Airport Dusseldorf - waiting time for security check

Across Germany and other European countries waiting times at airports security check are increasing due to labor shortage.

I thought it’s time to add the airports waiting time into OpenHAB. Maybe others get inspired to do the same for their local airport, if they publish this information.


  1. HTTP Binding
  2. JSON Path Transformation

Here is my thing:

  authMode: BASIC
  ignoreSSLErrors: false
    - X-Requested-With=XMLHttpRequest
  delay: 0
  stateMethod: GET
  refresh: 600
  commandMethod: GET
  timeout: 3000
  bufferSize: 2048
  - id: WaitingTimeGateA
    channelTypeUID: http:number
    label: Waiting Time Gate A
    description: ""
      mode: READONLY
      stateTransformation: JSONPATH:$.data[?(@.gateTerminal=='A')].waitingTime
      unit: min
  - id: WaitingTimeGateB
    channelTypeUID: http:number
    label: Waiting Time Gate B
    description: null
      mode: READONLY
      stateTransformation: JSONPATH:$.data[?(@.gateTerminal=='B')].waitingTime
      unit: min
  - id: WaitingTimeGateC
    channelTypeUID: http:number
    label: Waiting Time Gate C
    description: null
      mode: READONLY
      stateTransformation: JSONPATH:$.data[?(@.gateTerminal=='C')].waitingTime
      unit: min

i get this error:
Bad Request
reponse of “
Does this still work?

Yes, it should still work. Please make sure to set the header correctly as per the example above.

I was wondering about the same and tried to do it via curl first. Is this correct according to the thing above?

curl -X GET "" -H "X-Requested-With=XMLHttpRequest"

Unfortunately the above command also returns a bad request :frowning:


you have to use colon ( : ) instead of equal ( = ) to define the http header if you use curl on command line:

curl -X GET "" -H "X-Requested-With:XMLHttpRequest"


{"data":[{"id":1,"name":"Sicherheitskontrolle A","waitingTime":1,"gateTerminal":"A","waitingTimeText":"1 Min"},{"id":2,"name":"Sicherheitskontrolle B","waitingTime":3,"gateTerminal":"B","waitingTimeText":"3 Min"},{"id":3,"name":"Sicherheitskontrolle C","waitingTime":3,"gateTerminal":"C","waitingTimeText":"3 Min"}],"serviceType":"Internal","hasError":false,"internalErrorMessage":"","errorCode":""}

Thanks, that did the job :slight_smile:

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Nice feature.
I created a thing as a textual configuration, as my SetUp is nearly all created with text-files.

Thing http:url:dussel "Düsseldorf" [
    baseURL="", headers="X-Requested-With=XMLHttpRequest", refresh=600] {
            Type number : WaitingTimeGateA "Waiting Time Gate A" [ stateTransformation="JSONPATH:$.data[?(@.gateTerminal=='A')].waitingTime", unit="min" ]
            Type number : WaitingTimeGateB "Waiting Time Gate B" [ stateTransformation="JSONPATH:$.data[?(@.gateTerminal=='B')].waitingTime", unit="min" ]
            Type number : WaitingTimeGateC "Waiting Time Gate C" [ stateTransformation="JSONPATH:$.data[?(@.gateTerminal=='C')].waitingTime", unit="min" ]


I tried to find the “url” of “Stuttgart-Airport” but wasn’t successful. Does anyone know how to get this information ?

Cheers - Peter

Wasn’t able to find an API for Stuttgart either but you can extract the waiting times from their webpage using e.g. curl commands for each terminal:

curl -s | grep "Terminal 1" -A 1  | tail -1 | sed  's!\([ ]*<td>\|</td>\)!!g'

which just returned:

5 Minuten

For terminal 2

curl -s | grep "Terminal 2" -A 1  | tail -1 | sed  's!\([ ]*<td>\|</td>\)!!g'

which returned:


Terminal 3:

curl -s | grep "Terminal 3" -A 1  | tail -1 | sed  's!\([ ]*<td>\|</td>\)!!g'

which returned:

10 Minuten
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Hi Wolfgang,
thx a lot for your help and for the linux commands. I have to think about, how to get the results into OH. Maybe a little bash-Script, which brings them to OH via MQTT. Or via “Exec-Bindings”. But the Curl-Command(including “sed”) is quite fine.

