Accidentally uninstalled a critical bundle! help

Hi All

i typed bundle:uninstall 21 instead of 212

Its removed a stack fo core things. Can I reinstall these without too much drama? openhab2 is running…

6:14:36.044 [ERROR] [              ] - FrameworkEvent ERROR -
org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Could not resolve module: [257]
  Unresolved requirement: Import-Package: org.eclipse.jdt.annotation; resolution:="optional"
  Unresolved requirement: Import-Package: org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing
    -> Export-Package: org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing; bundle-symbolic-name="org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing"; bundle-version="0.10.0.oh240"; version="0.0.0"
       org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing [109]
         Unresolved requirement: Import-Package: org.eclipse.jdt.annotation; resolution:="optional"
         Unresolved requirement: Import-Package: org.eclipse.smarthome.config.core
           -> Export-Package: org.eclipse.smarthome.config.core; bundle-symbolic-name="org.eclipse.smarthome.config.core"; bundle-version="0.10.0.oh240"; version="0.0.0"
              org.eclipse.smarthome.config.core [97]
                Unresolved requirement: Import-Package:
  Unresolved requirement: Import-Package: org.eclipse.smarthome.config.core
    -> Export-Package: org.eclipse.smarthome.config.core; bundle-symbolic-name="org.eclipse.smarthome.config.core"; bundle-version="0.10.0.oh240"; version="0.0.0"
  Unresolved requirement: Import-Package: org.eclipse.smarthome.config.discovery
    -> Export-Package: org.eclipse.smarthome.config.discovery; bundle-symbolic-name="org.eclipse.smarthome.config.discovery"; bundle-version="0.10.0.oh240"; version="0.0.0"
openhab> bundle:install 198
Bundle IDs:
Error executing command: Error installing bundles:
        Unable to install bundle 198: org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Error reading bundle content.

Easiest option might be to backup your config and reinstall.

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Indeed, if you dont purge your install it keeps all the settings, more or less.

could also try just installing over the top. It might fix the core dependency.

Yeah all sorted, i think best to remove then reinstall. just remember DO NOT PURGE!

For future reference… Removing the contents of tmp and cache usually does the trick for me.

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