actions.HTTP.sendHttpPostRequest results in

In order to prepare migration of my installation to V4, I installed a new Raspi (for another project) with the newest openHab, set up some data and a script to send data via a rule.
I use javascript ECMAScript 262 Edition 11 using the command actions.HTTP.sendHttpPostRequest().

the Command results in this error:
[enhab.core.model.script.actions.HTTP] - Fatal transport error: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: No subject alternative DNS name matching found.

Has anyone an idea how to resolve this error?

this is the whole script:

  var data = { 
  p1 : parseInt(items.getItem('PowerValue1').state),
  pf1 : parseInt(items.getItem('PFValue1').state),
  econsume1 : parseInt(items.getItem('ImportValue1').state),
  efeedin1 : parseFloat(items.getItem('ExportValue1').state)
  actions.HTTP.sendHttpPostRequest('', 'application/json', JSON.stringify(data));

This is more a problem of the certificate that is used on your server than a problem of your rule.
A certificate uses a SAN ( Subject Alternative Name ) that describes the alternative names of your server.
Meaning you can have different names for your server. In your case the name that you use ( in the rule ) is But this name is not shown in the certificate.

To get the names that are used in the certificate you either can use your browser and examine the certificate or e.g. go to where a set of tests against the certificate and other security settings on your server are examined.

The screenshot shows the message

So either create a certificate that contains a matching name or you would have to create a rule that ignores this mismatch of name - which reduces the security.

A good summary by @rlkoshak :

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Aaarghhh… that is embarrassing. Sorry for that stupid question. I was under the impression I had a wild card zertificate installed.

You have - but not for the domain that you use.
* vs.