Alert when Washing Machine Finished (JS Scripting) [;]

Update of Yannick SchausMaintainer template to JS Scripting and with the option to use broadcast or sending a command.


This rule template will create a rule that monitors the power consumption of a washing machine (for example, with a smart plug that can report consumption), and either send a boradcast notification or a command to an item when it gets below a threshold, meaning it has finished.


Parameter Type Description
Power Item Item Item that holds the power (in watts) of the washing machine. Can be a quantity type (Number:Power).
Threshold Decimal When the power measurement was at or above the threshold and crosses below it, trigger the alert.
Option List Select either to send a command or a broadcast message.
Alert Item Item Item to send a command to when the measured power gets below the threshold. For instance, a Hue light advanced Alert channel.
Alert Field Text Broadcast message to be sent or command to send to the alert item (for an item linked to a Hue light alert channel, LSELECT will flash the light for a few seconds).


Version 0.1

  • initial release


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Since this is unlikely to work with older versions of oh, it works be prudent to add versioning to the title if the post so it only shows up on versions that are supported. You can see examples on many of the other posts on the marketplace.


I don’t understand how to config it, can you send me your inline script as example?

Sorry for my english.

See Rules - Basic | openHAB for how to install and configure a rule based on a rule template.

Thank you,
sometimes it is enough to give the blind a stick