Add-On settings not showing Smarthome/J Tuya Binding

Some time ago I install the smarthome/j tuya binding, did all the required things and in the end my tuya thing comes up and works.

Now I want to add a second thing. But the tuya binding is not listed when I want to discover the new thing:

Also under add-on settings the binding is missing:

Nevertheless the tuya cloud project thing is online:


UID: tuya:project:123456789
label: Tuya Cloud Project
thingTypeUID: tuya:project
  accessId: 1234567890deleted
  schema: tuyaSmart
  password: 1234567890deleted
  countryCode: 49
  accessSecret: 1234567890deleted
  username: 1234567890deleted

So my question is: How to discover the new thing?

Additional info:

  version: 4.2.1
  buildString: Release Build
locale: de-DE
  configFolder: /etc/openhab
  userdataFolder: /var/lib/openhab
  logFolder: /var/log/openhab
  javaVersion: 17.0.12
  javaVendor: Azul Systems, Inc.
  javaVendorVersion: Zulu17.52+17-CA
  osName: Linux
  osVersion: 6.8.0-45-generic
  osArchitecture: amd64
  availableProcessors: 2
  freeMemory: 137642992
  totalMemory: 402653184
  uptime: 8299
  startLevel: 100
  - automation-jsscripting
  - binding-amazonechocontrol
  - binding-astro
  - binding-avmfritz
  - binding-exec
  - binding-harmonyhub
  - binding-http
  - binding-hue
  - binding-icalendar
  - binding-ipcamera
  - binding-mail
  - binding-shelly
  - misc-homekit
  - misc-openhabcloud
  - persistence-rrd4j
  - transformation-regex
  - ui-basic

I noticed that the Tuya binding is not automatically installed when you update openhab.
Try installing the binding again.