Hi all,
wondering if anyone can help me with get AEMO data into openhab.
mainly just after 5min forcasting. i can see they have done it for HA but i have no idea how to get the data. i cant get my head around what api to use on the AEMO website
Hi all,
wondering if anyone can help me with get AEMO data into openhab.
mainly just after 5min forcasting. i can see they have done it for HA but i have no idea how to get the data. i cant get my head around what api to use on the AEMO website
Hey Nick, can you point me to the HA code? I’ve been meaning to look at something like this - either that or extending the Amber binding to support the price forecasts.
i havent used it my self as i do not have HA installed anywhere.
GitHub - cabberley/amber2mqtt: Amber Electric pricing RestApi 2 MQTT might be an option…
Will public to mqtt which can be read into openhab