Adding Color Wheel for RGB in HABpanel

Is there a possibility to work with RGB colors in the HABpanel? Actually I added a Color Picker widget to the UI, but this uses HSL instead of RGB. I want to send the colors per MQTT to an Arduino, which controls a RGB stripe (so I need to have RGB).

In the Widget itself I set an OpenHAB Item which defines a Color object.

I got the idea for the RGB controller here: RGB LED strip control using Arduino and MQTT

But here they use 3 items:

Color LivSoffitLight "Living Room Soffit Color" (Lights_LivingRoom)
String LivSoffitLightColor (Lights_LivingRoom) {mqtt=">[mosquitto:control/arduino_LED/livingroom/color:command:*:default]"}
Number LivSoffitAnimation "Living Room Soffit Animation" (Lights_LivingRoom) {mqtt=">[mosquitto:control/arduino_LED/livingroom/animation:command:*:default]"}

With this items file my MQTT didn’t sent anything, so I changed the above to use just one item:

Color LivSoffitLight "Living Room Soffit Color" (Lights_LivingRoom) {mqtt=">[broker:control/arduino_LED/livingroom/color:command:*:default]"}

So, my questions here are:

  • Is there a possibility to use a RGB Color Wheel, instead the HSL one?
  • Why does the three items of the tutorial not work for me?
  • And is it ok to use just the one item “Color” instead of all three of the tutorial?

Do you have an associated rule set up to convert the HSL value to RGB?

Animation item was not used, but i may implement with a new digital strip down the road.

Did you get this working? I’m having the same issues.