ADEO LDSENK09 support


I try to make this zigbee devices : Adeo Lexman Smart Compact Keyfob LDSENK09 Zigbee compatibility worked with openhab. This is a four button remote device, use for alarm / presence system.

The devices is correctly pairing and detect in openhab.

But the channel list seems to be incomplete, there is no channel for the button press result:

And i’m not able to get proper communication when pressing button with openhab.

The openhab logs show the following sequence when pressing the button on the remote:

2024-07-04 08:25:04.174 [TRACE] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - ASH RX EZSP: EzspIncomingMessageHandler [networkId=0, type=EMBER_INCOMING_UNICAST, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0104, clusterId=0501, sourceEndpoint=1, destinationEndpoint=1, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY], groupId=0, sequence=FC], lastHopLqi=56, lastHopRssi=-86, sender=82BD, bindingIndex=255, addressIndex=255, messageContents=01 2C 00 01 00 00]
2024-07-04 08:25:04.174 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - RX EZSP: EzspIncomingMessageHandler [networkId=0, type=EMBER_INCOMING_UNICAST, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0104, clusterId=0501, sourceEndpoint=1, destinationEndpoint=1, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY], groupId=0, sequence=FC], lastHopLqi=56, lastHopRssi=-86, sender=82BD, bindingIndex=255, addressIndex=255, messageContents=01 2C 00 01 00 00]
2024-07-04 08:25:04.174 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - RX APS: ZigBeeApsFrame [sourceAddress=82BD/1, destinationAddress=0000/1, profile=0104, cluster=0501, addressMode=DEVICE, radius=0, apsSecurity=false, ackRequest=false, apsCounter=FC, rssi=-86, lqi=38, payload=01 2C 00 01 00 00]
2024-07-04 08:25:04.175 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - 5C0272FFFEF822BF: Node 82BD is not updated from ZigBeeNode [state=ONLINE, IEEE=5C0272FFFEF822BF, NWK=----, endpoints=[]]
2024-07-04 08:25:04.175 [DEBUG] [e.transaction.ZigBeeTransactionQueue] - 5C0272FFFEF822BF: Added transaction to queue, len=35, transaction=ZigBeeTransaction [ieeeAddress=5C0272FFFEF822BF queueTime=0, state=WAITING, sendCnt=0, command=DefaultResponse [IAS ACE: 0000/0 -> 82BD/1, cluster=0501, TID=2C, commandIdentifier=0, statusCode=FAILURE]]
2024-07-04 08:25:04.175 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - Incoming message from node 82BD did not translate to command
2024-07-04 08:25:04.195 [TRACE] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - ASH RX EZSP: EzspIncomingMessageHandler [networkId=0, type=EMBER_INCOMING_UNICAST, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0104, clusterId=0501, sourceEndpoint=1, destinationEndpoint=1, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY], groupId=0, sequence=FD], lastHopLqi=60, lastHopRssi=-85, sender=82BD, bindingIndex=255, addressIndex=255, messageContents=01 2C 00 01 00 00]
2024-07-04 08:25:04.195 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - RX EZSP: EzspIncomingMessageHandler [networkId=0, type=EMBER_INCOMING_UNICAST, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0104, clusterId=0501, sourceEndpoint=1, destinationEndpoint=1, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY], groupId=0, sequence=FD], lastHopLqi=60, lastHopRssi=-85, sender=82BD, bindingIndex=255, addressIndex=255, messageContents=01 2C 00 01 00 00]
2024-07-04 08:25:04.195 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - RX APS: ZigBeeApsFrame [sourceAddress=82BD/1, destinationAddress=0000/1, profile=0104, cluster=0501, addressMode=DEVICE, radius=0, apsSecurity=false, ackRequest=false, apsCounter=FD, rssi=-85, lqi=3C, payload=01 2C 00 01 00 00]
2024-07-04 08:25:04.195 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - 5C0272FFFEF822BF: Node 82BD is not updated from ZigBeeNode [state=ONLINE, IEEE=5C0272FFFEF822BF, NWK=----, endpoints=[]]
