Add tuya / white label air purifier to OH4 (controllable with google assistant)

Hey there,
yes I know, that there are some walkthroughs, but unfortunately I was not able to get started with “TUYA” or “MORENTO” in my case. I got this White-label Tuya device from Amazon

So that device is called: HY4866-WF

  1. First of all you have do download the Tuya app and register the device (Morento is normally using another app, but i think thats similar like “Xiaomi” and “Viomi” Vacuum spinoffs
  2. Download the latest tuya addon from “smarthomej” or add it as xml.: Release Release 4.1.0 · smarthomej/addons · GitHub or add as 3rd Party Addon Service/JSON
  3. Get a developer Account at Tuya and fetch the required details:
id xxx
product_id	yyy
local_key	zzz
ip (not always needed)
  1. I found those resources to be useful
    Google Assistant | openHAB
    addons/bundles/org.smarthomej.binding.tuya at 4.2.x · smarthomej/addons · GitHub


Group                   AirPurifier1                "Luftreiniger 1"                                        {ga="AirPurifier" [roomHint="Flur", name="Luftreiniger", fanModeName="Modus", fanModeSettings="auto=standard,sleep=nacht:leise,1F=niedrig:eins,2F=mittel:zwei,3F=hoch:drei,4F=turbo:vier", lang="en", ordered=true ]}
Switch                  AirPurifier1_Switch         "Luftreiniger - Power"                  (AirPurifier1)  {channel="tuya:tuyaDevice:airpurifier:switch", ga="fanPower"}
Number                  AirPurifier1_PM25           "Luftreiniger - PM2.5"                  (AirPurifier1)  {channel="tuya:tuyaDevice:airpurifier:pm25", ga="fanPM25"}
String                  AirPurifier1_Mode           "Luftreiniger - Mode"                   (AirPurifier1)  {channel="tuya:tuyaDevice:airpurifier:mode", ga="fanMode"}
Number                  AirPurifier1_Filter         "Luftreiniger - Filterstatus"           (AirPurifier1)  {channel="tuya:tuyaDevice:airpurifier:filter_life", ga="fanFilterLifeTime"}
Switch                  AirPurifier1_Lock           "Luftreiniger - Kindersicherung"                        {channel="tuya:tuyaDevice:airpurifier:child_lock"}
Switch                  AirPurifier1_FilterReset    "Luftreiniger - Filter zurücksetzen"                    {channel="tuya:tuyaDevice:airpurifier:filter_reset"}
String                  AirPurifier1_CountdownSet   "Luftreiniger - Countdown Set"                          {channel="tuya:tuyaDevice:airpurifier:countdown_set"}
Number                  AirPurifier1_CountdownLeft  "Luftreiniger - Countdown Left(Min)"                    {channel="tuya:tuyaDevice:airpurifier:countdown_left"}
String                  AirPurifier1_AirQuality     "Luftreiniger - Luftqualität"                           {channel="tuya:tuyaDevice:airpurifier:air_quality"}

Things config (ids from above)

UID: tuya:tuyaDevice:airpurifier
label: Tuya / Morento HY4866 - Air purifier
thingTypeUID: tuya:tuyaDevice
  pollingInterval: 60
  protocol: "3.4"
  productId: yyy
  deviceId: xxx
  localKey: zzz
location: Corridor
  - id: switch
    channelTypeUID: tuya:switch
    label: Switch
      dp: 1
  - id: pm25
    channelTypeUID: tuya:number
    label: Number
      dp: 2
      max: 999
      min: 0
  - id: mode
    channelTypeUID: tuya:string
    label: String
      dp: 3
      range: auto, sleep, 1F, 2F, 3F, 4F
  - id: filter_life
    channelTypeUID: tuya:number
    label: Number
      dp: 5
      max: 99
      min: 0
  - id: child_lock
    channelTypeUID: tuya:switch
    label: Switch
      dp: 7
  - id: filter_reset
    channelTypeUID: tuya:switch
    label: Switch
      dp: 11
  - id: countdown_set
    channelTypeUID: tuya:string
    label: String
      dp: 18
      range: cancel, 2h, 5h, 8h
  - id: countdown_left
    channelTypeUID: tuya:number
    label: Number
      dp: 19
      max: 480
      min: 0
  - id: air_quality
    channelTypeUID: tuya:string
    label: String
      dp: 21
      range: good, moderate, unhealthy

When thats done:
Enjoy your cheap and controllable air purifier.
I did not go trough all of the steps, but most things are accessible in tuyas developer console which can be found here:

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