Accsessing different sitemaps

I want to accsess different sitemap at work, is this possible? only shows the automatic one that was created by paperui out of nowhere and that I have no Idea how to delete! It shows up in my android app as available sitemaps, but is not listed in the files on my RPI.

Also I can not set default sitemap in the paperUi:

My file is littlechina.sitemap and the first line is
sitemap littlechina label="LittleChina"

but both littlechina or LittleChina is allowed to put in the paperUi, whats the correct syntax?

I think your problem isn’t DefaultSitemap, but the other values (IconFormat,EnableIcons,CondensedLayout,CapitalizeValues).

The name of the file is the correct value. You have to use littlechina.

You can also use
http://…:8080/basicui/app?sitemap=littlechina or

Name without extension i think you meant, no idea why it will not save it!! And no idea how to get rid of the default empty sitemap…

that works, have saved it now at my work computer…

Select values for the other 4 fields also.