2024-07-04 08:25:04.195 [DEBUG] [e.transaction.ZigBeeTransactionQueue] - 5C0272FFFEF822BF: Added transaction to queue, len=36, transaction=ZigBeeTransaction [ieeeAddress=5C0272FFFEF822BF queueTime=0, state=WAITING, sendCnt=0, command=DefaultResponse [IAS ACE: 0000/0 -> 82BD/1, cluster=0501, TID=2C, commandIdentifier=0, statusCode=FAILURE]]
2024-07-04 08:25:04.195 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - Incoming message from node 82BD did not translate to command
2024-07-04 08:25:05.204 [TRACE] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - ASH RX EZSP: EzspMessageSentHandler [networkId=0, type=EMBER_OUTGOING_DIRECT, indexOrDestination=82BD, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0104, clusterId=0501, sourceEndpoint=1, destinationEndpoint=1, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ADDRESS_DISCOVERY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=FE], messageTag=17, status=EMBER_SUCCESS, messageContents=]
2024-07-04 08:25:05.205 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - RX EZSP: EzspMessageSentHandler [networkId=0, type=EMBER_OUTGOING_DIRECT, indexOrDestination=82BD, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0104, clusterId=0501, sourceEndpoint=1, destinationEndpoint=1, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ADDRESS_DISCOVERY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=FE], messageTag=17, status=EMBER_SUCCESS, messageContents=]
2024-07-04 08:25:05.205 [DEBUG] [transaction.ZigBeeTransactionManager] - Transaction complete: ZigBeeTransaction [ieeeAddress=5C0272FFFEF822BF queueTime=74280, state=COMPLETE, sendCnt=1, command=DefaultResponse [IAS ACE: 0000/0 -> 82BD/1, cluster=0501, TID=17, commandIdentifier=0, statusCode=FAILURE]]
2024-07-04 08:25:05.205 [DEBUG] [transaction.ZigBeeTransactionManager] - 82BD/1: Sending ZigBeeTransaction [ieeeAddress=5C0272FFFEF822BF queueTime=73903, state=WAITING, sendCnt=0, command=DefaultResponse [IAS ACE: 0000/0 -> 82BD/1, cluster=0501, TID=18, commandIdentifier=0, statusCode=FAILURE]]
2024-07-04 08:25:05.205 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - TX CMD: DefaultResponse [IAS ACE: 0000/0 -> 82BD/1, cluster=0501, TID=18, commandIdentifier=0, statusCode=FAILURE]
2024-07-04 08:25:05.205 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - TX APS: ZigBeeApsFrame [sourceAddress=0000/1, destinationAddress=82BD/1, profile=0104, cluster=0501, addressMode=DEVICE, radius=8, apsSecurity=false, ackRequest=true, apsCounter=8E, rssi=--, lqi=--, payload=18 18 0B 00 01]
2024-07-04 08:25:05.206 [DEBUG] [zigbee.transaction.ZigBeeTransaction] - Transaction state changed: nwk=82BD, TID=17, event=RX_ACK, state=COMPLETE
2024-07-04 08:25:05.206 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - ASH TX EZSP: EzspSendUnicastRequest [networkId=0, type=EMBER_OUTGOING_DIRECT, indexOrDestination=82BD, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0104, clusterId=0501, sourceEndpoint=1, destinationEndpoint=1, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ADDRESS_DISCOVERY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=8E], messageTag=18, messageContents=18 18 0B 00 01]
2024-07-04 08:25:05.206 [TRACE] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - TX ASH EZSP: EzspSendUnicastRequest [networkId=0, type=EMBER_OUTGOING_DIRECT, indexOrDestination=82BD, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0104, clusterId=0501, sourceEndpoint=1, destinationEndpoint=1, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ADDRESS_DISCOVERY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=8E], messageTag=18, messageContents=18 18 0B 00 01]

the messageContents part on first line seems to change in regards of what button is pressed :end: messageContents=01 2C 00 01 00 00

the 4 octet : 01 seems to be the button, from 00 to 03.

