Hello all,
I made a mistake in a rule with the effect that a rollershutter from Homematic was running in a infinity loop. I restarted the CCU2 and also restarted the the Openhabian System (meanwhile multiple times) - If I use the UI from Homematic over the browser I am able to control the Items. In the Items list of Openhab I see that all Items instead the CCU2 got the information
. The log says also:
Attempting to send a state update of an item which doesn't exist: HeizkorperBuro
if any rule or action try to reach a item from homeotic.
I also see in the details of any Item that is effected by Error:Config the following message
Device with address ‘PEQ1xx0yyy’ not found on gateway ‘OEQ0xx6yy3’
The OEQ… is the right UID of the Basestation and this is visible in the Things list as online