just link it to an item
Thing - Channels - show advanced - Raw Message Received - and link it to a string item with trigger event string profile. then you get this as string item and you could get your information with json…
I’ve done a hack for now … when I want the location data (very rare), I wrote a system function that extracts it from the events.log with something like:
- id: messageEvent
channelTypeUID: telegram:messageEvent
label: Message Received
description: "Message encoded as JSON.<br /> Event payload could contain the
following, but `null` values will not be present: <ul> <li>Long
`message_id` - Unique message ID in this chat</li> <li>String `from` -
First and/or last name of sender</li> <li>Long `chat_id` - Unique chat
ID</li> <li>String `text` - Message text</li> <li>String `animation_url` -
URL to download animation from</li> <li>String `audio_url` - URL to
download audio from</li> <li>String `document_url` - URL to download file
from</li> <li>Array `photo_url` - Array of URLs to download photos
from</li> <li>String `sticker_url` - URL to download sticker from</li>
<li>String `video_url` - URL to download video from</li> <li>String
`video_note_url` - URL to download video note from</li> <li>String
`voice_url` - URL to download voice clip from</li> </ul>"
configuration: {}
- id: messageRawEvent
channelTypeUID: telegram:messageRawEvent
label: Raw Message Received
description: Raw Message from the Telegram library as JSON.
configuration: {}
- id: callbackEvent
channelTypeUID: telegram:callbackEvent
label: Query Callback Received
description: "Callback Query response encoded as JSON.<br /> Event payload could
contain the following, but `null` values will not be present: <ul>
<li>Long `message_id` - Unique message ID of the original Query
message</li> <li>String `from` - First and/or last name of sender</li>
<li>Long `chat_id` - Unique chat ID</li> <li>String `callback_id` - Unique
callback ID to send receipt confirmation to</li> <li>String `reply_id` -
Plain text name of original Query</li> <li>String `text` - Selected
response text from options give in original Query</li> </ul>"
configuration: {}
- id: callbackRawEvent
channelTypeUID: telegram:callbackRawEvent
label: Raw Callback Query Received
description: Raw Callback Query response from the Telegram library encoded as JSON.
configuration: {}
Or maybe re-add your telegram bot with the same thingID.
the channels get re-created and maybe then the advanced are there…
UID: telegram:telegramBot:Telegram
label: Telegram Standard Bot
thingTypeUID: telegram:telegramBot
proxyType: SOCKS5
longPollingTime: 25
parseMode: HTML
- "206xxxx49"
- "19xxxx99"
- ""
botToken: 18xxxxx903:xxxx5DzPn64bk
- id: lastMessageText
channelTypeUID: telegram:lastMessageText
label: Last Message Text
description: Contains the latest message text as a string
configuration: {}
- id: lastMessageURL
channelTypeUID: telegram:lastMessageURL
label: Last Message URL
description: Contains the URL of the latest message
configuration: {}
- id: lastMessageDate
channelTypeUID: telegram:lastMessageDate
label: Last Message Date
description: Contains the latest message date as a DateTime
configuration: {}
- id: lastMessageName
channelTypeUID: telegram:lastMessageName
label: Last Message Name
description: Contains the latest message senders name as a string
configuration: {}
- id: lastMessageUsername
channelTypeUID: telegram:lastMessageUsername
label: Last Message Username
description: Contains the latest message senders username as a string
configuration: {}
- id: chatId
channelTypeUID: telegram:chatId
label: Chat Id
description: Contains the id of chat from where the message was received.
configuration: {}
- id: replyId
channelTypeUID: telegram:replyId
label: Reply Id
description: Contains the id of the reply which was passed to sendTelegram() as
replyId. This id can be used to have an unambiguous assignment of the user
reply to the message which was sent by the bot.
configuration: {}
In think your thing is very old maybe…
So if there are added channels in the binding they get visible only after re-adding the thing.
I know this from camera and Shelly binding.