Anyone as any clue to fix this devices.


Some additional informations:

openhab> zigbee node 33469
IEEE Address     : 5C0272FFFEF822BF
Network Address  : 33469
Node Descriptor  : NodeDescriptor [apsFlags=0, bufferSize=82, complexDescriptorAvailable=false, manufacturerCode=1277, logicalType=END_DEVICE, serverCapabilities=[], incomingTransferSize=82, outgoingTransferSize=82, userDescriptorAvailable=false, frequencyBands=[FREQ_2400_MHZ], macCapabilities=[REDUCED_FUNCTION_DEVICE], extendedEndpointListAvailable=false, extendedSimpleDescriptorListAvailable=false, stackCompliance=22]
Power Descriptor : PowerDescriptor [currentPowerMode=RECEIVER_ON_IDLE, availablePowerSources=[MAINS], currentPowerSource=MAINS, powerLevel=FULL]
Associations     : []
Endpoints        :
            1    : Profile     ZIGBEE_HOME_AUTOMATION
                 : Device Type IAS_ANCILLARY_CONTROL_EQUIPMENT
                   -> BASIC
                   -> IDENTIFY
                   -> IAS_ZONE
                   -> DIAGNOSTICS
                   <- IDENTIFY
                   <- OTA_UPGRADE
                   <- IAS_ACE
Neighbors        :
Routes           :

