4.3.0 - Problems excluding items from persistence configurations

I’m running 4.3.0 in a container on an Intel NUC, and everything was fine and dandy until I tried to exclude some items in a persistence configuration through the UI.

This appears to happen with any persistence backend, with any items and both in new and existing persistence configurations. Groups are not affected.

Exclude any item(s) in a new or existing configuration. Note that picking multiple items will actually just add one; to add another, another edit is required. (Also an issue?)

Then, exit and return to the persistence configuration.

In the overview of the configurations, the name of each excluded item gets its last character truncated.

When entering the configuration, the excluded items are no longer there.

Is this (or was this, fingers crossed) an issue we’ve seen before?

This is not an issue we’ve seen before.

What do you seen on the code tab? That will help identify if it’s just a display issue or something more.

Definitely file an issue for the multiple selection probem. You should be able to select multuple.

Note, you might make sure that these problems still exist in 4.3.3. There have been several bug fixes back ported. I don’t remember if anything related to persistence was back ported but if so, these might already be fixed.

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The code tab reflects the same.

After setting and saving it would read:

  - items:
      - Lighting_All*
      - "!BathroomLight"

… and after returning to the configuration it would have changed:

  - items:
      - Lighting_All*
      - "!BathroomLigh"

I’ll try an update to 4.3.3 first; will report back.

Alright, on 4.3.3 now.

The characters no longer disappear, which is excellent.
Adding multiple items still seems bugged; I’ll file an issue for that, then.

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I created a PR to resolve this: Persistence edit: fix multiple selection by mherwege · Pull Request #3105 · openhab/openhab-webui · GitHub