Thx a lot and regards - Peter

Hi Peter,

depends on how / what you would like to do.
In case you would like to have the full history of data e.g. monitoring the value every n-minutes then you could use a linux cronjob that feed values via MQTT otherwise I would check ExecuteCommandLine and only if first two options do not fit then I would go for the Exex binding.

In case you need some kind of support please let me know.

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Here is the thing for Suttgart:

UID: http:url:AirportStuttgartWaitingTime
label: Airport Stuttgart - waiting time
thingTypeUID: http:url
  authMode: BASIC
  ignoreSSLErrors: false
    - ""
  delay: 0
  stateMethod: GET
  refresh: 5
  commandMethod: GET
  contentType: text/html
  timeout: 3000
  bufferSize: 2048
  - id: last-failure
    channelTypeUID: http:request-date-time
    label: Last Failure
    configuration: {}
  - id: last-success
    channelTypeUID: http:request-date-time
    label: Last Success
    configuration: {}
  - id: WaitingTimeGates
    channelTypeUID: http:string
    label: Waiting Time Gates
    description: ""
    configuration: {}

and the REGEX expression for the item

.*<tr>\s*<td>Terminal 1<\/td>\s*<td>(.*?)</td>.*

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Hi Wolfgang thx a lot for your help.
I first tried the exec-binding and as you predicted it was very problematic as I have to fight with the “correct syntax” and found no solution.
Th next try was a bash-script to use as a schedule(cron job). But the problem in this case is to bring the value to mosquitto(publish).
In case of a value like “5 Minuten” or only “5” (when tried to use a second ‘sed-command’) I get an error messsage from mosquitto:

hab4@raspi58:~ $ /usr/local/mqtt_rpi/
'.ror: Unknown option '

Use 'mosquitto_pub --help' to see usage.

I set the second “sed-command” as I first thought that Mosquitto has a problem with the separted Characters “5 Minuten”. But it seems not to be the Problem…
When publishing “geschlossen”, everthing works fine.

The script looks like:


# mqtt_broker_ip=""

Terminal_1_Stgt=$(curl -s | grep "Terminal 1" -A 1  | tail -1 | sed  's!\([ ]*<td>\|</td>\)!!g' | sed 's/Minuten//')
Terminal_2_Stgt=$(curl -s | grep "Terminal 2" -A 1  | tail -1 | sed  's!\([ ]*<td>\|</td>\)!!g' | sed 's/Minuten//')
#Terminal_3_Stgt=$(curl -s | grep "Terminal 3" -A 1  | tail -1 | sed  's!\([ ]*<td>\|</td>\)!!g')
echo $Terminal_1_Stgt
echo $Terminal_2_Stgt
#echo $Terminal_3_Stgt

mosquitto_pub -h $mqtt_broker_ip -p $mqtt_broker_port -t $mqtt_topic/t1stgt -m $Terminal_1_Stgt # -d
mosquitto_pub -h $mqtt_broker_ip -p $mqtt_broker_port -t $mqtt_topic/t2stgt -m $Terminal_2_Stgt # -d
#mosquitto_pub -h $mqtt_broker_ip -p $mqtt_broker_port -t $mqtt_topic/t3stgt -m $Terminal_3_Stgt # -d

So if you have any idea what is wrong or what is right I would like to have your support to get a good solution.
Thx in advance and cheers - Peter

Hi Holger,
thx for your solution.
My textual result of the thing looks like(as said, I’m a file-driven User “old-school” :upside_down_face:):