openhab> zigbee fingerprint 33469

| | | | |>| Commands Generated
| | | | |
| | | | |>| Commands Received
| | | | | |> 0000 ResetToFactoryDefaultsCommand
| | | | |
| | | | |>| Attributes Supported
| | | | | |> 0000  ZCL Version                               >> UNSIGNED_8_BIT_INTEGER          3
| | | | | |> 0001  Application Version                       >> UNSIGNED_8_BIT_INTEGER          3
| | | | | |> 0002  Stack Version                             >> UNSIGNED_8_BIT_INTEGER          6
| | | | | |> 0003  HW Version                                >> UNSIGNED_8_BIT_INTEGER          1
| | | | | |> 0004  Manufacturer Name                         >> CHARACTER_STRING                ADEO
| | | | | |> 0005  Model Identifier                          >> CHARACTER_STRING                LDSENK09
| | | | | |> 0006  Date Code                                 >> CHARACTER_STRING                20200929-18
| | | | | |> 0007  Power Source                              >> ENUMERATION_8_BIT               3
| | | | | |> 000A  Product Code                              >> CHARACTER_STRING                ByteArray [value=30 31 30 38 30 30 30 30 32]
| | | | | |> 000B  Product URL                               >> CHARACTER_STRING
| | | | | |> 4000  SW Build ID                               >> CHARACTER_STRING                3.15
| | | | | |> FFFD  Cluster Revision                          >> UNSIGNED_16_BIT_INTEGER         1
| | | |
| | | |>| Cluster 0003 Identify
| | | | |> Type                 Server [Input]
| | | | |> Manufacturer Spec.   No
| | | | |> Unsupported locally
| | | |
| | | |>| Cluster 0500 IAS Zone
| | | | |> Type                 Server [Input]
| | | | |> Manufacturer Spec.   No
| | | | |> Unsupported locally
| | | |
| | | |>| Cluster 0B05 Diagnostics
| | | | |> Type                 Server [Input]
| | | | |> Manufacturer Spec.   No
| | | | |> Unsupported locally
| | |
| | |>| Output Clusters
| | | |
| | | |>| Cluster 0003 Identify
| | | | |> Type                 Client [Output]
| | | | |> Manufacturer Spec.   No
| | | | |> Unsupported locally
| | | |
| | | |>| Cluster 0019 Ota Upgrade
| | | | |> Type                 Client [Output]
| | | | |> Manufacturer Spec.   No
| | | | |
| | | | |>| Commands Generated
| | | | | |> 0001 QueryNextImageCommand
| | | | | |> 0003 ImageBlockCommand
| | | | | |> 0006 UpgradeEndCommand
| | | | |
| | | | |>| Commands Received
| | | | | |> 0000 Unknown
| | | | |
| | | | |>| Attributes Supported
| | | | | |> 0000  Upgrade Server ID                         >> IEEE_ADDRESS                    FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
| | | | | |> 0001  File Offset                               >> UNSIGNED_32_BIT_INTEGER         0
| | | | | |> 0002  Current File Version                      >> UNSIGNED_32_BIT_INTEGER         823066630
| | | | | |> 0006  Image Upgrade Status                      >> ENUMERATION_8_BIT               0
| | | | | |> 0007  Manufacturer ID                           >> UNSIGNED_16_BIT_INTEGER         4727
| | | | | |> 0008  Image Type ID                             >> UNSIGNED_16_BIT_INTEGER         65535
| | | | | |> 0009  Minimum Block Request Period              >> UNSIGNED_16_BIT_INTEGER         0
| | | | | |> 000A  Image Stamp                               >> UNSIGNED_32_BIT_INTEGER         0
| | | | | |> FFFD  Cluster Revision                          >> UNSIGNED_16_BIT_INTEGER         1
| | | |
| | | |>| Cluster 0501 IAS ACE
| | | | |> Type                 Client [Output]
| | | | |> Manufacturer Spec.   No
| | | | |> Unsupported locally
zigbee endpoint 33469/1
IEEE Address      : 5C0272FFFEF822BF
Network Address   : 33469
Endpoint          : 1
Device Profile    : 0x0104, ZIGBEE_HOME_AUTOMATION
Device Version    : 1
Input Clusters    : (Server)
   0000 Basic
     - APS Security disabled
        S       0 r-- UNSIGNED_8_BIT_INTEGER    ZCL Version                              Thu Jul 04 08:53:18 CEST 2024 3
        S       1 r-- UNSIGNED_8_BIT_INTEGER    Application Version                      Thu Jul 04 08:53:20 CEST 2024 3
