(Yannick Schaus)
April 6, 2017, 4:56pm
The following threads contain walkthroughs for those willing to learn how to extend HABPanel’s standard set of widgets by creating templates and custom widgets. Please read them!
Hi all,
Since HABPanel went official, the added exposure has made more people try it and, as a result, there has been a number of requests for specialized widgets. While I don’t think I’m done with adding new widgets, I also believe the standard set should remain simple and focused to generic tasks, and match openHAB concepts, like items, as closely as possible.
Still, I understand the appeal of having specialized, more complex displays, which may make sense in a lot of situations. I also thin…
Hi everyone,
This post introduces a new HABPanel feature: custom widgets!
They are based on the template widget - which isn’t going away - but improves it by offering a central space for widgets that are designed to be reused, shared, and configured. Therefore, if you have multiple widgets of the same type on your dashboards, you can now use a centrally-managed template with configurable settings.
This is better for several reasons: technical (no wasteful duplication of template code) and pra…
Also take a look at the original category for HABPanel discussion and support: