Ajax alarm system integration

Hi everyone,

Does anyone know if any of the Ajax alarm system devices can be integrated in the openhab ecosystem?

Or can anyone suggest a wireless home alarm system that can easily be integrated?


Was this that I was looking for?

I’m really interested on this,too!!!
I’d like to read sensors status and global alarm status.

I’d like, for example, to know the status of “Door protect plus” sensor (my windows are opened or tilted?), or if the alarm is on or off…
How can I communicate with the Hub? (Rest API or something else?)
Is “uartBridge” the right solution?

Thanks a lot.

It seems like HA has it working with the sia protocol.

Is it possible to use the Satel binding some way??



Is there any news about this system into openhab?


take a look here : Always send new line of a file to a mqtt broker - #8 by Flop

Did anyone successfully use the Satel Integra Alarm System binding with Ajax? Just got an Ajax alarm system installed, and as far as I know it uses SIA for communication with the private security company it is connected to.

I looked into it a bit further, and it does not seem that the openHAB SIA binding can be used.

The Ajax hub seems to act as SIA client that connects to a SIA host (like the server of a security company). The HomeAssistant integration does provide such a server that the Ajax hub can connect to. However the openHAB SIA binding seems to also act as a client only, i.e. it needs a SIA server to connect to, which Ajax does not provide.

I was in touch with Ajax support now.

First info was, Ajax supports only one SIA host. If the alarm system is already connected to a security company via SIA (as is ours), then there is no way to make a second connection to a local server such as Home Assistant. However, if the security company would support Ajax Translator, it could receive alarms via the Ajax Cloud, and thus the SIA host could point to a local server.

Second, while Ajax does support some home automation features, like controlling lights in case of an alarm, it does so only with hardware from Ajax, there is no way to integrate third party home automation like openHAB.

So I guess our Ajax will remain an island. The value of the integration is not that great, and not worth introducing the Ajax Cloud as an additional step in such safety and security critical communication.