Adjust parameters for Multisensor 6

No, that is correct.

If after @scottk advices it still does not work I am out of ideas. You seem to have a very strange error which of I have not heard about before.

From your above statements I think you still have a mix of PaperUI and file based installation of addons and user interfaces. Again, this does not work.

Assuming you want to install your UI’s/Addons the recommended way through PaperUI, please comment out everything in your addons.cfg, then delete the file /userdata/config/org/openhab/addons.config (note the difference in file ending), then restart openHAB.
After that you should be presented with the welcome screen, choose Expert. This will install the needed UI’s and other stuff for you.
Then try again to change the config parameters.

I commented out all entries in addons.cfg and deleted the adding.config file and restarted OH2. The new addons.config now looks like this:


I then went to http://localhost:8080 and was presented with the Simple, Standard, Expert, Demo choices. I chose Expert, and the addon.config file now looks like this:


I then selected Paper UI and in Paper UI/Add ons/User Interfaces, I see the following installed (with no action on my part): Paper UI, HABPanel, HABmin, Classic UI, Dashboard UI and Basic UI. I’m not sure why these are installed already.

I selected HABmin and am presented with this:

And then:

So again, no Configuration Parameters.

Because you chose the Expert setup.

Do you have the configuration options for those devices?

If no, your installation is completely mixed up (make a backup of your config and reinstall openHAB), if yes, the only thing left is to:

  • check through karaf that you are on one of the latest zwave builds

    bundle:list|grep -i zwave
    277 x Active x 80 x x openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: ZWave Binding

  • properly exclude the device in question

  • factory reset the device

  • include the device again.

One thing to try before scratching everyting: what do you get from the things endpoint in the rest api?

Easiest is to check via the rest docs, in the GET things/{thingUID} section. Mine for example looks like:

