Alexa, control Heating


That’s a little bit tricky!

You need dummy-items and rules !!

If you also have Max!-binding, then you can do as follows: (it’s partially in german, sorry!)

In my example it have 3 modes: AUTO, MANUAL, BOOST

If I want to turn it OFF, I say “Alexa, set Kitchen Thermostat to 4.5 degrees”


Group  GF_KitchenThermostat  "Küche Thermostat"      (gGF) [ "Thermostat" ]
String GF_Kitchen_maxMode    "Mode:" 	<snow>	     (gMAX, GF_Kitchen, GF_KitchenThermostat) [ "homekit:HeatingCoolingMode" ] {channel="max:thermostat:LKF0025489:MEQ1442698:mode"}
Number GF_Kitchen_maxActual  "IST Temperatur  [%.1f °C]" <temperature>	(gMAX, GF_Kitchen, Temperature1, GF_KitchenThermostat) [ "CurrentTemperature" ]	{channel="max:thermostat:LKF0025489:MEQ1442698:actual_temp"}
Number GF_Kitchen_maxSetTemp "SOLL Temperatur  [%.1f °C]" <temperature>  (gMAX, GF_Kitchen, GF_KitchenThermostat) [ "TargetTemperature" ] {channel="max:thermostat:LKF0025489:MEQ1442698:set_temp"}
Switch GF_Kitchen_manual	 "Küche manuell" [ "Switchable" ]
Switch GF_Kitchen_boost		 "Küche Turbo"   [ "Switchable" ]


rule "Max Küche manual"
		Item GF_Kitchen_manual received command
	    switch (receivedCommand) 
			case ON:	{
			sendCommand(GF_Kitchen_maxMode, "MANUAL")					
			case OFF:	{
			sendCommand(GF_Kitchen_maxMode, "AUTOMATIC")

rule "Max Küche Boost"
		Item GF_Kitchen_boost received command
	    switch (receivedCommand) 
			case ON:	{
			sendCommand(GF_Kitchen_maxMode, "BOOST")					
			case OFF:	{
			sendCommand(GF_Kitchen_maxMode, "AUTOMATIC")

In Alexa-APP → Smart Home → Groups–> you need a group named e.g. “Heizung Küche” and put inside this group your “device” = “Küche Thermostat”.

Utterances: Do you need it in german or english?