A Z-wave device that is not fully recognized (zwave:device:22b0424348:node3)

  • Platform information: RPi3 B
    • Hardware: 16 GB storage
    • OS: Linux/6.1.21-v7+ (arm)
    • Java Runtime Environment: 17.0.7 (undefined)
    • openHAB version: 4.0.3
  • Issue of the topic: a simple mini plug will not be fully recognized via its device ID, hence I can’t include it in my model since it does not show up in the things list when trying to “Create Equipment From Thing”.
    The thing list is empty, but when i look under Things they are added partially.
    I think I have found the plug on the Z-wave alliance webpage https://products.z-wavealliance.org/products/1456 the one I have is branded Nexa but it looks exactly the same and is marked with AN-180-2 so I believe it is just a re-branding thing for the Swedish market.

I’m not sure what you are trying to show here. The Thing list isn’t empty. You have eight Things listed there, seven of them are Zwave devices.

This screen looks normal. You have six devices joined to the controller and they all show as online. Are these showing as “unknown device” if you open the m and that’s the problem? If so see ZWave - Bindings | openHAB. The device may not be in the database or is not know by that model number.

If it does show as a device, what do you see under the Channel’s tab?

these are all unknown devices and the channels tab is empty.

(since I am a new user I can’t post a screenshot of the channels tab)

Will this maybe fix itself even since the devices are unknown if I just wait a day or two?
I was under the impression that it had to be added to the database so that Openhab would know what settings was available for this device (and what channel).

OK, since these are mains powered devices, the fact that they are not yet known means they are not in th zwave database. Waiting only works for battery powered devices that are already in the database.

Follow the instructions you see there and in the link I posted above to add the device to the database.