Below is a simplified version of the rule using the relevant Alexa-linked activity item state as the device state, removing the need of parsing the voice command for all the different permutations especially for non-English users that had to translate the regular expression.
import org.eclipse.smarthome.model.script.ScriptServiceUtil
rule "Alexa Voice Command Room Awareness"
Member of gAlexaVoiceCommand received update
// Exit if voice command is "alexa"
if (triggeringItem.state == "alexa") return;
// Determine room location based on triggering item name
val location ="Echo").get(0)
// Determine device category and voice command based on triggering item state regex matching
val category = transform("REGEX", ".*\\b(fan)\\b.*", triggeringItem.state.toString)
// Exit if category is null
if (category === null) return;
// Determine device name based on category-location mapping
val deviceName = transform("MAP", "", category.toUpperCase + "-" + location)
// Determine device state based activity item category related state
val deviceState = ScriptServiceUtil.getItemRegistry.getItem("AlexaActivity" + category.capitalize).state.toString
// Send command to device if name and state defined, otherwise generate text to speech error message
if (deviceState == "ON" || deviceState == "OFF")
if (deviceName != "")
sendCommand(deviceName, deviceState)
sendCommand("LastVoiceCommand", "TextToSpeech"),
"There is no " + category + " to control in this room")