A single distro from now on!

And the changes are now available for apt-get users! Remember if you haven’t done so already make sure you change to the Bintray Repo as @theo has explained.


As always, be sure to take a backup! but all you need to do is install using the new package name. This will automatically uninstall openhab2-online or openhab2-offline and replace it with this version:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openhab2

Note: Sometimes, the installation would ask you if you would like to replace single configuration files. If you’re unsure what the file is and it’s located in the /var/lib/openhab2/etc folder then answer should be yes (Y) (the default for deb packages is no however).

Getting the Add ons

If like @Kai you loved the offline distro, you can optionally download and install the add-on or the legacy add-on using:

sudo apt-get install openhab2-addons
sudo apt-get install openhab2-addons-legacy


Then, you can keep all three updated at any time with the commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

Report any problems

Let us know here of any problems you come across which are specific to the deb packages!