Thing http:url:stutt "Stuttgart" [
    baseURL="", refresh=600] {
            Type string : WaitingTimeTerminal1 "Waiting Time Terminal 1"
            Type string : WaitingTimeTerminal2 "Waiting Time Terminal 2"
            Type string : WaitingTimeTerminal3 "Waiting Time Terminal 3"  

I linked the Items via UI as you described, but I have to learn how to use them in a textual configuration :thinking:, as this is my favorite setup, so be gracious with me for my ignorance of the “new ways to handle”

Thx and cheers - Peter

Haven’t ever done http binding in textual configuration before - but this was a nice exercise using the answer from @HolBaum5 as basis:

The thing definition with a refresh once a minute ( 60 seconds ):

Thing http:url:stuttgart "stuttgart" [
    refresh=60] {
            Type string : WaitingTimes "Waiting times"
and the item definitions:
String WaitingTimeTerminal1 "Es dauert: [%s]"       {channel="http:url:stuttgart:WaitingTimes" [profile="transform:REGEX", function=".*<tr>\\s*<td>Terminal 1<\\/td>\\s*<td>(.*?)</td>.*"] }
String WaitingTimeTerminal2 "Es dauert: [%s]"       {channel="http:url:stuttgart:WaitingTimes" [profile="transform:REGEX", function=".*<tr>\\s*<td>Terminal 2<\\/td>\\s*<td>(.*?)</td>.*"] }
String WaitingTimeTerminal3 "Es dauert: [%s]"       {channel="http:url:stuttgart:WaitingTimes" [profile="transform:REGEX", function=".*<tr>\\s*<td>Terminal 3<\\/td>\\s*<td>(.*?)</td>.*"] }
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That’s it. :+1: :hugs:
I have had a problem with the Regex-Declaration(Escaping the Back-Slash :confused:) in my .items-File or alternatively in the .things-file, although it’s better to use the “items-profile-Solution” as one has to declare only one Channel in the Thing.

Type string : WaitingTimesRegex    "Waiting Time Terminal 1"  [ stateTransformation="REGEX:.*<tr>\\s*<td>Terminal 1<\\/td>\\s*<td>(.*?)</td>.*" ]

BTW: Do you have any idea, why I get an error in publishing a variable with two character strings like “5 Minutes” in my bash-Script above ?

Cheers -Peter

Hi Peter,

as you already implicitly wrote :slight_smile: in your post: use double quotes surrounding your variables:

mosquitto_pub -h $mqtt_broker_ip -p $mqtt_broker_port -t $mqtt_topic/t1stgt -m "$Terminal_1_Stgt" 
mosquitto_pub -h $mqtt_broker_ip -p $mqtt_broker_port -t $mqtt_topic/t2stgt -m "$Terminal_2_Stgt" 
mosquitto_pub -h $mqtt_broker_ip -p $mqtt_broker_port -t $mqtt_topic/t3stgt -m "$Terminal_3_Stgt"

The space makes it ( 5 Minutes ) two words. The first one is taken to be the message to be published. The second one ( Minutes ) is interpreted to be a parameter/argument for the mosquitto_pub command. As it is not a known parameter you get an error message.
The surrounding double quotes make the two words to be seen as one argument for the message to be published.

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Hi Wolfgang,
I’m just testing, using constructions like

mosquitto_pub -h $mqtt_broker_ip -p $mqtt_broker_port -t $mqtt_topic/t1stgt -m """$Terminal_1_Stgt""" # -d
mosquitto_pub -h $mqtt_broker_ip -p $mqtt_broker_port -t $mqtt_topic/t2stgt -m  """$Terminal_2_Stgt""" # -d
mosquitto_pub -h $mqtt_broker_ip -p $mqtt_broker_port -t $mqtt_topic/t3stgt -m  """$Terminal_3_Stgt""" # -d

Thx a lot for your support and lessons learned but also thx to @HolBaum5 for his hint via “http-Binding”

Cheers - Peter