Adding Thing (UI vs Text)

Setting up the ambient weather binding. The binding in the web UI accepts the API and App key and makes a connection.

As I go to add my station (via MAC) I’m a bit confused. There are no “things” config files under $OPENHAB_CONF/things to follow the example at Ambient Weather - Bindings | openHAB

If I go into the code section within the binding settings in the web interface, I see my API key and App key but this syntax is different than the syntax used in the things config files.

I did spend a good amount of time looking through docs and here, but didn’t find anything obvious. Am I in a position where I need to delete the thing and re-add it 100% through text config in the things directory? Or is there some doc that explains the syntax of the thing code syntax in the web UI under things

My Thing following the add-on in the web UI

Example from addons documentation

My thing code syntax (much different than the thing file (which don’t exist for me)

You’ve setup your Bridge Thing. You now need to create a new Thing for your station, linking it to the Bridge Thing as you set it up. Presumably the Ambient Weather binding has two different types of Things you can create using the blue “+” circle in the UI: the Bridge, and a ‘normal’ Thing?

Don’t get confused by this example.
It shows how the configuration in a .things file would look like, but as you are using the UI, the UO code tab uses a different syntax.
You don’t need the UIs code tab for setting up a Thing though.
Refer to for how to setting up a Bridge and a Thing.

Thanks for the quick replies!

So if I’m to commit to using the UI - I should add another thing that is (in the example, which I won’t let confuse me!) combined with the bridge in the example thing config?

By this I mean.

I’ve setup the addon/bridge with API / APP ID

Now it seems I need to:

  • Create yet one more thing for the device itself using it’s MAC
  • Create Items for each data point I need as the docs show (which is more straight forward to me for whatever reason)
  • Add to page and logic/rules etc.

Does that seem about right? I’ll start digging in while I wait!

Thanks again!

Quick update - I’m an idiot HAH!

I even saw this earlier - but seems walking through the things with that binding again gives you the options of the stations themselves. Silly me!

Thanks everyone!

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