[SOLVED] Complete list of ALL supported english/german voice commands of "Official Alexa Smart Home Skill for OH2"?

This should be an own documentation page: Tags

|Tag	            |	Child tag	       |	Items	            |	 Hue Emulation		|	OH Cloud Connector	|    HomeKit	|   Utterance	|
|Switchable 	    |	          	       | Switch, Dimmer, Color 	|	     	+	        |	        +	        |	   +    	|   A		    |
|Lighting	        |	        	       | Switch, Dimmer	        |	      	+	        |	        +	        |	   + 	    |   A,B  	    |
|Lighting		    |			           | Color		         	|	    	-	    	|		    +	    	|	   +      	|   A,B,C,D    	|
|ColorLighting  	|	       		       | Color	                |   	    +	    	|		    -		    |	   -     	|   A,B,C,D	    |
|CurrentTemperature	|	        	       | Number	            	|		    -		    |		    +		    |	   +    	|   E		    |
|CurrentHumidity	|		 	           | Number	            	|		    -	    	|		    -		    |	   +    	|   F		    |
|Thermostat		    |		    	       | Group	        		|	    	-	    	|	    	+		    |	   +    	|		        |
|			        |CurrentTemperature	   | Number		            |		    -	    	|	    	+	      	|	   +	    |   G    		|
|			        |TargetTemperature 	   | Number		            |		    -	    	|	    	+	      	|	   +	    |   H	    	|
|			        |homekit:HeatingCooling| String		            |		    -		    |	    	+		    |      +	    |   J		    |

(above table is running with Chrome browser, only!)

|Tag	                |	Child tag	|	Items	        |	 Hue Emulation		|	OH Cloud Connector	|    HomeKit	|   Utterance	|
|Switchable	        |	            	| Switch, Dimmer, Color	|	     	+	        |	        +	        |	+   	|   A		|
|Lighting	        |	        	| Switch, Dimmer	|	      	+	        |	        +	        |	+ 	|   A,B  	|
|Lighting		|			| Color			|		-		|		+		|	+	|   A,B,C,D	|
|ColorLighting	        |	       		| Color	                |   	      	+		|		-		|	-	|   A,B,C,D	|
|CurrentTemperature	|	        	| Number		|		-		|		+		|	+	|   E		|
|CurrentHumidity	|		 	| Number		|		-		|		-		|	+	|   F		|
|Thermostat		|			| Group			|		-		|		+		|	+	|		|
|			| CurrentTemperature	| Number		|		-		|		+		|	+	|   G		|
|			| TargetTemperature	| Number		|		-		|		+		|	+	|   H		|
|			| homekit:HeatingCooling| String		|		-		|		+		|	+	|   J		|

(above table is running with Edge, InternetExplorer, Firefox)

DiscoverAppliancesRequest [supported in OH2, ALL]
Utterances: “Alexa, discover my smart home devices”
german: “Alexa, finde meine smarten Geräte”

Alexa Response: N/A

Door Lock Control and Query Messages

Utterances: “Alexa, is lock name locked/unlocked?”

Alexa Reponse: “The front door is locked”

Utterances: “Alexa, lock the lock name

Alexa Response: “The front door is now locked”

On/Off Messages

TurnOnRequest [supported in OH2, A]
Utterances: “Alexa, turn on the device name
german: “Alexa, schalte Gerätename ein”

TurnOnConfirmation [supported in OH2, A]
Alexa Response: “OK”

TurnOffRequest [supported in OH2, A]
Utterances: “Alexa, turn off the device name
german: “Alexa, schalte Gerätename aus”

TurnOffConfirmation [supported in OH2, A]
Alexa Response: “OK”

Percentage Messages

IncrementPercentageRequest [supported in OH2, B]
Utterances: “Alexa, increase device name by number percent”
german: “Alexa, erhöhe Gerätename um Anzahl Prozent”

IncrementPercentageConfirmation [supported in OH2, B]
Alexa Response: “OK”

DecrementPercentageRequest [supported in OH2, B]
Utterances: “Alexa, decrease device name by number percent”
german: “Alexa, reduziere Gerätename um Anzahl Prozent”

DecrementPercentageConfirmation [supported in OH2, B]
Alexa Response: “OK”

Smart Home Camera Messages

Utterance: “Alexa, show me the camera name

Alexa response: “OK. Getting camera name

Temperature Control and Query Messages

GetTemperatureReadingRequest [supported in OH2, E, G]
Utterances: “Alexa, what is the temperature of device name ?”
german: “Alexa, wie ist die Temperatur von Gerätename ?”

GetTemperatureReadingResponse [supported in OH2, E, G]
Alexa Response: “According to device name , it’s 70 degrees”
german: Die Temperatur von Gerätename ist 21 Komma 4 Grad"

GetTargetTemperatureRequest [supported in OH2, H]
Utterances: “Alexa, what is the device name set to?"
german: “Wie ist Gerätename eingestellt?”

GetTargetTemperatureResponse [supported in OH2, H]
Alexa Response: “The heat is set to 72 degrees”
german: “Die Temperatur von Gerätename ist 21 Komma 4 Grad”

SetTargetTemperatureRequest [supported in OH2, H]
Utterances: “Alexa, set the room name to number degrees”
german: “Alexa, stelle Gerätename auf Anzahl Grad”

SetTargetTemperatureConfirmation [supported in OH2, H]
Alexa Response: The room name heat is set to number degrees
german: “ Gerätename ist im automatischen Modus. Die Solltemperatur ist Anzahl Grad.”

IncrementTargetTemperatureRequest [supported in OH2, H]
Utterances: “Alexa, increase the device name by number degrees”
german: “Alexa, erhöhe Gerätename um Anzahl Grad”

IncrementTargetTemperatureConfirmation [supported in OH2, H]
Alexa Response: “OK”
german: “ Gerätename ist im automatischen Modus. Die Solltemperatur ist Anzahl Grad.”

DecrementTargetTemperatureRequest [supported in OH2, H]
Utterances: “Alexa, decrease device name by number degrees”
german: “Alexa, reduziere Gerätename um Anzahl Grad”

DecrementTargetTemperatureConfirmation [supported in OH2, H]
Alexa Response: “OK”
german: “ Gerätename ist im automatischen Modus. Die Solltemperatur ist Anzahl Grad.”

Tunable Lighting Control Messages

SetColorRequest [supported in OH2, C]

Utterances: “Alexa, set the device name to color
“Alexa, set the bedroom light to red”
“Alexa, change the kitchen to the color blue”
german: “Alexa setze Wohnzimmerlicht auf rosa

SetColorConfirmation [supported in OH2, C]
Alexa Response: “OK”

SetColorTemperatureRequest [partly supported in OH2, D]
Utterances: “Alexa, change the device name to shade of white
“Alexa, make the living room warm white”
“Alexa, set the kitchen to daylight”
german: “Alexa, schalte Schlafzimmerlicht auf warmes Weiß

SetColorTemperatureConfirmation [partly supported in OH2, D]
Alexa Response: “OK”

Utterances: “Alexa, set the device name cooler/whiter
“Alexa, set the dining room cooler”
“Alexa, make the living room light whiter”

Alexa Response: “OK”

Utterances: “Alexa, set the device name warmer/softer
“Alexa, set the dining room softer”
“Alexa, make the living room warmer”

Alexa Response: “OK”

D= only color “white”, use it like a dimmer! See here!
F = not documented
J = not documented, but there is also a workaround! And see here!