        S       2 r-- UNSIGNED_8_BIT_INTEGER    Stack Version                            Thu Jul 04 08:53:21 CEST 2024 6
        S       3 r-- UNSIGNED_8_BIT_INTEGER    HW Version                               Thu Jul 04 08:53:23 CEST 2024 1
        S       4 r-- CHARACTER_STRING          Manufacturer Name                        Thu Jul 04 08:53:24 CEST 2024 ADEO
        S       5 r-- CHARACTER_STRING          Model Identifier                         Thu Jul 04 08:53:26 CEST 2024 LDSENK09
        S       6 r-- CHARACTER_STRING          Date Code                                Thu Jul 04 08:53:27 CEST 2024 20200929-18
        S       7 r-- ENUMERATION_8_BIT         Power Source                             Thu Jul 04 08:53:29 CEST 2024 3
        U       8 r-- ENUMERATION_8_BIT         Generic Device Class
        U       9 r-- ENUMERATION_8_BIT         Generic Device Type
        S      10 r-- CHARACTER_STRING          Product Code                             Thu Jul 04 08:53:30 CEST 2024 ByteArray [value=30 31 30 38 30 30 30 30 32]
        S      11 r-- CHARACTER_STRING          Product URL                              Thu Jul 04 08:53:32 CEST 2024
        U      16 rw- CHARACTER_STRING          Location Description
        U      17 rw- ENUMERATION_8_BIT         Physical Environment
        U      18 rw- BOOLEAN                   Device Enabled
        U      19 rw- BITMAP_8_BIT              Alarm Mask
        U      20 rw- BITMAP_8_BIT              Disable Local Config
        S   16384 r-- CHARACTER_STRING          SW Build ID                              Thu Jul 04 08:53:33 CEST 2024 3.15
        S   65533 r-- UNSIGNED_16_BIT_INTEGER   Cluster Revision                         Thu Jul 04 08:53:35 CEST 2024 1
        U   65534 r-- ENUMERATION_16_BIT        Attribute Reporting Status
   0003 Identify
     - APS Security disabled
        S       0 rw- UNSIGNED_16_BIT_INTEGER   Identify Time
        S   65533 r-- UNSIGNED_16_BIT_INTEGER   Cluster Revision
        S   65534 r-- ENUMERATION_16_BIT        Attribute Reporting Status
   0500 IAS Zone
     - APS Security disabled
        S       0 r-- ENUMERATION_8_BIT         Zone State                               Thu Jul 04 08:13:51 CEST 2024 1
        S       1 r-- ENUMERATION_16_BIT        Zone Type                                Thu Jul 04 08:14:09 CEST 2024 277
        S       2 r-- BITMAP_16_BIT             Zone Status                              Thu Jul 04 08:59:26 CEST 2024 24
        S      16 rw- IEEE_ADDRESS              IAS CIE Address
        S      17 rw- UNSIGNED_8_BIT_INTEGER    Zone ID
        S      18 r-- UNSIGNED_8_BIT_INTEGER    Number Of Zone Sensitivity Levels Supported
        S      19 rw- UNSIGNED_8_BIT_INTEGER    Current Zone Sensitivity Level
        S   65533 r-- UNSIGNED_16_BIT_INTEGER   Cluster Revision
        S   65534 r-- ENUMERATION_16_BIT        Attribute Reporting Status
   0B05 Diagnostics
     - APS Security disabled
        S       0 r-- UNSIGNED_16_BIT_INTEGER   Number Of Resets
        S       1 r-- UNSIGNED_16_BIT_INTEGER   Persistent Memory Writes
        S     256 r-- UNSIGNED_32_BIT_INTEGER   MAC Rx Bcast
        S     257 r-- UNSIGNED_32_BIT_INTEGER   MAC Tx Bcast
        S     258 r-- UNSIGNED_32_BIT_INTEGER   MAC Rx Ucast
        S     259 r-- UNSIGNED_32_BIT_INTEGER   MAC Tx Ucast
        S     260 r-- UNSIGNED_16_BIT_INTEGER   MAC Tx Ucast Retry
        S     261 r-- UNSIGNED_16_BIT_INTEGER   MAC Tx Ucast Fail
        S     262 r-- UNSIGNED_16_BIT_INTEGER   APS Rx Bcast
        S     263 r-- UNSIGNED_16_BIT_INTEGER   APS Tx Bcast
        S     264 r-- UNSIGNED_16_BIT_INTEGER   APS Rx Ucast
        S     265 r-- UNSIGNED_16_BIT_INTEGER   APS Tx Ucast Success
        S     266 r-- UNSIGNED_16_BIT_INTEGER   APS Tx Ucast Retry
        S     267 r-- UNSIGNED_16_BIT_INTEGER   APS Tx Ucast Fail
        S     268 r-- UNSIGNED_16_BIT_INTEGER   Route Disc Initiated
        S     269 r-- UNSIGNED_16_BIT_INTEGER   Neighbor Added
        S     270 r-- UNSIGNED_16_BIT_INTEGER   Neighbor Removed
