Adding 2 days together - is there an easy way?

I would like to add 2 days to the current weekday and post it to a string, I’ve tried do something like

var String LastRunDay = now.getDayOfWeek
var String NextRunDay = now.getDayOfWeek.plusDays(2)
postUpdate(PreviousRunDay (LastRunDay.toString)
postUpdate(FutureRunDay (NextRunDay.toString)

The current day works, but the plus 2 day doesn’t. Is there another way apart from constructing a full DateTime Value and using parse?
Designer reports “Couldn’t resolve reference to JvmIdentifiableElement ‘plusDays’” and a quick google suggests that it is a valid function in Java assuming I’m understanding it correctly.
Another wavy is to extract the value from a full DateTime variable to give a display in the interface of something like.

LastRuntime was    Friday @ 12:30
NextRuntime is    Sunday @ 12:30

However it would be really helpful to know if there is a way of easily adding eeekdays

I can’t check the Joda DateTime API because it is blocked at work but I would expect the plusDays method to be called on the DateTime object and not the String return value of getDayOfWeek.

So maybe try:

var String LastRunDay = now.getDayOfWeek
var String NextRunDay = now.plusDays(2).getDayOfWeek
postUpdate(PreviousRunDay (LastRunDay.toString)
postUpdate(FutureRunDay (NextRunDay.toString)
var int NextRunDay = now.plusDays(2).getDayOfWeek

this is the correct way to calculate the day, but this


would end in a Number, formatted as a string (afaik 1 to 7, where 1 is monday), so, if FutureRunDay is of type string, you could set up an array:

var String[] dayNames = new String[] {"Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"}
FutureRunDay.postUpdate(dayNames[now.plusDays(2).getDayOfWeek - 1]) // array is 0 to 6

It may be worth to try to use a DateTime item instead:

FutureRunDay.postUpdate(new DateTimeType(now.withStartOfDay.plusDays(2).plusHours(12).plusMinutes(30)))

with this item:

DateTime FutureRunDay "NextRuntime is [%1$tA @ %1$tT]"

Thanks for the replies. I couldn’t get the dayNames string to work so I ended up with

	LastStartedTime = parse(LastRuntime.state.toString)
	NextEnableTime = LastStartedTime.plusDays(2)
	var int LastRunDayInt = LastStartedTime.getDayOfWeek
	var int CurrentDay = now.getDayOfWeek
	var String LastRunTime = (String::format("%02d:%02d", LastStartedTime.getHourOfDay(),LastStartedTime.getMinuteOfHour()))
	var int NextRunDayInt = NextEnableTime.getDayOfWeek
	var String NextRunTime = (String::format("%02d:%02d", NextEnableTime.getHourOfDay(),NextEnableTime.getMinuteOfHour()))
	var String LastRunDay
	var int ElapsedDays = CurrentDay - LastRunDayInt
	if (ElapsedDays == 0)	{	LastRunDay = "Today"}
	if (ElapsedDays == 1 || ElapsedDays == -6)	{	LastRunDay = "Yesterday"}
	if (ElapsedDays > 1 || ElapsedDays < -6)	{
		if (LastRunDayInt == 1)	{	LastRunDay = "Monday"	}
		if (LastRunDayInt == 2)	{	LastRunDay = "Tuesday"	}
		if (LastRunDayInt == 3)	{	LastRunDay = "Wednesday"}
		if (LastRunDayInt == 4)	{	LastRunDay = "Thursday"	}
		if (LastRunDayInt == 5)	{	LastRunDay = "Friday"	}
		if (LastRunDayInt == 6)	{	LastRunDay = "Saturday"	}
		if (LastRunDayInt == 7)	{	LastRunDay = "Sunday"	}
	var String FullLastRunTime = (LastRunDay+ " @ "+LastRunTime )
	postUpdate(LastRun, (FullLastRunTime))
	var String NextRunDay
	var int DaysToGo = NextRunDayInt - CurrentDay
	if (DaysToGo == 0)	{	NextRunDay = "Today"}
	if (DaysToGo == 1 || DaysToGo == -6)	{	NextRunDay = "Tomorrow"}
	if (DaysToGo > 1 || DaysToGo < -6)	{
		if (NextRunDayInt == 1)	{	NextRunDay = "Monday"	}
		if (NextRunDayInt == 2)	{	NextRunDay = "Tuesday"	}
		if (NextRunDayInt == 3)	{	NextRunDay = "Wednesday"}
		if (NextRunDayInt == 4)	{	NextRunDay = "Thursday"	}
		if (NextRunDayInt == 5)	{	NextRunDay = "Friday"	}
		if (NextRunDayInt == 6)	{	NextRunDay = "Saturday"	}
		if (NextRunDayInt == 7)	{	NextRunDay = "Sunday"	}
	var String FullNextRunTime = (NextRunDay+ " @ "+NextRunTime )
	logInfo("Testing", "Last runtime is " +FullLastRunTime)
	logInfo("Testing", "Next runtime is " +FullNextRunTime)
	postUpdate(NextRun, (FullNextRunTime))

This gives me as an easily readable Item similar to

Next Runtime Tomorrow @ 10:28
Last Runtime Yesterday @ 10:28

Argh… mixed up the languages…

val List<string> dayNames = newArrayList("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday")

should do it.

instead of typing if(condition) over and over again, you could use switch case:

switch (NextRunDayInt) {
    case 1 : NextRundDay = "Monday"
    case 2 : NextRundDay = "Tuesday"
    case 3 : NextRundDay = "Wednesday"
    case 4 : NextRundDay = "Thursday"
    case 5 : NextRundDay = "Friday"
    case 6 : NextRundDay = "Saturday"
    case 7 : NextRundDay = "Sunday"

Thanks, the case statement makes it a bit more readable.
Can “switch case” be used with anything or just numbers?

At least strings will work:

switch (myString) {
    case "one" : {
        // do something
    case "two" : {
        // do something
    default : {
        // if no case above matches, do this

As you can see, there is even a “do something in case of unexpected values” statement.

Thanks, I’ll experiment where it makes sense. Its always good to expand my knowledge!