Addressing registers via modbus tcp

I try to read out my micro inverters via modbus tcp.

Have a python script that works, but want to change to openHAB modbus.

I configured everything, modbus bridge comes online, poller too, but then poller receives a timeout.

Maybe a stupid question: how to address poller if I know the register and want to read mode holding?

Here the bridges:

Bridge modbus:tcp:mi300ost "ModBus-Bridge Mi300 Ost" [ host="", port=8899, id=1,
//                                timeBetweenTransactionsMillis=6000,
//                                timeBetweenReconnectMillis=6000,
//                                reconnectAfterMillis=500,
                                connectTimeoutMillis=5000 ] {
// DEYE                         0x3c bis 0x4f length in Registers lt. Docu?)
    Bridge poller Registers "ModMus-Mi300-Ost-1" [ start=60, length=2, refresh=60000, type="holding", maxTries=1 ] {
        // Modbus address 0x3c = 60 (Micro & Inverter)
//        Thing data ProductionToday   [ readStart="60", readValueType="uint16", readTransform="JS(MOD_10th.js)" ] // *0.1

Do I need to address with 40060 instead 60?