        S     271 r-- UNSIGNED_16_BIT_INTEGER   Neighbor Stale
        S     272 r-- UNSIGNED_16_BIT_INTEGER   Join Indication
        S     273 r-- UNSIGNED_16_BIT_INTEGER   Child Moved
        S     274 r-- UNSIGNED_16_BIT_INTEGER   NWK FC Failure
        S     275 r-- UNSIGNED_16_BIT_INTEGER   APS FC Failure
        S     276 r-- UNSIGNED_16_BIT_INTEGER   APS Unauthorized Key
        S     277 r-- UNSIGNED_16_BIT_INTEGER   NWK Decrypt Failures
        S     278 r-- UNSIGNED_16_BIT_INTEGER   APS Decrypt Failures
        S     279 r-- UNSIGNED_16_BIT_INTEGER   Packet Buffer Allocate Failures
        S     280 r-- UNSIGNED_16_BIT_INTEGER   Relayed Ucast
        S     281 r-- UNSIGNED_16_BIT_INTEGER   Phy To MAC Queue Limit Reached
        S     282 r-- UNSIGNED_16_BIT_INTEGER   Packet Validate Drop Count
        S     283 r-- UNSIGNED_16_BIT_INTEGER   Average MAC Retry Per APS Message Sent
        S     284 r-- UNSIGNED_8_BIT_INTEGER    Last Message LQI
        S     285 r-- SIGNED_8_BIT_INTEGER      Last Message RSSI
        S   65533 r-- UNSIGNED_16_BIT_INTEGER   Cluster Revision
        S   65534 r-- ENUMERATION_16_BIT        Attribute Reporting Status
Output Clusters   : (Client)
   0003 Identify
     - APS Security disabled
        S   65533 r-- UNSIGNED_16_BIT_INTEGER   Cluster Revision
        S   65534 r-- ENUMERATION_16_BIT        Attribute Reporting Status
   0019 Ota Upgrade
     - APS Security disabled
        S       0 r-- IEEE_ADDRESS              Upgrade Server ID                        Thu Jul 04 08:53:41 CEST 2024 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
        S       1 r-- UNSIGNED_32_BIT_INTEGER   File Offset                              Thu Jul 04 08:53:42 CEST 2024 0
        S       2 r-- UNSIGNED_32_BIT_INTEGER   Current File Version                     Thu Jul 04 08:53:44 CEST 2024 823066630
        U       3 r-- UNSIGNED_16_BIT_INTEGER   Current ZigBee Stack Version
        U       4 r-- UNSIGNED_32_BIT_INTEGER   Downloaded File Version
        U       5 r-- UNSIGNED_16_BIT_INTEGER   Downloaded ZigBee Stack Version
        S       6 r-- ENUMERATION_8_BIT         Image Upgrade Status                     Thu Jul 04 08:53:45 CEST 2024 0
        S       7 r-- UNSIGNED_16_BIT_INTEGER   Manufacturer ID                          Thu Jul 04 08:53:47 CEST 2024 4727
        S       8 r-- UNSIGNED_16_BIT_INTEGER   Image Type ID                            Thu Jul 04 08:53:48 CEST 2024 65535
        S       9 r-- UNSIGNED_16_BIT_INTEGER   Minimum Block Request Period             Thu Jul 04 08:53:50 CEST 2024 0
        S      10 r-- UNSIGNED_32_BIT_INTEGER   Image Stamp                              Thu Jul 04 08:53:51 CEST 2024 0
        S   65533 r-- UNSIGNED_16_BIT_INTEGER   Cluster Revision                         Thu Jul 04 08:53:53 CEST 2024 1
        U   65534 r-- ENUMERATION_16_BIT        Attribute Reporting Status
   0501 IAS ACE
     - APS Security disabled
        S   65533 r-- UNSIGNED_16_BIT_INTEGER   Cluster Revision
        S   65534 r-- ENUMERATION_16_BIT        Attribute Reporting Status

The device is using commands that are not currently supported in the binding. It’s possibly not too hard to add, but these IAS clusters work as a system - some configuration is generally required (which is performed by the binding) to configure the zone, then the IAS commands can be sent.

I tried to find this device to purchase for testing, but have not been able to (other than a company in Italy which doesn’t have an English translation). I’m happy to add support for this device but would like to get one to test with - can you provide a pointer as to where this is available.

Hello Chris,

Thanks for your quick answer.
The device is coming from the french DIY store Leroy merlin.
They actually do a promotion on the device : a pack of 3 remotes for only 5€.
You can buy them online from the following url:


Let me know if you need some help.
I can buy them for you if you send me your postal address in private mail.
