All persistance stopped saving data suddently

I have the same problem since upgrading to openHAB 4.1.0.
I have no Files in /var/lib/openhab/persistence/mapdb/ except the Readme.txt

Suddently no persistance data will be displayed. File system is fine, at least not full and Mermory seems also not to be a problem.

A Reboot of my Linux machine solves the problem, but that can’t be the solution. Does anyone have any ideas? Or will this problem be solved with the next update of OpenHAB?

One day later, same situation. I restarted the OpenHAB Service and this solved the problem

I´m currently having the same issue.
I haven´t changed anything in openHAB for quite a while now.
My main oH instance ins running on a RPi 4 while my InfluxDB is running in a second oH instance on my ESXi.
So the oH instance with InfluxDB is not on the RPi 4…

I checked both systems and there´s enough space.
Restarting the remote oH instance doesn´t help.
Restarting the RPi helps and oH will continue to store data again.

And not only continue but also oH writes the data that was missing before the restart.
It seems like the RPi oH instance runs into problems, still saves the data internally and can send it to the InfluxDB after a restart.

I´m using MapDB for restoreOnStartup.
I now removed the mapdb files, the restoreOnStartup option from MapDB persistence and added it to rrd4j persistence.
Maybe this will solve the issue for me.