AddonDevelopment: IDE Setup for specific Openhab version

Dear all,

if setting up the openhab development environment based on the tutorials, the head of the master branch of openhab distro and addons are downloaded.

Right now there is an intensive restructuring ongoing on openhab master branch.
However, I would like to further develop my binding based on e.g. openhab 2.3 version.

How can I setup my development environment for addon development based on a specific openhab tag.
Till now all my attempts failed to properly setup the environment.

Thanks for your support.

Do you want to develop based on 2.3 because you want the binding to be compatible with 2.3 or because the master branch has been restructured and this makes development difficult for you?

Yes exactly, these are the main arguments. Right now, oh is getting restructured, thus having a stable base for binding development is highly appreciated. Second, the bindings are running within a production environment of a fixed release version that should be used also for binding development to have a reliable basis for the development.

Can you provide me a workflow how to setup a development environment of specific version for the openhab distribution and also the addons?