  "statusInfo": {
    "status": "ONLINE",
    "statusDetail": "NONE"
  "editable": true,
  "label": "Wasroom_Multisensor",
  "bridgeUID": "zwave:serial_zstick:z-stick",
  "configuration": {
    "config_52_1": 50,
    "config_54_2": 100,
    "config_202_1": 0,
    "config_204_1": 0,
    "group_1": [
    "group_3": [],
    "group_2": [],
    "config_112_4": 3600,
    "config_39_1": 20,
    "config_9_2_00000100": 1,
    "config_56_1": 4,
    "config_58_1": 5,
    "config_201_2_000000FF": 1,
    "config_43_2": 100,
    "config_64_1": 1,
    "config_252_1": 0,
    "config_60_1": 2,
    "config_81_1": 0,
    "config_41_4_0000FF00": 1,
    "wakeup_interval": 3600,
    "config_50_4_7FFF0000_wo": 0,
    "config_255_4_wo": 0,
    "action_heal": false,
    "config_102_4": 0,
    "config_9_2": 256,
    "config_3_2": 120,
    "config_45_1": 2,
    "config_5_1": 1,
    "config_41_4_wo": 20,
    "config_55_1": 8,
    "binding_cmdrepollperiod": 1500,
    "config_53_2": 1000,
    "config_51_1": 60,
    "config_100_1_wo": 0,
    "config_201_2": 1,
    "config_203_2": 0,
    "config_50_4_wo": 0,
    "config_201_2_0000FF00": 0,
    "wakeup_node": 1,
    "config_113_4": 3600,
    "config_9_2_00000001": 0,
    "config_111_4": 3600,
    "config_49_4_wo": 0,
    "config_59_1": 10,
    "config_49_4_7FFF0000_wo": 280,
    "config_57_2": 5121,
    "config_42_1": 10,
    "config_41_4_00FF0000": 0,
    "config_44_1": 10,
    "config_50_4_0000FF00_wo": 1,
    "config_61_1": 0,
    "config_40_1": 0,
    "config_49_4_0000FF00_wo": 1,
    "action_failed": false,
    "config_110_1_wo": 0,
    "action_remove": false,
    "binding_pollperiod": 86400,
    "config_2_1": 0,
    "config_101_4": 241,
    "config_8_1": 15,
    "config_46_1": 0,
    "config_4_1": 5,
    "config_48_1": 0,
    "config_103_4": 0,
    "node_id": 10
  "properties": {
    "zwave_class_basic": "BASIC_TYPE_ROUTING_SLAVE",
    "zwave_class_generic": "GENERIC_TYPE_SENSOR_MULTILEVEL",
    "zwave_neighbours": "1,3,4,5,6,7,9,11",
    "zwave_lastwakeup": "2019-11-25T06:59:49Z",
    "modelId": "ZW100",
    "zwave_version": "1.11",
    "zwave_plus_devicetype": "NODE_TYPE_ZWAVEPLUS_NODE",
    "versionMin": "1.10",
    "vendor": "AEON Labs",
    "defaultAssociations": "1",
    "zwave_routing": "true",
    "zwave_beaming": "true",
    "zwave_secure": "false",
    "zwave_class_specific": "SPECIFIC_TYPE_ROUTING_SENSOR_MULTILEVEL",
    "zwave_devicetype": "2",
    "zwave_frequent": "false",
    "zwave_listening": "false",
    "manufacturerId": "0086",
    "manufacturerRef": "0002:0064,0102:0064,0202:0064",
    "dbReference": "778",
    "zwave_deviceid": "100",
    "zwave_nodeid": "10",
    "zwave_lastheal": "2019-11-25T02:04:52Z",
    "zwave_plus_roletype": "ROLE_TYPE_SLAVE_SLEEPING_REPORTING",
    "zwave_manufacturer": "134"
  "UID": "zwave:device:z-stick:node10",
  "thingTypeUID": "zwave:aeon_zw100_01_010",
  "channels": [
      "linkedItems": [
      "uid": "zwave:device:z-stick:node10:sensor_temperature",
      "id": "sensor_temperature",
      "channelTypeUID": "zwave:sensor_temperature",
      "itemType": "Number:Temperature",
      "kind": "STATE",
      "label": "Sensor (temperature)",
      "description": "Indicates the current temperature",
      "defaultTags": [],
      "properties": {
        "binding:*:QuantityType": "COMMAND_CLASS_SENSOR_MULTILEVEL;type=TEMPERATURE"
      "configuration": {}
      "linkedItems": [],
      "uid": "zwave:device:z-stick:node10:sensor_ultraviolet",
      "id": "sensor_ultraviolet",
      "channelTypeUID": "zwave:sensor_ultraviolet",
      "itemType": "Number",
      "kind": "STATE",
      "label": "Sensor (ultraviolet)",
      "description": "Indicates the current ultraviolet level",
      "defaultTags": [],
      "properties": {
        "binding:*:DecimalType": "COMMAND_CLASS_SENSOR_MULTILEVEL;type=ULTRAVIOLET"
      "configuration": {}
      "linkedItems": [],
      "uid": "zwave:device:z-stick:node10:sensor_luminance",
      "id": "sensor_luminance",
      "channelTypeUID": "zwave:sensor_luminance",
      "itemType": "Number",
      "kind": "STATE",
      "label": "Sensor (luminance)",
      "description": "Indicates the current light reading",
      "defaultTags": [],
      "properties": {
        "binding:*:DecimalType": "COMMAND_CLASS_SENSOR_MULTILEVEL;type=LUMINANCE"
      "configuration": {}
      "linkedItems": [
      "uid": "zwave:device:z-stick:node10:sensor_relhumidity",
      "id": "sensor_relhumidity",
      "channelTypeUID": "zwave:sensor_relhumidity",
      "itemType": "Number",
      "kind": "STATE",
      "label": "Sensor (relative humidity)",
      "description": "Indicates the current relative humidity",
      "defaultTags": [],
      "properties": {
      "configuration": {}
      "linkedItems": [
      "uid": "zwave:device:z-stick:node10:alarm_motion",
      "id": "alarm_motion",
      "channelTypeUID": "zwave:alarm_motion",
      "itemType": "Switch",
      "kind": "STATE",
      "label": "Motion Alarm",
      "description": "Indicates if a motion alarm is triggered",
      "defaultTags": [],
      "properties": {
        "binding:*:OnOffType": "COMMAND_CLASS_ALARM;type=BURGLAR, event=8"
      "configuration": {}
      "linkedItems": [],
      "uid": "zwave:device:z-stick:node10:alarm_tamper",
      "id": "alarm_tamper",
      "channelTypeUID": "zwave:alarm_tamper",
      "itemType": "Switch",
      "kind": "STATE",
      "label": "Tamper Alarm",
      "description": "Indicates if the tamper alarm is triggered",
      "defaultTags": [],
      "properties": {
        "binding:*:OnOffType": "COMMAND_CLASS_ALARM;type=BURGLAR, event=3"
      "configuration": {}
      "linkedItems": [
      "uid": "zwave:device:z-stick:node10:battery-level",
      "id": "battery-level",
      "channelTypeUID": "system:battery-level",
      "itemType": "Number",
      "kind": "STATE",
      "label": "Battery Level",
      "defaultTags": [],
      "properties": {
        "binding:*:PercentType": "COMMAND_CLASS_BATTERY"
      "configuration": {}
  "location": "Washroom"

Check especially for the "editable": true parameter, and if you have all the entries in the "configuration: {} section.

If there’s somethin odd here, that might cause the isses you have.

1 Like

There are no configuration options for the other two devices. However, when I run openhab> bundle:list|grep -I zwave I get this:

openhab> bundle:list|grep -i zwave
256 │ Active │  80 │ 2.5.0.M3              │ openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: ZWave Binding
257 │ Active │  80 │    │ openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: ZWave Binding

Is this the issue? When I go to HABmin/Bindings, I only see one wave binding:

If this is the problem, what is the best way to fix? Before reinstalling the system and devices I’d like to figure out the cause of this issue so I can then go ahead and expand the system.


$ curl -X GET --header "Accept: application/json" "http://localhost:8080/rest/things?recursive=false"

Here is one of the entries which seems to indicate it is editable::

      "label":"Office MS",
         "vendor":"AEON Labs",
            "label":"Sensor (motion)",
            "description":"Indicates if a sensor has triggered",



            "label":"Sensor (relative humidity)",
            "description":"Indicates the current relative humidity",



            "label":"Sensor (ultraviolet)",
            "description":"Indicates the current ultraviolet level",


            "label":"Sensor (temperature)",
            "description":"Indicates the current temperature",


            "label":"Sensor (luminance)",
            "description":"Indicates the current light reading",



            "label":"Alarm (general)",
            "description":"Indicates if an alarm is triggered",



            "label":"Battery Level",



bundle:uninstall 256 and bundle:uninstall 257, then drop a recent zwave snapshot binding into your addons folder

OK that was the issue. After the uninstall of 256 and 257, logging out, and restarting I now have the full list of configuration items. By the way, I did not remove or add anything to my ~/addons folder, which contain just these items:


Thanks all!