bin on every restart to get the embedded broker running.
If mqttembedded.bin is not deleted i get “persistence corrupt: Could not deserialize” and no MQTT in openhab, but everything else works!

Zulu CPU usage 0-1%

2.5.0.M4 MQTT embedded broker running:
Zulu CPU Usage 28-36% constant

2.5.0.M5 MQTT embedded broker running:
Zulu CPU usage: 75-79% constant


Any ideas to narrow down the root cause?

ah oh… that problem was supposed to be fixed just after M3 got released. Here is link to git issue
and here is link to thread with work around

Thanks, changing the file location in PaperUI fixed my restart problems. Despite having write access to the new path no mqttembedded.bin is created at the new location. So same effect as deleting it on every restart.

I did just switch from Zulu to Java SE 1.8.0_231-b11 witch brought my CPU usage down to 50-53%(from ~75%)
M4 was ~30%
no MQTT embedded broker running was and is 0-1%

Running openHABian on an RPi3.

I ran across something interesting when I upgraded 2.5-M4 to 2.5-M5 through openhabian-config. All my zwave devices stopped working. After looking at the logs it appeared that the Controller ( Aeotec Z-Stick Gen5) kept going offline and then coming back online and repeat over and over. I looked through the zwave logs and nothing jumped out at me. I was not sure what to do so I set that problem aside.

I was getting another error in the logs:
Failed installing 'openhab-misc-restdocs'

I set off to solve that problem and it seems to be a relatively simple fix. The “restdocs” was moved from “misc” to “ui” in the addons.config. Since I setup those addons via PaperUI, I check out the “userdata/config/org/openhab/addons.confg” file. This is what the “misc” line looked like:


I had a leading comma plus the restdocs now in the wrong place. I removed the comma and the restdocs and then restarted openHAB.

To my surprise, all the zwave issues disappeared. No more Zwave controller bouncing online/offline. All zwave activities back to normal.

I did some more testing just see if I want would happen.

Leading comma with no restdocs

No zwave controller bouncing, but the zwave network does not appear to respond to commands. The logs indicate that the Lights were changed to ON but the lights never turn on.

No leading comma with restdocs
misc="openhabcloud, restdocs"

Z-wave controller constantly bouncing.

I can only assume the leading comma got in the file do to adding/removing something from the PaperUI. Not sure when that actually happened.

As for the no longer valid “restdocs” in the “misc” category… not sure where to file and issue… is it a zwave issue? or somewhere else?

the REST Docs moved to User Interfaces back at Milestone 2. You need to remove the reverence to the old docs & install from the new location.

Here is the Warning yuou received when upgrading.

Warning: REST Docs: This add-on is now part of the UIs. When installing it using textual configuration, update ‘services/addons.cfg’ by removing ‘restdocs’ from ‘misc’ and add it to ‘ui’ instead.

so are you saying that shutting down the embedded mqtt server (moquette) makes cpu usage drop from 50% down to 0-1% ?
If so that is not good, David mentioned awhile back (when this first popped up) that there were some bug fixes the moquette guys were working on
Anyhow seems fix for the persistence file is not working correctly… @J-N-K Jan can you take another look at this?

Migration of my RB4 from 2.5 m4 to m5 solved my problem on mqtt binding. Now i can restart openhab and the binding go online normally. At any restart I lose the status of all my mqtt object (I don’t know if it’s normal). Actually I did’t look at the cpu status. I’ll investigate this night. Thank you for all

Do you have any persistence set up? If not that is the issue, likely.

That warning did not jump out at me, however it would not have directed me to the right place. Since, as I stated, the restdocs was installed via PaperUI the issue is in the “userdata/config/org/openhab/addons.config” file. There is not way to correct the issue via the PaperUI. During the upgrade I would have expected the configuration to be updated. If it does not the users will have to hand edit a file that is not really meant for hand editing.

Overall, that was an easy configuration fix. The bigger issue (and why I reported the issue) is, why does incorrect value in the “misc” config hose up the zwave binding? Is it specific to something with M5?

I did not see this issue on M4. however, I do not know what the “misc” line looked like on M4. I have never looked that the “userdata/config/org/openhab/addons.config” file until this upgrade.

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For me it does, I have updated a rule file since the update and I could see it in the log

Exactly. If i use Zulu CPU Load is ever higher with moquette running.

That is strange. The change happened way back at Milestone 2.

The problem (in link above) is with the persistence file for the moquette embedded broker(it has its own). The file remains locked after shutdown and when restart occurs, because the file is still locked, the broker can not start.

Moquette seems abandoned and I don‘t have time to have a deeper look. Unfortunately I‘m not aware of an alternative implementation. Use mosquitto.

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Thanks Jan

For folks like me who don’t care if the broker has persistence and don’t feel like setting up a sepparate mqtt broker, leaving the persistence file entry blank in Paper UI for the broker cures the restart problem

I went from 2.4 stable to 2.5-M4 and then to 2.5-M5. I went back at looked at the older logs. I was getting the “openhab-misc-restdocs” error in the logs when on M4, however, the zwave binding was working.

Thanks for the advice. I did remove Moquette and installed Mosquitto.
CPU load now at 28% - strangely I’m unable to replicate the previous 0-1% cpu load state.

Any ideas on throubleshooting high CPU load?

No, I don’t have any persistence setted up. I though mqtt binding use the persistence.bin to store the status. I’ll set with mapdb.
Actually if mquette is a dead project I think is better to use mosquitto

that is correct. Mine was called mqttembedded.bin
I’m not using it because all real time stuff that doesn’t need persistence to work, even at start up.