230V powered temp sensor?

Obviously, for a reason I clearly don’t understand, most, of not all?, temperature sensors use battery.

I’d like something more sustainable, powered using domestic current, ideally zigbee or zwave.

Do you know such a device?

The purpose is to trigger a fan, depending on local temperature.

I use ZWave sensors: Aeon Labs Multisensor6 (ZW100). They can be powered with batteries, but you can power them via a USB connection as well. Which is what I do.

Wemos d1 mini + tasmota + bme280 + 3D printed case.
Best solution ^
After you do this, after a while you’ll understand that now you can also create any other sensor.
So, again, wemos d1 mini + ikea vindrikting pm25 sensor + tasmota = cheap particle sensor.

Or light sensors, presence sensors, Bluetooth sensors… oooff. Tons of stuff.

If they’re available where you are, I suggest a Broadlink RM Mini 3. It’s meant to be an IR remote, but you can buy it with an optional USB cable that has a temperature/humidity sensor. Works great for me.

There’s no official binding, but the unofficial one has been perfectly reliable for me.

Shelly HT sensor sensor with usb base. A WiFi open sensor that you can let me tilt power if your don’t with to build.

While I have no problem building I don’t have a 3d printer, so they always looks a little budget.

I am using a Sonoff TH16 flashed with Tasmota for this. It also has a switch included, making it the perfect device for my pool pump.

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Argh, it appears Sonoff THxx are no longer available :frowning:
There is a new TH device coming soon (TH Elite), but not as simple/cheap as TH10/TH16.
Shelly HT is a big … big :slight_smile: and has less advantages as Sonoff which contains 2 features I’m looking for: a temp sensor and a relay.