$500 for the ability to textually configure openHAB 2 Z-Wave

Yes - probably. Can you post me a full logfile of the startup of the binding - best way to send it is via a ticket on my website (you need to log in there, but I think you probably already have an account?). It makes it easy for me to track and you can load logs up to 20M without any problem.

Done! Thanks for looking at it.

Thanks - I’ll take a look over the weekend.

@sipvoip - this is by no means ideal, and I’d rather see direct Z-Wave unit conversion support, but I’ve run into situations where certain devices can only report Celsius. To work around this its possible to use a ‘proxy item’ which stores the value in C and updates the equivalent ‘item’ in F using an OpenHAB rule.

Best regards,

@george.erhan I don’t think that @sipvoip is doing anything unethical here. If a user who cannot implement required features by himself offers to fund the development, it is imho a fair offer. As long as it is clear that the result is going to be open-source and a contribution to the project, this is imho fine (and yes, for closed source developments, that should indeed not happen here publicly in the community). See also this answer from Bountysource.

I actually think that Bountysource is a valid service that can also help the openHAB community - it is already activated on some openHAB repos, you can e.g. already post bounties on the Z-Wave repo. There was a bug in their Github plugin in the past months, which made me refrain from looking deeper into it, but I would plan to also introduce this feature in general to the openHAB community.

But this is a bit off-topic here, I guess we should open a different topic for further discussions.

Just my 2 cents,

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Dear Kai,

I did not think for a moment that @sipvoip did something unethical, I only suggested that in order to properly manage the help needed in this community we should orderly apply/request for paid jobs, just like you now are suggesting!

Best regards,
