Is there any way to open a (or the default) MainUI page from Tasker?
I can’t figure out how to do this. I’m using a shortcut on my homescreen that works fine. But i cant use that in a command send by my voice assistant or a physical button implemented in my OH.
I want to open a specific OH page in my dashboard-Tablet and Smartphone when i press a button or ask a specific question.
Can Tasker send an Android Intent? If so it could send an Intent to MainActivity with action org.openhab.habdroid.action.OH3_UI_SELECTED. This should launch the app and open the openHAB 3 UI.
Has the option to select a default sitemap been removed? I see the option to select if all sitemaps should be shown in the side menu, but I cannot find where to set the default sitemap.
I already love your implementation of the start page type, so i can use it to always open the MainUI instead of an empty sitemap! Thanks for that!
Do you plan to add the functionality to add a specific start page in the server settings so everyone in one household could have a specific entry point?
Tasker functionality would be nice for opening specific MainUI/Habpanel/Sitemap Pages directly.
this way we could automate opening of a specific page:
e.g. opening an door-spycam-page at ringing of the doorbell; opening a specific statistics/answer-page on asking the voice assistant (rhasspy) something and so on…
I thought about putting in on the server settings, because if you got more servers you could switch to a specific page when switching servers (if you got more).
I don’t need that functionality since i use just one server, but had 2 different servers when switching from OH2.5 → OH3.
But how can you create a shortcut to a specific site without knowing the pages?
Could that not be the same method for an action in tasker?
When creating a shortcut for HABPanel or Main UI the app just creates a shortcut for the current URL. The app doesn’t really know if it’s a subpage and if so which one.
You could select the oh3 UI as default. If it’s not present, the app falls back to the sitemaps.
With the “Launch app” action is Tasker you have to set “Action” to the appropriate action, e.g. org.openhab.habdroid.action.OH3_UI_SELECTED. Than you can set an extra to key subpage and value /#!/about/.
This should open the about page of the main UI .
hey there, i really appreciate the tasker integration into habdroid. but it seems that profile triggers do not work on my side.
is there already a known issue on this topic or do i have to mind something particular in my setup to make it work? i tested both app versions.
when i activate a profile trigger my system does not behave as expected. so maybe this issue is not app related. but maybe you can give a hint where to start debugging.