Adding smarthomej results in errors

Hi all!

I need the Tuya add-on so according to the documentation that I find (GitHub - smarthomej/addons: SmartHome/J addons for openHAB) I need to add a URL to the JSON 3rd Party Addon Service setting.
When I do this, I the screen keep loading and loading. I’ve created an issue for this in the github repo (Adding json to JSON 3rd party addon results in stacktrace for openHAB 4.1.1 · Issue #558 · smarthomej/addons · GitHub) but I was wondering if others have this problem too or have some other way to add Tuya devices.


I think you can look into the json file and should be able to find the location of the related kar file; download it manually and put it into the addon folder.

Thanks for your reply @Wolfgang_S! But one of the developers fixed it temporarily and it will be fixed in the next build.

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